Armenia Buys French CAESARs, Further Bolstering Arsenal with Indian ATAGS

Armenia Buys French CAESARs, Further Bolstering Arsenal with Indian ATAGS

In a significant move to enhance its military capabilities, Armenia has signed a contract with France to acquire the renowned CAESAR self-propelled guns, which have proven their effectiveness in the Ukraine conflict. This acquisition, along with recent purchases of Indian artillery systems, marks a strategic shift in Armenia's defence strategy amid regional tensions and a desire to diversify its arms suppliers.

French Defence Minister Sebastien Lecornu confirmed the CAESAR deal on social media, hailing it as a "new important milestone" in the defence relations between the two countries. While the exact number of systems to be acquired remains undisclosed, this move underscores France's continued support for Armenia, a nation with a substantial Armenian diaspora within its borders.

The CAESAR system, mounted on a truck chassis and capable of rapid "shoot and scoot" tactics, has gained a reputation for its agility and accuracy, making it a valuable asset in modern warfare. Armenia's procurement of these self-propelled guns, along with India's advanced towed artillery guns (ATAGS) and MArG 155/39 mounted guns, signals a concerted effort to fortify its defenses against potential threats from neighboring Azerbaijan.

Shifting Alliances and Strategic Diversification​

This strategic shift comes in the wake of Armenia's strained relationship with Russia, its traditional security partner. A failed arms deal with Russia, coupled with the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, has prompted Armenia to explore alternative sources for its military needs.

The French CAESAR deal, along with substantial purchases of Indian artillery systems, including the ATAGS, MArG 155/39, Pinaka multiple rocket launchers, and Akash surface-to-air missiles, highlight Armenia's commitment to modernizing its armed forces and reducing its reliance on a single supplier. These acquisitions are expected to replace obsolete Soviet-era equipment and enhance the country's defence capabilities in the region's challenging high-altitude terrain.

Increased Defence Spending and Future Outlook​

Armenia's defence spending has nearly doubled in the past year, reflecting the urgency with which the nation is addressing its security concerns. The contracts with India alone are estimated to be worth around $1 billion, demonstrating the scale of Armenia's investment in its military.

As Armenia continues to diversify its arms imports and strengthen its military ties with both Western and Asian partners, the country's defence posture is likely to undergo further transformation.

The acquisition of modern artillery systems, such as the CAESAR and ATAGS, is expected to significantly enhance Armenia's ability to respond to potential threats and maintain stability in the region.

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