Dassault's Hesitancy on ToT for Rafale May Further Delay India's MRFA Program


India's ambitious plans for acquiring 114 Multi-Role Fighter Aircraft (MRFA) under a new "Make in India" policy may face challenges due to the reluctance of Dassault Aviation, the maker of the Rafale fighter jet, to comply with technology transfer requirements.

The Indian government's new policy mandates that the chosen aircraft for the MRFA program not only be purchased but also fully manufactured within India. This shift in policy signifies a strong push for self-reliance in the defence sector.

Despite the Rafale being a frontrunner in previous MRFA bids and India's ongoing procurement of the aircraft, Dassault's hesitation to share critical technology for local production could be a major hurdle. This is despite the fact that Dassault is experiencing a surge in export orders for the Rafale, with a backlog exceeding 200 units.

The new MRFA policy aims to establish a robust domestic aerospace industry, going beyond mere assembly to include full production and technology transfer. This is in line with the government's "Atmanirbhar Bharat" (self-reliant India) initiative.

However, Dassault's reluctance could lead to potential delays in the MRFA acquisition timeline. Other contenders for the contract, including Boeing, SAAB, Lockheed Martin, Russia's MiG, and the Eurofighter Typhoon, may now have an advantage if they are more willing to meet the new policy's stringent requirements.

This situation presents a complex challenge for India, as it seeks to balance its immediate need for fighter jets with its long-term goal of developing a self-sufficient defence industry. The outcome of this negotiation with Dassault and other potential vendors will be crucial in determining the future of India's MRFA program and its broader aspirations for self-reliance in defence.

It remains to be seen how this impasse will be resolved, but it is clear that the stakes are high for both Dassault and India. The successful implementation of the MRFA program is crucial for India's national security, and Dassault's willingness to adapt to the new policy could determine its continued involvement in the Indian defence market.
If dassault wont play ball, then pick boeing F/A 18, or F15 and give the naval order to boeing too.

Boeing has already shown its commitment to localisation. Factories in India build parts for all of Boeing's Apache helicopters, globally, even though we bought so few. Also, we build parts for the civilian boeing aircrafts too.
Better to expedite Tejas MK2 and AMCA, set quarterly milestones and track them meticulously. Go for ~36 more Rafales to meet requirements till the time MK2 doesn't enter production.
Akshat should explain us why France his beloved company is not willing to give Transfer of Technology to India???🤔🧐
and his bias approach that it's already a
done deal of MRFA procurement. That sometimes he's like a payed up campaigner or salesman of Dassault France 😹😹😹

Akshat pls enlighten us in your opinion about this article 😺
If dassault wont play ball, then pick boeing F/A 18, or F15 and give the naval order to boeing too.

Boeing has already shown its commitment to localisation. Factories in India build parts for all of Boeing's Apache helicopters, globally, even though we bought so few. Also, we build parts for the civilian boeing aircrafts too.
Good I would be happy if we get the f15ex in a heartbeat or.... I'm also okay at least if got the EFT or Saab Gripen e/d as long there's something acceptable 60~80% tech transfer but it would be lovely if the can give 100% of it or just form JV
Any company that doesnt agree to tech transfer should be shown the door. We need numbers and tech transfer. There are multiple companies. Typhoon, f15ex all are good planes.

And ideally we should tell the hal to rollout the mk2 and amca asap.10 yrs is too long a time for development.
Good I would be happy if we get the f15ex in a heartbeat or.... I'm also okay at least if got the EFT or Saab Gripen e/d as long there's something acceptable 60~80% tech transfer but it would be lovely if the can give 100% of it or just form JV
you are a salesman for boeing? They need a lot of money....
Simple one who dont meet MRFA Requirement , ToT, Under Make in India it should b kick out From MRFA. MRFA will b one of the Biggest deal there are other contenders who have good features .
Akshat should explain us why France his beloved company is not willing to give Transfer of Technology to India???🤔🧐
and his bias approach that it's already a
done deal of MRFA procurement. That sometimes he's like a payed up campaigner or salesman of Dassault France 😹😹😹

Akshat pls enlighten us in your opinion about this article 😺
He must be busy with France is La-LA Land lyrics to post something here. You've been warned.
Any company that doesnt agree to tech transfer should be shown the door. We need numbers and tech transfer. There are multiple companies. Typhoon, f15ex all are good planes.

