Analyst: J-20 Severely Limited in Himalayan Region, May Lose Up To 70% Power in Tibet

Analyst: J-20 Severely Limited in Himalayan Region, May Lose Up To 70% Power in Tibet

Recent test flights of China's J-20 fighter jet over the Tibetan Plateau have highlighted potential shortcomings in its high-altitude performance, according to Indian defense analyst Abhijit Iyer-Mitra.

The Chengdu Institute of Aviation Industry conducted these flights in 2021, likely from the Daocheng Yading Airport, situated at an elevation of over 4,000 meters. While demonstrating China's interest in high-altitude operations, the tests also point to significant limitations for the J-20 in these environments.

The thin air at such altitudes drastically reduces engine thrust, leading to a potential loss of 60-70% of the J-20's capabilities, Iyer-Mitra estimates. This particularly affects the aircraft's maximum takeoff weight (MTOW) and its ability to carry a full payload.

The rugged terrain of the Tibetan Plateau may also pose problems. Daocheng Yading Airport's runway length might be insufficient for the J-20's size and weight (estimated MTOW of 37-40 tons). Its single-wheel front landing gear could experience faster wear and tear, leading to more frequent maintenance requirements.

Furthermore, operating with its full estimated weapons load of 11,000 kg at these altitudes would likely prove impractical. The combined impact of limited engine power and the aircraft's weight could restrict the J-20's combat effectiveness in the region.

These factors cast doubt on the J-20's viability in a potential India-China conflict, particularly within the Himalayan border region. However, it's possible that China's primary goal with these tests was to signal technological prowess and collect data on high-altitude fighter behavior for future advancements in aircraft design.
India has a clear advantage if we were defending against any Chinese attack. In high and cold altitude warfare our lighter fighters like Mig 29, Jaguar, Mirage and Mig 21 and backed up by our SAM like BMD, S400, MR-SAM, Akash, Spyder, Samar MK1&MK2, L70 have a clear advantage over any Chinese attack and we could also use our Sukhoi 30 and Rafale if we wanted to but may need to reduce the weight and weapons on them and maybe take off from a runway much further back to give it time to gain altitude.

Any Chinese jet including stealth jets always overstate its capabilities but in reality under perform as its technology is always faulty, unreliable, poor composition, low detection radar range, weapons just as bad as well and there’s just so much wrong with their jets.
Not seems to be logical, n stealth mode all 5 Gen planes carry load in internal bay only which is not much, expect in beast mode so what's the problem?
Another bias all talks from our fellow ultranationalist 😹😹😹
We can't underestimate China's j20 when in reality we don't even have any working prototype of so called 5gen aircraft 🙃
Well it's not bad to daydreaming of defeating your enemy but sometimes getting hook on this kind of habit is bad from mental health 😜....

Our fellow experts wannabe doesn't even have real data of those faqqing ws15 engine or it's future version the ws20, so how can you believe on this propaganda that might hinder us in the future
IMHO why wasting time to go up of Tibetan plateau when you can find another route that don't make your aircraft loose engine efficiency if your air force have a spy satellite and long range radar plus AWACS to find target that you only need to ambush in blind spot of mountain edge with your AAM missile LMAO..... This should also be a good tactics for India just deploy spy cube sat, air to ground radars, Surface to Air defense batteries if China would try to fly on low terrain edge of Tibetan plateau to peek on us.... Then we can surprise then with radar target lock on to them....

Just an opinion while our government is still not sure if they pursue of upgrading the su30mki into super sukhois
Abhijit Iyer Mitra doesn't know when he goes to bed, if he will wake up as a male or a female the next day, but he knows that J-20 engines lose 60-70 % of its capability at altitudes found around Tibetan plateaus.

Abhijit is a gem. He never fails to entertain.
I remember Abhijit Iyer Mitra saying Russia will not invade ukraine and putin's game is over when wagner declared coup
I never said Su35 are obsolete. PESA radars are obsolete. All modern jets have AESA radars.

And J16 will get trashed by rafales. There is no comparison. J20 is much more capable fighter and would be tough fight for rafale.
Idk what are u getting here.....
Maybe u r saying Su35's radar is obsolete since it's PESA
So let's get into facts:
PESA isn't jam proof which will cause it to get jammed and glitch . The only solution remains is to shut down the radar and then turn it on.

Hybrid PESA radars and Pulse Doppler radar are quite hard to jam while AESA is next to impossible

In any case, I don't think Rafales will be able to effectively jam a considerable amount of Chinese Flankers ......a dedicated growler might make them pee but not Rafales.

