China Downplays Threat of BrahMos Missiles, Warns of US-Incited Arms Race

China Downplays Threat of BrahMos Missiles, Warns of US-Incited Arms Race

A Chinese military expert has downplayed the threat posed by BrahMos missiles recently acquired by the Philippines, arguing their capabilities would be overwhelmed in a conflict with China.

Beijing is also warning against a broader arms race in the Asia-Pacific region, which it sees as instigated by the United States.

BrahMos Missiles and Regional Tensions​

The BrahMos missile, a supersonic cruise missile jointly developed by India and Russia, has triggered heightened tensions in the disputed South China Sea.

The Philippines' acquisition of these missiles is seen as an effort to bolster its coastal defenses, potentially threatening Chinese holdings in the region.

Wang Yunfei's Analysis​

Wang Yunfei, a naval expert cited by the state-affiliated Global Times, argues that BrahMos missiles pose a limited strategic threat to China.

He emphasizes China's superior arsenal of air-to-surface missiles, anti-ship missiles, and cruise missiles, which he believes could overwhelm the BrahMos systems. Wang suggests these missiles are primarily used against weaker targets.

Arms Race Concerns​

The Global Times report frames the Philippines' missile acquisition, along with Japan's plans to purchase US Tomahawk missiles, as part of a broader US-led arms race in the Asia-Pacific. Chinese analysts argue that Washington is inciting its allies, fueling regional tensions by promoting a "China threat" narrative.

Beijing's Counterpoint​

China emphasizes its desire to maintain peace and stability in the region. It argues that defensive measures by Japan and the Philippines in response to alleged Chinese aggression will only lead to a dangerous security dilemma. Beijing insists it has no motive to attack either country, but warns of "counterstrikes" if its interests are threatened.

Independent Assessments Needed​

As always, it's important to note that the Global Times is a mouthpiece for the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its views often reflect China's strategic interests.

While the BrahMos missiles do possess significant capabilities, independent assessments are needed to accurately gauge their effectiveness against China's military might.
Global Times is right in this assessment. Few batteries like 3-6 will not be enough to overwhelm superior force like PLAN. Chinese low quality missiles if fired in large quantities can overwhelm it easily unless there is formidable air defence system. Iran-Israel missile duel gives prime example.

Solution will be:
  • Phillipines acquire Missile boats with Brahmos
  • More batteries of Brahmos.
  • First strike with Brahmos against Chinese warships. (Through Unlikely).
This would give China nightmare for some time. However, Philippines is too poor and their GDP lacks punch....
A recent report by Stockholm Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) has cast doubt on the reliability of Chinese weaponry in real-world conflicts.
With Budget constraints 🇵🇭 doesn't have much choices to pick from.
Either they can invest in offensive or defensive system.
With coastal batteries and report mentioning Navy's interested too they are going on defence.
And the don't have to worry about it Chinese aggression Bcoz of USA backing. They'll handle the situation if it escalates.

But 🇵🇭 do needs a good layer of ADS.
Why make so much fuss when Russia and China have HYPERSONIC CRUISE missile. Brahmos is just a SUPERSONIC CRUISE missile. India yet to develop HYPERSONIC CRUISE missile
With Budget constraints 🇵🇭 doesn't have much choices to pick from.
Either they can invest in offensive or defensive system.
With coastal batteries and report mentioning Navy's interested too they are going on defence.
And the don't have to worry about it Chinese aggression Bcoz of USA backing. They'll handle the situation if it escalates.

But 🇵🇭 do needs a good layer of ADS.
The USA will have less and less interest in spending taxpayers' money on treaty obligations that have little to do with the basic security of the USA. That coupled with relatively weak national budget to engage China in something in which they enjoy overwhelming superiority, should lead all parties to more sustainable solutions and less Sabre rattling.
The thing is, if the bramos had been launched, it also means US missiles will also be fired due to the two countries' treaty will take effect.
Why make so much fuss when Russia and China have HYPERSONIC CRUISE missile. Brahmos is just a SUPERSONIC CRUISE missile. India yet to develop HYPERSONIC CRUISE missile
Can hypersonic missiles be used against ships ? They lack precision. It has plasma cloud problem, which means its cut off from all comms ie cant check GPS coords midflight. Brahmos has 1m CEP. Not clear what's China/Russia's CEP or if it can hit moving targets. Supersonic is at the sweetspot where it is almost impossible to intercept and has high precision. Thats what makes the Brahmos deadly.
Dont we have Rudram 2 ?
Why make so much fuss when Russia and China have HYPERSONIC CRUISE missile. Brahmos is just a SUPERSONIC CRUISE missile. India yet to develop HYPERSONIC CRUISE missile
As per ur logic, Russian & China have ditched their subsonic missiles??
Sure PLA has numerical superiority. China doesnt have ANY tech to counter Brahmos. Philippines has to do just one thing - sink one of their carriers with Brahmos. The embarrassment will topple Xi's govt and throw them into civil war.

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