China's Massive J-20 Fleet: A Growing Threat to India's Security


China's Chengdu J-20, a fifth-generation, twin-engine fighter jet, is being produced at an accelerated pace, with estimates reaching 120 units per year.

This rapid expansion of the J-20 fleet, potentially exceeding 1,000 aircraft, has raised significant security concerns among international analysts, particularly in neighboring India.

The J-20, the world's largest fighter jet in its class, boasts a substantial range due to its size.

Experts speculate that its internal fuel capacity of 11,000 kg allows for missions deep into Indian territory without external fuel tanks. This, coupled with a speculated combat range of 2,000 km, poses a potential threat to Indian defense.

Additionally, the J-20's large internal fuel capacity suggests the potential for carrying air-launched cruise missiles. This capability, if confirmed, could enable strikes on targets deep within India, including major cities like Delhi and Kolkata.

The J-20's emphasis on stealth technology, advanced sensors, information fusion capabilities, and network connectivity further enhance its potential threat to air defense systems.

However, some aspects of the J-20 remain unclear. The true capabilities of its Chinese-made WS-15 engine are yet to be fully revealed, and the effectiveness of its stealth technology in real-world scenarios needs further testing.

India is closely monitoring the J-20's development and is expected to take appropriate measures to address any potential security threats. This could involve enhancing its air defense systems, forging strategic partnerships, or acquiring new generation fighter jets.
we cant even complete process of MRFA for buying 114 Fighter jets for last two decades.
Bharat must speed up production of Tejas to 24 per year , acquire 36-54 additional Rafales and fast track development of Tejas Mark-2 and AMCA. GE F-414 is already a done deal. Collaboration for 120-130 kn new engine for AMCA must be finalized to get first engine by 2030 .
Remember that when J-20s descend from Himalayan mountains, our S-400, MRSAM, LRSAM, and of course Akash-ING will be waiting eagerly and salivating at chance to bag them and a Republic Day Medal to go with too.

Lest you forget,, Indian made Astra Mk 1 with 110+ kms intercept range and Mk 2 with 160+ kms intercept ranges will be waiting too.
India Mig-29s and SU-30MKIs has some Russian origin longrange BVRAAMs too.
Above all 36 Indian Rafales will be carrying 250+ kms intercept range Meteor BVRAAM missile which is the outer boundary which PLAAF will be loath to violate.

So no worries Mates.
Its okay.

Our HAL has already started planning to gearing-up/planning/looking-at/eyeing for the first AMCA prototype's 3D render-reveal, immediately after the first batch of Tejas Mk1A are delivered to IAF, by say, around 2035 A.D.
Remember that when J-20s descend from Himalayan mountains, our S-400, MRSAM, LRSAM, and of course Akash-ING will be waiting eagerly and salivating at chance to bag them and a Republic Day Medal to go with too.

Lest you forget,, Indian made Astra Mk 1 with 110+ kms intercept range and Mk 2 with 160+ kms intercept ranges will be waiting too.
India Mig-29s and SU-30MKIs has some Russian origin longrange BVRAAMs too.
Above all 36 Indian Rafales will be carrying 250+ kms intercept range Meteor BVRAAM missile which is the outer boundary which PLAAF will be loath to violate.

So no worries Mates.
In case of a first decisive strike by the PLAAF, it will be a main problem for us, either by J-20s or ground-based missiles. India is unlikely to launch a first strike against J-20s descending from Himalayas as you mentioned.

Also, Chinese 5th gen stealth aircraft may be inferior to American ones, but they are still ahead of Indian capabilities, and China continues to progress further ahead of India.

The main problem for the PLAAF is the Himalayan mountains. The high altitude means jets will carry less weight in weapons and fuel, reducing their range. However, China is building airbases near the LAC.

So, whoever makes the first decisive move, will surely gain the upper hand.
In case of a first decisive strike by the PLAAF, it will be a main problem for us, either by J-20s or ground-based missiles. India is unlikely to launch a first strike against J-20s descending from Himalayas as you mentioned.

Also, Chinese 5th gen stealth aircraft may be inferior to American ones, but they are still ahead of Indian capabilities, and China continues to progress further ahead of India.

The main problem for the PLAAF is the Himalayan mountains. The high altitude means jets will carry less weight in weapons and fuel, reducing their range. However, China is building airbases near the LAC.

So, whoever makes the first decisive move, will surely gain the upper hand.
India and its PM will never start a war with a first strike against criminal china and you should know about it by now after 10 years of present government.

Indian posture is defensive-offensive one.
In case of a first decisive strike by the PLAAF, it will be a main problem for us, either by J-20s or ground-based missiles. India is unlikely to launch a first strike against J-20s descending from Himalayas as you mentioned.

Also, Chinese 5th gen stealth aircraft may be inferior to American ones, but they are still ahead of Indian capabilities, and China continues to progress further ahead of India.

The main problem for the PLAAF is the Himalayan mountains. The high altitude means jets will carry less weight in weapons and fuel, reducing their range. However, China is building airbases near the LAC.

