Chinese State Media Cautions India on Responsible Nuclear Power After INS Arighat Induction


State-run Chinese tabloid Global Times has issued a cautionary message to India, urging the responsible handling of its growing nuclear power following the recent induction of the nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarine INS Arighat.

The article referenced the insights of an anonymous Beijing-based military expert, who underscored that while India's nuclear deterrence capabilities have been bolstered with the addition of more SSBNs (nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarines), it is imperative for India to exercise this power judiciously.

The expert emphasized the fundamental purpose of nuclear weapons, stating, "As long as they exist, nuclear weapons should be used in safeguarding peace and stability, not muscle flexing or nuclear blackmailing." The Global Times echoed this sentiment, calling upon India to utilize its nuclear capabilities responsibly, contributing to both regional and global peace and stability.

This article arrives at a time when India's nuclear arsenal is expanding and its assertiveness on the world stage is growing. The commissioning of INS Arighat, alongside the ongoing development of other nuclear-powered submarines, has cemented India's status as a major nuclear power.
PLA feeling the heat & jittery, their so called yellow power in south china sea is now totally challenged by Bharat 💪✊🚩🇮🇳 Jai Hind.
India should create an army of SAS standard commdos of one million and send them into POK and Tibet to liberate them.
India is going ahead with balanced approach in Nuclear arsenal. How a Medium Power should hold on to how much Nuke. Not like irresponsible country in our neighbours. We have all money to get more nuke but we know it should match with our global power rating and off course threat index.
China knows we are peaceful country. And democracy also. What we need is urgently develop large stockpile of nukes. Including multiple warhead missiles. And sub hunting capabilities. Anti drone system. And very large fleet of long range drones carrier. Autonomous subs. Etc.
and finally lots of 155 artillery shells in millions. We have brave n strong soldiers and only need is weapons lots of weapons. 😊
And the navy top brass dreams of easily sinkable aircraft carriers(without their teeth off course) when the need is more of subs.
Maybe they want to ape America. But the US has more powerful subs. IN is sulking about why they didn't get the same deal as AUKUS.
China must stop telling the world that it owns all of SCS. Everyone can sail through SCS. China should start looking after its own backyard, improve human rights and take good care of its minorities
Very satisfying to get confirmation from china through global times that induction of INS ARIGHAT ATE POTTENT ENOUGH TO FORCE CHINA TO TAKE SERIOUS NOTE IN PLANNING THEIR NEFARIOUS DESIGN.
An aggressor like China need not to lecture India on acting responsibily.China should first respect the sovereignty and boarder treatises with its neighbouring countries and stop encorching the lands of its neighbouring countries.India has a policy of Strike Second as far as Nuclear Weapon is concerned.So,China should oil its own machine instead of poking it's nose.
China and Pakistan are solely responsible for India having to spend a large part of her GDP on arms,to deter their Aggression.I am sure,absolutely certain that if we have a dialogue for mutual respect,peace and non violence,their would not be a need for an arms race.we would rather direct the resources to providing necessities of life to our teeming millions who go to bed hungry.
Wow, chinese policy "I can do anything I wish to my whims and fancies but no one else, especially India". A belligerent state which has no respect for other nations always must be the most powerful and superior than India. Trying to control India's progress from new developments.
Disruptor of world peace is ironically offering unsolicited advise. Why the did not follow their advise in eastern ladakh south china sea & restraining brutal NK & jihadi Pakis
Not sure why the Chinese government feel they have the right to give advice to any other nation given the fact they are one of the worst global citizens, especially with there appalling behaviour with their neighbours.
The same as China does? No way, we need to be more arrogant & flex our nuclear muscles as much as possible.

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