"Desi S-400" Incoming: DRDO's Project Kusha Nears Development Phase

Desi S-400 Incoming: DRDO's Project Kusha Nears Development Phase

India's pursuit of a cutting-edge air defence network has gained significant momentum with Project Kusha moving into a new phase.

This ambitious initiative by the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) aims to develop a homegrown Long Range Surface-to-Air Missile (LRSAM) system – a potent answer to India's need for comprehensive long-range aerial threat neutralization.

Project Kusha: Key Details​

  • Focus: Project Kusha aims to provide the Indian Air Force (IAF) with a robust tool to intercept a wide spectrum of airborne threats, including stealth fighters, conventional aircraft, ballistic and cruise missiles, precision-guided munitions, and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs).
  • Range: The LRSAM system under Project Kusha is envisioned to have an impressive range of nearly 350 kilometers.
  • Multi-Tiered Approach: Previous reports and leaked tender documents suggest that Project Kusha will adopt a multi-layered defence strategy. This could involve at least two new missiles with ranges of 150km and 250km, and potentially a third missile with the maximum 350km reach, providing a flexible and comprehensive shield.

Progress and Timeline​

According to official sources, Project Kusha has successfully completed its design phase.

This crucial step paves the way for the development and fabrication of vital components that will bring the LRSAM system to life. The ambitious project targets a completion timeline of 2028-29 for testing and induction, with the development phase likely to kick off in 2025-26.

The Significance of Project Kusha​

The 'Desi S-400', as it's sometimes dubbed, highlights India's determination to bolster its indigenous defence capabilities. A successful outcome of Project Kusha would significantly enhance the Indian Air Force's power to protect the nation's airspace.

The development of these advanced missiles promises to reduce reliance on foreign systems and boost self-sufficiency in the defence sector.

The Road Ahead​

While Project Kusha has made a positive stride, the journey ahead involves rigorous testing and refinement phases. Meeting the tight deadline will require a concerted effort from DRDO and its partners.

With the design phase behind it, Project Kusha is steadily transforming into a tangible reality, set to profoundly augment India's air defence capabilities in the years to come.
The XRSAM with 250 to 350+ kms range and ERSAM with 160+ kms range are the most important missile systems India must develop at breakneck pace to defend itself against two bitter and forever enemies.
ERSAM is possible soon but XRSAM will take few years if everything goes well.
Best wishes.
Atmanirbhar is the only way to Fight war. Ukraine war where western over hyped Patriot & IRST have shown what happen if u over depend on Foreign weapon.
Critical and necessary project for self dependence in defence. Project Kush combined with AMCA ,110-130 KN jet engine , Ghatak UCAV and Hypersonic vehicle are 5 important missions that will propel Bharat into club of superpowers.
This and S400 are the systems we will have to rely in to counter Chinese J20 until our own AMCA gets online. The reason we bought the rafale and S400 in the first place was the cou ter the chinese who had started getting 5th gen fighters at that time.

Having multiple kinds of missiles in this system is an excellent option for taking out multiole kinds of threats at different distances. Using a super long range(300km+) missile to take out a threat at 50km away does not make sense.
This makes me think that India is doing well except for depleting Sq. of IAF, slow modernization of ground infantry, and lack of Submarines in the Navy,etc.
This makes me think that India is doing well except for depleting Sq. of IAF, slow modernization of ground infantry, and lack of Submarines in the Navy,etc.
There are a lot of points of concern for the Armed Forces, but we are doing well in other areas, which is very nice to see.

Just to add to your list, the Air Force needs FRAs, MTAs, AWACS, etc. besides fighters. Moreover, you will also need the infrastructure and logistics to go along with that. The Navy needs MCMVs, a third carrier, a new naval fighter, a new cheap subsonic cruise missile etc. besides submarines (SSKs, SSNs, and SSBNs). The Army needs self-propelled artillery, new tanks, a new IFV, etc. besides modernisation of equipment for Infantry.

The point is, as you excellently put it, we are doing well in some areas and not so well in others. We need to focus on areas where we are lagging behind, and take those forward at pace. That is the only way we will succeed in the end.
Critical and necessary project for self dependence in defence. Project Kush combined with AMCA ,110-130 KN jet engine , Ghatak UCAV and Hypersonic vehicle are 5 important missions that will propel Bharat into club of superpowers.
I'd add a robust Navy into that list, especially with good SSBNs with long-range MIRV-capable SLBMs and a new naval fighter, but excellent point.
This makes me think that India is doing well except for depleting Sq. of IAF, slow modernization of ground infantry, and lack of Submarines in the Navy,etc.
Doing well will be the case when products actually meet the specs, clear the trials and are inducted. That’s not the case with most products. In most cases, we only are doing well in press releases.
Be known that India is also massively dependent on the AMD systems from foreign countries.