J16 thrashed by Rafales.....oh I hear this plenty of times by people but when I ask them how.....they can't let's ask u...pls explain some points where J16 Growler will get overpowered by Rafales.
Abhijit Iyer Mitra doesn't know when he goes to bed, if he will wake up as a male or a female the next day, but he knows that J-20 engines lose 60-70 % of its capability at altitudes found around Tibetan plateaus.

Abhijit is a gem. He never fails to entertain.
Dumb guys providing false security.
Any Big purchase related to defence is out of picture now , Russia is in war , They can't win against Ukraine and the war will stretch for couple of years...

New advance systems are getting integrated with UKraine defence forces by this year end they will get F-16s , Advance air defence systems etc.... The whole NATO & EU is helping Ukraine to procure weapons..

This Ukraine war & India-china standoff has given a lesson that in any war you have to be self-reliant

S-400 is delayed by 2 years at least , Ak rifles production is delayed by 1 year , spares availability is a issue not only with Russian vendors but also EU vendors , IAF highlighted it yesterday too...

Focus should be on indigenous projects
Ukraine should have atleast one men in military by that time, they are getting killed in 100’s every single day, the world will have no time to think about Ukraine as they will be busy with Israel war spreading to the entire Midd.e East and Chinese war against Taiwan.
Idk what are u getting here.....
Maybe u r saying Su35's radar is obsolete since it's PESA
So let's get into facts:
PESA isn't jam proof which will cause it to get jammed and glitch . The only solution remains is to shut down the radar and then turn it on.

Hybrid PESA radars and Pulse Doppler radar are quite hard to jam while AESA is next to impossible

In any case, I don't think Rafales will be able to effectively jam a considerable amount of Chinese Flankers ......a dedicated growler might make them pee but not Rafales.

J16 thrashed by Rafales.....oh I hear this plenty of times by people but when I ask them how.....they can't let's ask u...pls explain some points where J16 Growler will get overpowered by Rafales.
Rafale has much sleaker design as compared to J16, which is a chonker Su35. Rafale has much better radar, and meteor missiles which are best in class misile in world especially at longer ranges, whic is extremely relevant because J16 will get detected at longer range due to its much bigger RCS profile.
Indians and their analysts tend to always use data (in their heads anyway) from way back. As for Iyer Mistra, let the world judge his often nonsensical approach to tackling issues he has no clue about. The j20 in 2021 was not using the Ws10C in any material numbers yet. That's a stronger engine than the Russian AL31. Most have changed to Ws10C during the next 2 years. And since 2023, more and more j20s are being fitted with the new ws15 which at 180+ kn thrust each is even stronger than the F119 on the f22.
Rafale has much sleaker design as compared to J16, which is a chonker Su35. Rafale has much better radar, and meteor missiles which are best in class misile in world especially at longer ranges, whic is extremely relevant because J16 will get detected at longer range due to its much bigger RCS profile.
J16 has PL15, PL17 missiles......not just that - I especially mentioned J16 growler ( in service with PLAAF) ......both meteor and Rafales radar would be heavily punished by these especially if there is a formation of growlers.
I don't know about you all but i gave seen youtube video of J20 fitted with their new WS15 engine that is reported more powerful than F22 jet engine. The J20 taje off at a short distance and flew like a rocket up.. I haven't seen F22 flew like that. I don't see J20 wipl have problem with 4,000 feet high plateu... China definitely will consider Tibet mountainous region as even their Helicopter are design with Tibet in mind..
I don't know about you all but i gave seen youtube video of J20 fitted with their new WS15 engine that is reported more powerful than F22 jet engine. The J20 taje off at a short distance and flew like a rocket up.. I haven't seen F22 flew like that. I don't see J20 wipl have problem with 4,000 feet high plateu... China definitely will consider Tibet mountainous region as even their Helicopter are design with Tibet in mind..
Yeah, I heard about it. The rumour is that it took off like a rocket directly to space & the aircraft is doing an orbit around the earth these days. 🤣😂
36 Rafales will limit their advantage.........low quality weed results such thoughts and ideas....they operate a squadron of Su35 only which are significantly equal to Rafales.....I m not even talking about J16- the best flanker currently in Service.
China has zero war experience, we have already shown our attitude in Nathula 1965 war. Also it's not only about gadgets, pilot skills are also need to be considered, otherwise mig would not had hit down F16.
China has zero war experience, we have already shown our attitude in Nathula 1965 war. Also it's not only about gadgets, pilot skills are also need to be considered, otherwise mig would not had hit down F16.
There is this report of USAF countering J20s......the US pilots were very impressed by PLAAF pilots skills.... there is this saying that China employs ex USAF staff to teach their pilots........

