AMCA's Initial Prototypes Might Take 18-20 Months Extra Time Due To Advanced Testing and Certification Delays

AMCA's Initial Prototypes Might Take 18-20 Months Extra Time Due To Advanced Testing and Certification Delays

India's ambitious Advanced Medium Combat Aircraft (AMCA) program, while receiving a major boost with recent approvals, is likely to face an 18-20 month delay in its prototype development phase. This delay is attributed to the stringent testing and military certification processes required for the aircraft's cutting-edge technologies.

The AMCA, envisioned as India's first indigenous 5th-generation fighter jet, incorporates a multitude of advanced systems, including avionics, radar, and fly-by-wire controls, that surpass those of its predecessors. These sophisticated technologies necessitate a meticulous and time-consuming testing regimen to ensure the aircraft's safety, reliability, and performance.

The Aeronautical Development Agency (ADA), responsible for the AMCA's development, remains optimistic about a rollout within the next four years. However, the additional time required for testing and certification underscores the complexities involved in creating a state-of-the-art fighter jet.

Despite the potential delay, the AMCA program continues to be a significant milestone in India's journey towards self-reliance in aerospace technology. The successful development and induction of the AMCA would not only equip the Indian Air Force with a formidable asset but also establish India as a major player in the global aerospace industry.
No wonder at all, and then ADA, DRDO, HAL, etc feeds us unrelenting stories of exports of Tejas IA and about yet to be designed fighter stories.
Surely AMCA will take a long time the way things are going on.
Sad indeed.
Of course it will take longer. No surprise. I'll be surprised if AMCA flies before 2028-29. Even that is a tad optimistic.
AMCA is a futuristic plane develop for 2065... ADA DRDO HAL all are engage in developing teconolgy of 2100 century... We Indians are not understanding their strategy and expecting them to deliver thing in 2025...
Of course pioneering in the region..well, compare to Pakistan and Sri Lanka, right?
Well, these government entities are truly blessed, No accountability , No responsibility , Complete deniability and huge oversight gaps, They literally have a free ride, They just have to show some development once in a decade and still continue to get unlimited funds. I wouldn't be surprised if these group of grifters also gets bonusses every year just like the hard working underpaid government employees get, Bear in mind that the salary scale is hugely higher than the public servant not to mention the perks, Well , some wins lottery's , some gets a job in DRDO.ADA etc,
This is a trick HAL has mastered , by bandying words like cutting edge and futuristic tech they always can make an excuse for delays until the world moves on to atleast 2 to 3 generations ahead.
It's a shame that all these white elephants will not only earn money as salary and perks but will continue to get pensions for having chai-samosa while making plans and selling dreams.
We have Pvt organisations around the globe who are firing even the very loyal people who work hard so that they could get more profit while our govt pays these entitled sloths their whole life for doing nothing.
Peopel here are experting AMCA timely roll out when tejas MK2 itself is delayed and whose FF wudnt happen before 2028..Tejas Mk2 is a stepping stone for AMCA which wud have many sub system and technology involved and matured from tejas MK2 platform..The realistic timeline for AMCA FF wud be 2031-32 and serial production by 2037-38
This is a trick HAL has mastered , by bandying words like cutting edge and futuristic tech they always can make an excuse for delays until the world moves on to atleast 2 to 3 generations ahead.
It's a shame that all these white elephants will not only earn money as salary and perks but will continue to get pensions for having chai-samosa while making plans and selling dreams.
We have Pvt organisations around the globe who are firing even the very loyal people who work hard so that they could get more profit while our govt pays these entitled sloths their whole life for doing nothing.
AMCA MK1 which will be a 4.5++ gen. fighter jet FOC only in 2060+ years...
In a way this will pave the way for a few squadrons of F-35s, yes it will come by 2030 even with the usual S-400 concerns, just a matter of time...AMCA Mk-1s will only start in numbers by 2035 unfortunately...
A little disappointed that even this government could not improve the pace of defence programs. I really don't understand what could be soo wrong with it that can't be solved.
It is a good news for Pakistan . Before we role out amca Pakistan bought j31 , Turkey 5th gen fighter and Chinese 6th gen fighter
Engine TOT issue with GE is also not finalized. TOT is more important than the security of the country. One thing we can sure is if any war breaks out in the future Pakistan will beat India. Several defence projects are very much delayed only because of TOT.
Manufacturing a jet is only one part of the process. They then need to run a lot of tests before they can even fly the jet to make sure it's as safe as it can be. Running a lot of the tests takes a very long time which is what takes up a major part of developing a brand new jet. Also once the military fly on it they will do a number of tweaks and fine tuning before they certify it finally and then the main production part begins. If the private sector can manufacture the jets then it will be done much quicker so we should find partners who can mass produce the advanced technology and weapons.
Very simple. Babus are trying to corner MOD and force govt. to buy foreign maal that includes several millions. To get those cuts these babus can strangulate the whole nation.
This is a trick HAL has mastered , by bandying words like cutting edge and futuristic tech they always can make an excuse for delays until the world moves on to atleast 2 to 3 generations ahead.
It's a shame that all these white elephants will not only earn money as salary and perks but will continue to get pensions for having chai-samosa while making plans and selling dreams.
We have Pvt organisations around the globe who are firing even the very loyal people who work hard so that they could get more profit while our govt pays these entitled sloths their whole life for doing nothing.
Well, they even have paid cheerleaders at defence websites who write for them using the same words you mentioned - Groundbreaking, futuristic, world leaders, cutting edge and what not !!
Again I wanna say when world will be using 7th gen advanced fighter crafts then we Will be inducting 5th gen completely...... disgusting completely..... viswaguru .....see China ..... gov should be fully focused on R&D at war situation to develop all these .... we should learn from China something good things

Actually we started very late .... our eyes always opens when we stucked in any problem ...then Indians anything seriously same as HJ Bhabha proposed his plans more soon but govt taken it seriously in 1972 ... gussa aa rha h mereko
AMCA will not fly till HAL gets privatized.
Then Congressis will say that gov. Sold out HAL .... here our own people don't want to see ourselves developing.... just for Political Stunts in thier supremacy.... they thinks arey thus Political party is developing this nation very can we Insert our in this program 🤔.... otherwise will nt be able to get win in elections next ⏲️ time ..... we have to stop this kind of thinking we need support from ourselves..... think people says we shouldn't take Thakkar with Pak otherwise they have atom bomb... shame... mindset is here totally wrong ...disgusting
Before starting the project how can they say that it will be delayed. They can bring out a technological demonstration version to test other flight parameters

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