And ideally we should tell the hal to rollout the mk2 and amca asap.10 yrs is too long a time for development.
I highly doubtful on mk2 and AMCA until I saw a flying prototype first 😺... But hopefully I'm more greatful if we can manage to fly the mk2.... AMCA on other hand is still a paper tiger
I highly doubtful on mk2 and AMCA until I saw a flying prototype first 😺... But hopefully I'm more greatful if we can manage to fly the mk2.... AMCA on other hand is still a paper tiger
I am sure about tejas mk2, but not sure about amca.
Indian People consider France a good friend. But their media houses which we dont see here in India do heavy propaganda , often more than bbc. They are not friendly. They dont do tech transfers, even in scorpene case they even denied our engineers any type of file in our own mdl shipyard. They leaked the indian submarine documents to whole world. So, no country is our true friend in defence. This blind faith towards any country should be discarded. Indian govt should invest heavily in defence rnd.
which company will do tech transfer just for sake of 36 to 100+ fighter aircraft...
if we have enough money try to buy dassault or buy 49/51 % stake (sure french or usa politicians will not allow it)... OR just be pure customer without conjjucy of technology...

Post tech transfer as if Indians are innocent, wont they try to compete with original vendor themselves in other country fighter aircraft markets ?
Simple one who dont meet MRFA Requirement , ToT, Under Make in India it should b kick out From MRFA. MRFA will b one of the Biggest deal there are other contenders who have good features .
Dassault Eurofighterjet USA Sukhoi all kicked out. only Saab [100% not possibloe here!] and RAC-MIG MIG35 [100% ToT is possible but surely at least 75% costs inflations], remains then...
This happens when u r late & keep dragging on everything. A company with 200 jets on order book will show Nakhra for sure.
Anyway, I think this is an unconfirmed news & fake to some extent..
Lockheed Martin F16 or F21 are the best alternative in this scenario. American companies are now a days much interested to do business in India as also American government.
also invest hefty amount in local design like AMCA, TEDBFJ etc etc etc etc. on paper DRDO has most no of super quality fighter jets capable of destroying enemy in hours.
Any doubts now at all, especially for the France/Dassault/Safran/Thales Bakhts.
I was writing the same facts for a decade or so and I was abused non-stop and I blocked all of them for their inability to understand France armaments sale and upgrade policies.

One of the best example is Mirage2000 and its upgrade and $2.5 billions and $1+ billions armaments without even an AESA radar or a new engine.
A daylight robbery as it can't go out and fight modern fighters with AESA radars and latest long range BVRAAMs as they can see Mirag-2000UPG long before it can even have any ideas about enemy fighter locations.

Accelerate production of Tejas Mk IA and bring in private players.
Accelerate developments of Tejas Mk2, TEDBF and AMCA fighters using the same money. Do bring in private companies to do various tasks to accelerate development.

Even if we order Rafales we have to wait more than 3+ years for sure.
HAHAHAHAHAHA!! Akshat and Sanket are thrown into the dustbin trash can now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ONLY Russia RAC-MIG can honor 100% ToT tech transfers now...
Lockheed Martin F16 or F21 are the best alternative in this scenario. American companies are now a days much interested to do business in India as also American government.
also invest hefty amount in local design like AMCA, TEDBFJ etc etc etc etc. on paper DRDO has most no of super quality fighter jets capable of destroying enemy in hours.
IMPOSSIBLE!! USA-Congress will NEVER EVER allow 100% tech transfers to India. Just look at GEF414 deal they are giving only 80% because US-Congress disallowed full ToT's...

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