Akshata Krishnamurthy Becomes First Indian to Operate Mars Rover

Akshata Krishnamurthy Becomes First Indian to Operate Mars Rover

In a ground-breaking accomplishment, Akshata Krishnamurthy, an Indian PhD candidate at the esteemed Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), made history by being the first Indian to control a Mars rover in cooperation with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) in the US.

"No dream is ever too big or crazy," Akshata said, inspiring others as she shared her incredible achievement on Instagram. "Believe in yourself, keep those blinkers on and keep working! I promise you’ll get there if you work hard.”

Having worked for NASA for more than five years, Akshata is currently a principal investigator and the mission science phase lead. Her path to reach this milestone is indeed amazing; she overcame obstacles and disproved many who questioned the possibility of achieving her objectives.

Akshata's journey started 13 years ago when she immigrated to the US with the burning desire to support NASA's scientific projects, especially those related to Earth and Mars exploration.

But because she was a foreign national on a visa, she encountered discouragement from people who thought her aspirations were unattainable. Despite the sceptics, she remained steadfast, filtering out negativity and persevered till she reached her goal.

In addition to sharing glimpses of her path and celebrating her personal victory on Instagram, Akshata hopes to encourage others to follow their aspirations with unwavering determination.

Her accomplishment highlights not only her own success but also breaks down barriers and redefines possibilities for aspiring scientists globally, especially those from India.

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