Capable of destroying Indian supplied weapons to Armenia: Azerbaijani authorities

Capable of destroying Indian supplied weapons to Armenia : Azerbaijani authorities

According to a military source speaking to APA, the Azerbaijani authorities possess detailed knowledge regarding the technical specifications of the weaponry provided to Armenia by India.

The source emphasized that the military hardware supplied to Armenia by Delhi has not undergone testing within India itself. “It appears that India regards Armenia as a testing ground for its military equipment.

However, the impact of these weapons on the balance of power is negligible. Azerbaijan holds the capability to neutralize this weaponry swiftly, potentially tarnishing India’s military industry reputation,” stated the military source.
Words don't do anything, meanwhile the Armenians should employ retired Indian defence personnel to guide them to effectively deploy the equipment. I'm sure the Azeris are jittery that's why these kind of statements.
Turkey supplied Azerbaijan with various drones including Bayraktar which it used to defeat Armenia very quickly and recapture the Nagorno-Karabakh area.

Armenia should be prepared to defend itself with various anti-drone systems and then use Indian Weapons Locating Radars to locate Azerbaijan assets to destroy them with Indian supplied Guided Pinakas and Howitzers.
Armenia if plans and executes very well then it can inflict heavy damages on Azerbaijan for sure.

Perhaps India should assist indirectly as much as possible.
I don't understand Indian love affair with Armenia.
And exactly what high cutting edge tech weapoans made with alien metal have we supplied to Armenia?
This is the kind of delusion one can expect from a country supported by Pakistan and China. India and Armenia are going to keep secret the military weapons sold, capabilities and specifications to protect Armenian national security.
Something interesting.
Indian Govt has to invetsigate on the truthness of this statement.
What Armenia needs is good anti drone systems which it doesn't have at least today. Without that any weapons provided by any country will be vulnerable including India supplied. They need to plug these gaps.And India doesn't have good reliable anti drone systems that can take care of even small Armenia is a real problem.
Why r u not going with Azerbaijanies?
Why should I? It is not my job or keyboard warrior's. It is the job of GoI. Left it to GoI. Otherwise, don't act or talk as if one is fighting against Azeris. It is waste to be big mouth but no action!
Armenia should learn low cost drone manufacturing from Iran. Too bad that Armenia has less ally then Azeris. There is Israel and Turkey that backs them while India isn't even backing Armenia fully.
We should arm Armenia to destroy this Turkish slvt islamist Azerbaijan. We should arrnage a way to supply whatever Armenia needs to defeat and prevail against Azerbaijan.
Battlefield is the Testing Ground to detect & rectify shortcomings & improve it to become a better version of itself however Azerbaijan govt is bit too over confdent about it's borrowed capabilities which will lead to defeat in war.

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