India Mulls 500km-Range Pralay Missile Sale to Armenia in Response to Azerbaijan's LORA


India is reportedly evaluating Armenia's request to procure the Pralay tactical ballistic missile amidst escalating tensions with Azerbaijan in the Nagorno-Karabakh region.

This move follows Armenia's approach in June seeking the Pralay to counter Azerbaijan's acquisition of the Israeli LORA long-range missile system, allegedly deployed against Armenia during the 2020 conflict.

As a member of the Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR), India faces restrictions on exporting missiles with ranges exceeding 300 km and payloads over 500 kg. The DRDO might need to modify the Pralay for Armenia, potentially reducing its range to meet MTCR guidelines.

While India has seemingly agreed in principle to supply the Pralay, the deal awaits finalization. However, assurances from New Delhi suggest a possible swift conclusion. This development coincides with substantial Pralay orders from the Indian Air Force and Army, reflecting its strategic value.

The DRDO-developed Pralay is a canisterized, battlefield-ready short-range ballistic missile with a range of 150-500 km. Capable of carrying various warheads, including high-explosive and penetration types, it can target enemy infrastructure like radar, communication hubs, and airfields.

In addition to the Pralay, DRDO has developed other missile systems that could be of interest to Armenia, such as the Prahaar tactical ballistic missile with a range of 200 kilometers. The diversity of India's missile arsenal offers a range of options for Armenia to consider.

The potential Pralay sale underscores India's growing role in the global arms market and highlights the complex geopolitical dynamics in the South Caucasus region.

Disclaimer: This news article is based on unconfirmed media reports and available open-source information. The actual details of any potential deal between Armenia and India remain to be seen.
I believe range can be easily reduced by installing less propellant just like what Russia used to do for Indian Brahmos before MTCR entry.Also,there was briefly an export variant of Pralay called Prahar,which was mainly intended for overseas customers and was also involved in a controversy where it was shipped onboard a Chinese vessel for display purposes in a foreign arms show.Correct me if I am wrong.
Who cares of rules nowadays except mahan Bharat. Just give them what they want without making a big deal about it. Officially one can also say the range is below 300 and they added another booster to increase it. Come on.
armenia versus azeri conflict is also conflict between Indo-French versus Turko-Israeli-Pak weapons. It is very interesting...
Even the most advanced longer range Pralay variant is only 250kms so it only needs to focus on warheads..
I believe range can be easily reduced by installing less propellant just like what Russia used to do for Indian Brahmos before MTCR entry.Also,there was briefly an export variant of Pralay called Prahar,which was mainly intended for overseas customers and was also involved in a controversy where it was shipped onboard a Chinese vessel for display purposes in a foreign arms show.Correct me if I am wrong.
The missile you are referring to is the Pranash, which was an extended version of the original Prahar missile. The Prahar had a range of around 150km, and so an extended range variant was developed in form of the 200km Pranash, which would be offered for export as well.
The missile you are referring to is the Pranash, which was an extended version of the original Prahar missile. The Prahar had a range of around 150km, and so an extended range variant was developed in form of the 200km Pranash, which would be offered for export as well.
Although they seem to be gone with the wind today, as happens with too many defence products.
Prahar missile has a range of 150 km don't know what is the use of such missile now so just increase its range to 290 and export them to whomever needs .
Who cares of rules nowadays except mahan Bharat. Just give them what they want without making a big deal about it. Officially one can also say the range is below 300 and they added another booster to increase it. Come on.
Those rules are made up by people who committed terrible crimes against humanity.
Prahar missile has a range of 150 km don't know what is the use of such missile now so just increase its range to 290 and export them to whomever needs .
not everything has to be at max range. Max width of Armenia is 190km. For tiny countries like that it makes sense to have different options of ranges. What good would it be to use a 290km range missile on an invading army stationed at 150Km from you ? You can, but its not efficient use of resources.
India can definitely modify the existing new missiles that we have developed and manufactured 100% indigenously and with Indian content only and we can certainly cap its range to 300km. If we restrict the range then it can increase the speed when it hits the target which can be a bonus.

Armenia should just join the MTCR and they can then buy whatever missile and range they want to which will give it supremacy over Azerbaijan and their cheap Chinese/turkey rubbish. Armenia isn’t going to develop and sell any missiles that they might develop either as they would want to protect the IPR.
Even the most advanced longer range Pralay variant is only 250kms so it only needs to focus on warheads..
Are you sure?
not everything has to be at max range. Max width of Armenia is 190km. For tiny countries like that it makes sense to have different options of ranges. What good would it be to use a 290km range missile on an invading army stationed at 150Km from you ? You can, but its not efficient use of resources.
A 150 or 190 km range missile might be ok but that will not be the case for rest of the countries for example if philipines wants that will they agree for a 150 or 190 km but will only settle for a 290km missile and since we dont have any at that range unless we make modifications to existing pralay or prahar missile so why dont we make (develop based on the existing)one for export purpose and cap it at 290 km. We can't measure the distance and make missile for each specific case. And i dont think the width of Azerbaijan is 190km unless armenia intend to use it on themselves.
Prahar missile has a range of 150 km don't know what is the use of such missile now so just increase its range to 290 and export them to whomever needs .
Economic times differ from your info.
India must supply whatever Armenia needs or else Azerbaijan and its big evil boss, the wannabe Caliphate Erdogan will slowly and surely will destroy it and commit more genocides.

India must not let Armenian civilization end by Islamic Jehadi countries.
This deal if it goes through has the potential for opening new markets for India.
Vietnam , Philippines can place orders.
India must supply whatever Armenia needs or else Azerbaijan and its big evil boss, the wannabe Caliphate Erdogan will slowly and surely will destroy it and commit more genocides.

India must not let Armenian civilization end by Islamic Jehadi countries.
Add Isreal too. It is supporting Azerbaijan.
Why is Israel supporting Azerbaijan?

Also why is Azerbaijan buying Israeli LORA, naughy hora ke BKL
Excellent news. Indian weapons are becoming the favorite of many countries. It will generate income as well as employment.

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