Brazil Seeks India's Expertise and Tech in Developing Nuclear-Powered Submarines


Brazil, a nation rich in uranium and possessing advanced nuclear technology, is actively seeking India's expertise and technical assistance in the development of nuclear-powered submarines.

This strategic collaboration was highlighted during the recent visit of Admiral Marcos Sampaio Olsen, the Commander of the Brazilian Navy, to New Delhi.

Admiral Olsen, in discussions with senior Indian Navy officials, emphasized Brazil's keen interest in working with India in the nuclear submarine sector, particularly in areas of technical know-how and training.

He stated, "We have sufficient uranium deposits, we have the enrichment technology, and we are at the very advanced stage of the development of small nuclear reactors. So, we are keen to work with India in the area."

While Brazil has made significant strides in nuclear technology, it currently lacks the expertise in building nuclear-powered submarines, an area where India has demonstrated considerable prowess.

India currently operates two 6,000-ton displacement SSBNs (nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarines) of the Arihant class and has two more S4 Class SSBNs under development.

Brazil's interest in collaborating with India is further underscored by the recent commencement of construction on its first nuclear-powered attack submarine, the Álvaro Alberto, planned for launch in 2029.

The Álvaro Alberto, based on an enlarged Scorpène-class design, will be propelled by a 48 MW Pressurized water reactor. India's experience in nuclear submarine design and construction could prove invaluable in accelerating Brazil's progress in this domain.

Beyond nuclear submarines, Admiral Olsen expressed Brazil's desire to expand naval cooperation with India across various fronts. He highlighted potential collaborations in maritime intelligence gathering and sharing, cyber security, anti-piracy efforts, search and rescue operations, transnational crime prevention, illegal fishing control, and humanitarian assistance and disaster relief.

The visit by Admiral Olsen comes at a crucial time for the Brazilian Navy, as it works towards bolstering its submarine fleet with both nuclear and conventional vessels, including the French Scorpene. His visit to the Mazagon Docks in Mumbai, where India has built six Scorpenes in recent years, further underscores the potential for future collaboration in submarine maintenance and overhaul.

The burgeoning naval partnership between Brazil and India represents a significant step in strengthening bilateral ties and promoting technological advancements in the region. As Admiral Olsen eloquently stated, "The sea will connect us."
USA is a country ruled by people of UK origin. So, their relations is based on ethnicity which is not mere legal citizenship or UN charter. Naturally, USA has indeed shared key technology with UK. Even France & Israel have received USA support due to historical relations of France-UK alliance & Jews--UK alliance during last 2 centuries
You guys have to know it's US, UK and others known as allies invested together for single project - Manhattan project.
Brazil is not seeking nuclear tech but is seeking construction tech for the submarines. According to the article, that is.
According to me, the right price for sharing the nuclear submarines technology will be around 500 billion dollars.
What factors were you based on to arrive at this value?
According to the publication, this collaboration does not necessarily involve the sharing of nuclear submarine technology, as this is a very sensitive area and practically all countries that have access to it impose restrictions.
Brazil itself is an example, as it demonstrates resistance to detailed inspections of its atomic installations by the UN due to its project being an indigenous development from the point of view of safeguards and inspections.
Good opportunity for indian industries. Sell sub to brazil. But dont sell all reactor critical tech to them.
Brazil is not interested in purchasing Indian submarines, but rather in cooperation that can help them in the development (completion or improvement) of their own submarine. Brazil's previous government had already given indications that it could propose a similar agreement with the Russians due to North American resistance.
If this is mutually beneficial and not just one sided & wrongly defined contract as done in past then go for it assuming it helps to get some technology & reduce our timeline & cost. We have to give something if Brazil is sharing something which helps us to save years of work.
Good, but is not the 48MW reactor by Brazil underpowered for a 6000 ton SSN, given power considerations? Even the French boats/SSNs of 4800 tons have a 150MW reactor!

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