Armenia Shifts Towards Indo-Israeli Barak 8 Missile System for Enhanced Air Defence

Armenia Shifts Towards Indo-Israeli Barak 8 Missile System for Enhanced Air Defence

Yerevan, Armenia – In a move signaling a strategic shift away from sole reliance on Russian arms, Armenia is actively seeking to bolster its air defence capabilities with the Barak 8 surface-to-air missile system, a joint development by India and Israel.

The Barak 8, also known as LR-SAM or MR-SAM, is a sophisticated air defence solution designed to counter a wide array of airborne threats, including aircraft, helicopters, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), and various missile types. The system incorporates advanced technologies, such as active radar seekers and two-way data links, to ensure precision and effectiveness against even highly maneuverable targets.

The Barak 8 missile measures approximately 4.5 meters in length, weighs around 275 kilograms, and has an operational range of 70-100 kilometers, depending on the specific variant. It is part of an integrated system comprising the missile itself, vertical launch systems (VLS), EL/M-2248 MF-STAR radar, and a comprehensive command and control system.

Armenia's existing air defence arsenal includes the S-300, Tor-M2KM, and 9K33 Osa systems, providing varying levels of protection against aerial threats. However, the country is seeking to modernize its capabilities with more advanced systems like the Barak 8.

While Armenia has expressed interest in the Akash-NG, an upgraded version of the Indian Akash missile system, its production is not yet underway. This delay has led Armenia to prioritize the MR-SAM variant of the Barak 8, which is readily available and boasts a proven track record.

This strategic move aligns with Armenia's broader policy of diversifying its arms suppliers and enhancing its defence posture amidst a changing geopolitical landscape. The acquisition of the Barak 8 missile system is expected to significantly bolster Armenia's air defense capabilities and provide a robust deterrent against potential threats.

The Barak 8 system has been successfully deployed by both India and Israel, demonstrating its efficacy in real-world scenarios. It has garnered interest from several other countries as well, further highlighting its reputation as a cutting-edge air defence solution.

This development underscores Armenia's commitment to strengthening its national security and ensuring its ability to defend its airspace against a wide range of aerial threats. The Barak 8 missile system represents a significant step forward in this direction, solidifying Armenia's position as a regional player with a modernized and capable military.
If Israel (and Azerbaidjan... smiley) agrees, no problem. But the presence of pro-French sentiments and the Massive Spy Agency KGB in Armenia it seems problematic. Regards...

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