So, whoever makes the first decisive move, will surely gain the upper hand.
Do we have any proof that J20s can take off near LAC ? Not one single video has been released. Last time one wumao claimed that they wont fly J20s in the Himalayas for the fear of losing signature. But dont they fly it all the time into Taiwan's airspace ?
the PR in PRC stands for - you guessed it, just PR. J20 is all hype. In the himalayas there is zero proof that they can take off. How can it be stealthy when you fly inside Indian territory ? Their combat radius, stealthiness, payload capacity is all suspect. The fact is China cannot conduct an operation inside India. They are dependent on their sea lanes for oil,food,trade. They wont be able to sustain more than a month of blockade. All these noise is for the average Zhang to be impressed with CCP. Their ponzi economy has collapsed. They are just keeping up appearances and looking for a distraction war to prevent another civil war.
India and its PM will never start a war with a first strike against criminal china and you should know about it by now after 10 years of present government.

Indian posture is defensive-offensive one.
Let's break down the scenario:

1. J-20s in Full Stealth Mode: If J-20s are able to execute a surprise attack in full stealth mode, they could indeed cause significant damage to Indian ground-based weapon systems before they are effectively countered.

2. Concerted PLA Missile Strikes: Similarly, concerted missile strikes from the PLA could also target and neutralize Indian ground-based assets, especially if they are coordinated and launched with precision.

3. Availability of Indian Assets: In such a scenario, the availability of Indian assets to target incoming J-20s would depend on several factors:
- #Survival of Assets: If Indian assets are not among the ones eliminated in the initial strike, they would still be available for use.
- #Redundancy and Resilience: The effectiveness of Indian defense systems in withstanding attacks and maintaining redundancy and resilience would play a crucial role. If backup systems are in place and survivability is high, some assets may still be operational.
- #Response Time: The time it takes for Indian forces to detect the threat, assess the situation, and deploy countermeasures also influences asset availability.
- #Strategic Positioning: Pre-planned strategic positioning of assets and deployment of mobile defense units could also ensure that some assets are ready for immediate action.
ONLY F15EX jets are a potent threat to J20, J10D and J31 jets of PLAAF...
Do we have any proof that J20s can take off near LAC ? Not one single video has been released. Last time one wumao claimed that they wont fly J20s in the Himalayas for the fear of losing signature. But dont they fly it all the time into Taiwan's airspace ?
Can you also give me proof that J20s can't take off from near LAC? There is not a single video to claim that it cannot fly from it.

Warbirds are built to fight airborne. Those are going to be surely in use during war and conflicts. If losing signature is the reason for fear than it is either useless or just a speculation.

One has to know, underestimating one's enemy's capability is the recipe for self defeat.
Let's break down the scenario:

1. J-20s in Full Stealth Mode: If J-20s are able to execute a surprise attack in full stealth mode, they could indeed cause significant damage to Indian ground-based weapon systems before they are effectively countered.

2. Concerted PLA Missile Strikes: Similarly, concerted missile strikes from the PLA could also target and neutralize Indian ground-based assets, especially if they are coordinated and launched with precision.

3. Availability of Indian Assets: In such a scenario, the availability of Indian assets to target incoming J-20s would depend on several factors:
- #Survival of Assets: If Indian assets are not among the ones eliminated in the initial strike, they would still be available for use.
- #Redundancy and Resilience: The effectiveness of Indian defense systems in withstanding attacks and maintaining redundancy and resilience would play a crucial role. If backup systems are in place and survivability is high, some assets may still be operational.
- #Response Time: The time it takes for Indian forces to detect the threat, assess the situation, and deploy countermeasures also influences asset availability.
- #Strategic Positioning: Pre-planned strategic positioning of assets and deployment of mobile defense units could also ensure that some assets are ready for immediate action.
Bharat007, I agree with you that all of those things are a possibility.
But India has just too many radars including Greenpine, Greenpine+, S-400 radars, X-band radars, S-band radars, and many Low Level and Medium Powered radars, etc and also AWACS and two Netras which can ferret out an airborne object as soon as they take off.

I do agree with you that Indian armed forces should be on high alert as their Winnie The Pooh has penchant for events like Gaalwan invasion, etc
Bharat007, I agree with you that all of those things are a possibility.
But India has just too many radars including Greenpine, Greenpine+, S-400 radars, X-band radars, S-band radars, and many Low Level and Medium Powered radars, etc and also AWACS and two Netras which can ferret out an airborne object as soon as they take off.

I do agree with you that Indian armed forces should be on high alert as their Winnie The Pooh has penchant for events like Gaalwan invasion, etc
Radars that mentioned are not enough for us. Surprise strike will be decisive and large scale. Likely obliterate IAF assets near LAC. Might even target deep inside India. Radars that u mentioned if can track stealth then it will be good.
ONLY F15EX jets are a potent threat to J20, J10D and J31 jets of PLAAF...
One who has not flown F-15 and J20 to make comparison is already making foolish conclusion. Person like u if all knowing one then should be sitting with PMO instead of passing nonsense here.

You should be starting dharna near IAF, PMO office.
Radars that mentioned are not enough for us. Surprise strike will be decisive and large scale. Likely obliterate IAF assets near LAC. Might even target deep inside India. Radars that u mentioned if can track stealth then it will be good.
I honestly think that some of those radars can do.

Also, USA has an extensive space based surveillance systems which can detect any kinds of invasion preparations and will warn India as we have signed various foundational agreements and also aligned with them in QUAD and Indo-Pacific too.

USA warned India about imminent attack on Yangtze by criminal and thieving and salami slicing PLA.
We beat back them very badly. Videos are available online.

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