Brazil Seeks India's Expertise and Tech in Developing Nuclear-Powered Submarines


Brazil, a nation rich in uranium and possessing advanced nuclear technology, is actively seeking India's expertise and technical assistance in the development of nuclear-powered submarines.

This strategic collaboration was highlighted during the recent visit of Admiral Marcos Sampaio Olsen, the Commander of the Brazilian Navy, to New Delhi.

Admiral Olsen, in discussions with senior Indian Navy officials, emphasized Brazil's keen interest in working with India in the nuclear submarine sector, particularly in areas of technical know-how and training.

He stated, "We have sufficient uranium deposits, we have the enrichment technology, and we are at the very advanced stage of the development of small nuclear reactors. So, we are keen to work with India in the area."

While Brazil has made significant strides in nuclear technology, it currently lacks the expertise in building nuclear-powered submarines, an area where India has demonstrated considerable prowess.

India currently operates two 6,000-ton displacement SSBNs (nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarines) of the Arihant class and has two more S4 Class SSBNs under development.

Brazil's interest in collaborating with India is further underscored by the recent commencement of construction on its first nuclear-powered attack submarine, the Álvaro Alberto, planned for launch in 2029.

The Álvaro Alberto, based on an enlarged Scorpène-class design, will be propelled by a 48 MW Pressurized water reactor. India's experience in nuclear submarine design and construction could prove invaluable in accelerating Brazil's progress in this domain.

Beyond nuclear submarines, Admiral Olsen expressed Brazil's desire to expand naval cooperation with India across various fronts. He highlighted potential collaborations in maritime intelligence gathering and sharing, cyber security, anti-piracy efforts, search and rescue operations, transnational crime prevention, illegal fishing control, and humanitarian assistance and disaster relief.

The visit by Admiral Olsen comes at a crucial time for the Brazilian Navy, as it works towards bolstering its submarine fleet with both nuclear and conventional vessels, including the French Scorpene. His visit to the Mazagon Docks in Mumbai, where India has built six Scorpenes in recent years, further underscores the potential for future collaboration in submarine maintenance and overhaul.

The burgeoning naval partnership between Brazil and India represents a significant step in strengthening bilateral ties and promoting technological advancements in the region. As Admiral Olsen eloquently stated, "The sea will connect us."
India must explore very carefully as nuclear secrets of SSBNs and SSNs are its Crown Jewels, but anything agreed must be in a win-win situation and not like Israel taking 100% funding for Barak-8 and 8ER, and MR-SAM and then not transferring any TOTs and above all making India to buy all of fronts section involving seeker and sensors, and guidance computers and laws, etc from them.

Former DRDO Directors wrote ridiculous contracts during their tenures.
Present DRDO Directors are mitigating the damages and developing our own missiles, seelers, INS, etc.

Not just one INS Arihant, but INS Arighat is already out for final sea trials.
So India has two Nuclear SSBNs in operations.
our nuclear submarine tech is not cutting edge, it is few decades older than the latest subs of America, russia or china. So, it is ok if we share expertise with Brazil.
our nuclear submarine tech is not cutting edge, it is few decades older than the latest subs of America, russia or china. So, it is ok if we share expertise with Brazil.
Lol no. It's still a very complex technology that just can't be shared just like that. US didn't even transfer their old SSN or SSBN knowledge to their own allies until AUKUS.
Lol no. It's still a very complex technology that just can't be shared just like that. US didn't even transfer their old SSN or SSBN knowledge to their own allies until AUKUS.
Also they only allowed that because Australia is still under British control and rule. If it wasn’t for that then the USA and UK would never sell nuclear submarines to Australia along with it’s missiles.
For an attack submarine their 48MW reactor is far too low and slow. Based on its size of 6000t it doesn’t have enough speed to travel long distances or even close distances.

India has developed a 6000t submarine with a 83MW reactor just to be used as a SSBN with intermediate range nuclear missiles and torpedoes.

So our submarine is more advanced than there’s and we could help them by giving broad and general advice on developing more powerful reactors or other technology with the submarines design and capabilities. But India should not reveal any details about our indigenous nuclear plant and fuel or other crucial information that can compromise our deterrent.
our nuclear submarine tech is not cutting edge, it is few decades older than the latest subs of America, russia or china. So, it is ok if we share expertise with Brazil.
Like how it is to Bharat wrt US, Russian nuke subs, the same goes for Brazil with Bharat better than them. They do not even have 83 or 700 mw reactor which Bharat has already mastered. Do not think less of Bharat's tech since many nations look up at Bharat's tech. Bharat started decades late in defence tech due to commission in defence deals, but I foresee a future where Bharat's tech will be better than that of the US that is if the present regime continues to rule Bharat.
Good opportunity for indian industries. Sell sub to brazil. But dont sell all reactor critical tech to them.
Reactor technology is strictly off limits. Any cooperation would be on the propulsion system (beyond the reactor, that is).
Lol no. It's still a very complex technology that just can't be shared just like that. US didn't even transfer their old SSN or SSBN knowledge to their own allies until AUKUS.
Well they have been known to assist UK in this field. Nuclear submarine propulsion tech was shared, along with nuclear fuel and other stuff. And that was some 6 decades back.
Well they have been known to assist UK in this field. Nuclear submarine propulsion tech was shared, along with nuclear fuel and other stuff. And that was some 6 decades back.
UK assisted US initially with nuclear weapons research. Both countries share a special relationship which can't be compared. It's certainly nothing like the relationship between India and Brazil where we can just give whatever nuclear submarine tech we have to Brazil.
our nuclear submarine tech is not cutting edge, it is few decades older than the latest subs of America, russia or china. So, it is ok if we share expertise with Brazil.
What is old about Indian submarines? You think India doesn't know to learn from Akula, Scorpene etc & adapt its technology?
Well they have been known to assist UK in this field. Nuclear submarine propulsion tech was shared, along with nuclear fuel and other stuff. And that was some 6 decades back.
USA is a country ruled by people of UK origin. So, their relations is based on ethnicity which is not mere legal citizenship or UN charter. Naturally, USA has indeed shared key technology with UK. Even France & Israel have received USA support due to historical relations of France-UK alliance & Jews--UK alliance during last 2 centuries
India must explore very carefully as nuclear secrets of SSBNs and SSNs are its Crown Jewels, but anything agreed must be in a win-win situation and not like Israel taking 100% funding for Barak-8 and 8ER, and MR-SAM and then not transferring any TOTs and above all making India to buy all of fronts section involving seeker and sensors, and guidance computers and laws, etc from them.

Former DRDO Directors wrote ridiculous contracts during their tenures.
Present DRDO Directors are mitigating the damages and developing our own missiles, seelers, INS, etc.

Not just one INS Arihant, but INS Arighat is already out for final sea trials.
So India has two Nuclear SSBNs in operations.
Sharing Nuclear Tech is complete 👌💯No Absolutely Not done. India has spent billions of dollars and our scientists have done all the hard work not to share. Despite India being close Russian ally during Cold war it never gave us Nuclear Submarine technology. So there's No question of India sharing it.
UK assisted US initially with nuclear weapons research. Both countries share a special relationship which can't be compared. It's certainly nothing like the relationship between India and Brazil where we can just give whatever nuclear submarine tech we have to Brazil.
You talked about allies. Britain is an ally of US. They gave them the tech. You said they don't give it to even allies. So unless you wanna argue that US didn't give any tech regarding nuclear submarines to UK, is there really any point of discussing this further.

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