Some old but wise words:

Underestimating ur enemy is your first defeat.
J16 has PL15, PL17 missiles......not just that - I especially mentioned J16 growler ( in service with PLAAF) ......both meteor and Rafales radar would be heavily punished by these especially if there is a formation of growlers.
PL15 and PL17 are have higher range just because they are larger and carry greater fuel. Meteor has ramjet technology, which is a different class. Ramjet allows great speed throughout flight, and much greater probability of kill at longer ranges. Combined with better radar on rafale, it is best A2A platform in the world by long margin. Dont just look at range of missiles in kms and judge them.

Also, regarding so called growlers, they are just specialised jets which carry EW pods. I dont see why you are so fascinated with them. Rafale carries advanced AESA radar which cant be jammed. And these EW jets are usually used for SEAD missions, not for A2A combat. Apples and oranges here.
PL15 and PL17 are have higher range just because they are larger and carry greater fuel. Meteor has ramjet technology, which is a different class. Ramjet allows great speed throughout flight, and much greater probability of kill at longer ranges. Combined with better radar on rafale, it is best A2A platform in the world by long margin. Dont just look at range of missiles in kms and judge them.

Also, regarding so called growlers, they are just specialised jets which carry EW pods. I dont see why you are so fascinated with them. Rafale carries advanced AESA radar which cant be jammed. And these EW jets are usually used for SEAD missions, not for A2A combat. Apples and oranges here.
SEAD doesn't consist A2A combat.....well that's new to me .
Not just that, What do u think is SEAD bro!?
If SEAD is successful then any aerospace is done AF.
Also coming to your statements:
They are just pods.....
They aren't just pods sir they are specialised pods to deceive an enemy air defense, and has proven their worth.
An A2A missile can be easily countered by growler but ur average aircraft like Rafale would have to go through all those break and recommit $h!t .

A growler is times more efficient in terms of self defence when compared to ur average fighter, they can easily cook a missile directed to them especially in a formation of growlers.
I am not gonna say anything, deny anything, I am just gonna ask, WHERE IS THE AMCA? We were supposed have the first flight this year, I mean we can criticize the J20 all we want, but we do not have any counter, despite the drop in Engine Performance.
SEAD doesn't consist A2A combat.....well that's new to me .
Not just that, What do u think is SEAD bro!?
If SEAD is successful then any aerospace is done AF.
Also coming to your statements:
They are just pods.....
They aren't just pods sir they are specialised pods to deceive an enemy air defense, and has proven their worth.
An A2A missile can be easily countered by growler but ur average aircraft like Rafale would have to go through all those break and recommit $h!t .

A growler is times more efficient in terms of self defence when compared to ur average fighter, they can easily cook a missile directed to them especially in a formation of growlers.
SEAD involves air to surface warfare. Taking out enemy SAMs, radars, air bases and air strips. SEAD aircraft carry anti radiatioin missiles and bombs and other A2G stuff. they are accompanied by Air superiority fighters, which protect them from enemy aircraft and are for A2A role. You can read about it if you want.

The chinese have copied the term growler from the americans. The original growler is an electronic warfare version of F-18 hornet, called EA-18 growler. And this aircraft replaced the Prowler EW aircraft. EW aircraft are also mainly used for SEAD missions. They are not soecialised for A2A missions. That is domain for Air superiority jets, like F22, J20 etc.
SEAD involves air to surface warfare. Taking out enemy SAMs, radars, air bases and air strips. SEAD aircraft carry anti radiatioin missiles and bombs and other A2G stuff. they are accompanied by Air superiority fighters, which protect them from enemy aircraft and are for A2A role. You can read about it if you want.

The chinese have copied the term growler from the americans. The original growler is an electronic warfare version of F-18 hornet, called EA-18 growler. And this aircraft replaced the Prowler EW aircraft. EW aircraft are also mainly used for SEAD missions. They are not soecialised for A2A missions. That is domain for Air superiority jets, like F22, J20 etc.
SEAD fighters necessarily equip themselves with A2A missiles though mainly for Self defence..... photos are available of J 16 carrying PL17 and pods .......
Just as I said if SEAD is done then half of ur air superiority is achieved .......
J16 can easily nullify our Air defense, 36 Rafales aren't a bother for them , afterall J20 got their backs......
All we have to somewhat stand infront of them is 3 S400 batteries and 36 Rafales.....we are just going to get our @$$ rammed.

Electronic warfare is the present which will just get more powerful in future......

DEWs are the need and we got to get our Sukhois modified into a EW growler.

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