Army Girlfriend Shares What is it like to have a boyfriend in the Indian Army

Being in army is matter of pride and respect and loving and marrying a soldier is a matter of courage and patience. We always try to bring true real life experiences for you and this time it is Ankita Dhyani who has shared how it feels to be the girlfriend of an Indian army soldier serving the motherland.

“If an army officer loves you, walk like a queen”. Read this somewhere and I agree!
It is awesome. I am a fauji’s girlfriend and I do not feel I have an invisible boyfriend. He is away a lot but I wouldn’t trade this for the world. What it feels like to have a boyfriend in the armed forces? Well, here are my two cents:

1. Pride: I am extremely proud of him. When my friends boast of their partners earning fat pay cheques in MNC’s(not that there’s anything wrong with that), mine chose to pick up a gun and guard the borders. He had always dreamt of joining the forces and had his share of failures. This did not deter him.That kind of single minded resolve and determination is what I see as a rare flaw these days.

2. Respect: I truly respect anyone who chooses to join the force for his/her nation. I believe in him and I support him. And if you cannot respect the person you love, what’s the point,right?

3. Long Distance Relationship: Long distance and for long periods. A lot of my friends say they wouldn’t/couldn’t date anyone who is away from them this much. That’s alright, it’s their choice. Frankly, I’ll choose long distance letter writing any day, over bickering with a perpetually jealous(suffocating?) boyfriend(I feel for girls who suffer with such idiots 😛)

4. Calls & Letters: Calls are on weekly basis. Surprised? Haha..yes. I wait by the phone on Sundays, as if he will magically emerge like a genie out of it. Letters. Oh yes we do that. and believe me, it is the most romantic way to express your feelings. In fact, we get to know more about each other through letters, as he isn’t really a ‘say it all’ types but give him a paper and pen and man! He turns into Blake(or Shakespeare, whoever you prefer) and makes me swoon with his words.

5. Uniform: Oh c’mon! Who are we kidding? Girls love guys in uniform. There is an aura around a man in uniform and I’m honored to walk beside him.

6. Not to forget he will always be a Gentleman that he is trained to be and does not act like a jerk or embarrass you in public. He may not be high on fashion, but he will always be dressed impeccably, has excellent table manners and speaks confidently(Yes, I’m that shallow to be sold on these factors 😀).

Of course there are long periods of absence and I miss him terribly, but I knew what I was getting into. As of now, I haven’t seen him in 3 months and eagerly waiting for his leave in 15 days. There are a lot other of other things that I wanted to write and cannot recall now, in the excitement of typing this answer!

So, if you’re dating someone in the armed forces, hold your head high. Be ready for a lot of challenges; things won’t always be rosy and there will be tough times, like in all relationships. But if he chose you, you’re already a strong woman to walk by his side.


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