China May Placed Dummy Models of J-11 Jets in Xinjiang Airbase to Showcase Fake High-Altitude Capabilities: Satellite Imagery Reveals


Recent satellite imagery has exposed a curious situation at the Hotan Airbase in Xinjiang, China. J-11 fighter jets stationed there appear to have remained stationary for at least three years, raising questions about their authenticity and China's military intentions.

The images, shared by independent cybersecurity researcher Shiv Cybersurg, show the jets have not moved since 2021 and 2022, leading to speculation that they might be dummies strategically placed to project a false image of China's capability to operate advanced fighter jets from high-altitude bases.

While some experts suggest the jets are mere decoys, others argue that even dummy aircraft take up valuable space that could otherwise be used for operational aircraft.

Hotan's proximity to Eastern Ladakh, a flashpoint in the ongoing India-China border dispute, makes the presence of these jets particularly concerning. The revelation comes at a time of heightened tensions between the two nations, further adding to the intrigue.

While the Chinese military's plans for these J-11s remain unclear, the satellite imagery has certainly sparked debate and speculation. It serves as a reminder of the ongoing challenges in deciphering China's military capabilities and intentions, and underscores the importance of continued vigilance in the region.

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