At present only Akash I and Akash ING are wholly developed Indian AMD missiles.

Barak-8 renamed as LRSA and MRSAM is only partially Indian even though India spent 100% developing them with Israel.
Israel actually completed them first and used for a long time before India could join after years of delay.
Whole front sections of these missiles consisting of Seeker and Guidance Systems comes from Israel and then Indian workers does the screw driving job at BDL.

Whole of S-400 AMD comes from Russia as usual and it will never share anything with India.

So it is absolute necessity for India to develop ERSAM and XRSAM at WARP SPEED.
India should also have its own MRSAM and LRSAM derivates as soon as possible too.

Truths and facts.
This and S400 are the systems we will have to rely in to counter Chinese J20 until our own AMCA gets online. The reason we bought the rafale and S400 in the first place was the cou ter the chinese who had started getting 5th gen fighters at that time.

Having multiple kinds of missiles in this system is an excellent option for taking out multiole kinds of threats at different distances. Using a super long range(300km+) missile to take out a threat at 50km away does not make sense.
These missiles should have Naval VLS variant to be deployed from future Destroyers and Frigates.
All that DRDO develops and tests are good except for when they enter production. Production delays are the bigger issues we face, some due to quality compromise while others due to additional demands by our forces(which can be justified given the threat evolution). Our PSU's such as HAL,OFB(subsidiaries with new names) and BEL needs another revamp or if possible an private competitor.
This is a crucial necessity that India needs to develop and induct as soon as possible as this will reinforce our air defence against incoming threats. But one crucial point is that we also need to develop a defence against incoming saturation attacks that are launched to overwhelm our air defence systems from fighter jets to MBRLS rocket attacks. So that is why we need to quickly develop the Sudarshan CIWS which can provide close range protection to the SAM defence shield.
All that DRDO develops and tests are good except for when they enter production. Production delays are the bigger issues we face, some due to quality compromise while others due to additional demands by our forces(which can be justified given the threat evolution). Our PSU's such as HAL,OFB(subsidiaries with new names) and BEL needs another revamp or if possible an private competitor.
Why don't you start that private competitor? The fact is it is easy to tell that private capital should invest in defence. Considering all other investment options in a roaring economy like ours, it is best for an investor to put the capital in sectors where growth potential is more and risk is less.
India is a massive market for not just defence.
Government should incentivise, or revamp existing firms rather than expecting flow of private capital for a risky low growth endeavours.

Also, DRDO is a shoddy organisation filled with bureaucrats in the name of scientists. As mentioned in vijaraghavan report, it is ripe for reorganization. Blaming production agencies for DRDO s inefficiency is not fair.
These missiles should have Naval VLS variant to be deployed from future Destroyers and Frigates.
A good idea admittedly, though size would have to be a factor of consideration for this. No point in having a missile that is too large thrown into a VLS cell.
Let's see and wait if it's capable to replace s400 as our main air defense system.... If they successfully develop and refine it... We should also offer it to ASEAN region so that we can easily contain Chinese encroachment of a vital sea route
All that DRDO develops and tests are good except for when they enter production. Production delays are the bigger issues we face, some due to quality compromise while others due to additional demands by our forces(which can be justified given the threat evolution). Our PSU's such as HAL,OFB(subsidiaries with new names) and BEL needs another revamp or if possible an private competitor.
Others I agree but BEL was never found wanting. It is doing a very good job. You should have included DRDO also for except for two division (missile & radar) other divisions work are lack lusture.
There are a lot of points of concern for the Armed Forces, but we are doing well in other areas, which is very nice to see.

Just to add to your list, the Air Force needs FRAs, MTAs, AWACS, etc. besides fighters. Moreover, you will also need the infrastructure and logistics to go along with that. The Navy needs MCMVs, a third carrier, a new naval fighter, a new cheap subsonic cruise missile etc. besides submarines (SSKs, SSNs, and SSBNs). The Army needs self-propelled artillery, new tanks, a new IFV, etc. besides modernisation of equipment for Infantry.

The point is, as you excellently put it, we are doing well in some areas and not so well in others. We need to focus on areas where we are lagging behind, and take those forward at pace. That is the only way we will succeed in the end.
With so many military equipments needed due to lack of modernisation from 2000-2014, funds have become scarce. With the GOI concentrating on building infrastructure to attract investments, smoother logistics (a requirement for investment), electrification, airports, ports.......... are being built. The logic being more GDP, more funds available for military. Without a robust economy military spending will be difficult. Still funds are being made avaialable for capital defence expense eventhough it is not to the citizens expectations. Moreover concentraing on indigenous systems gives more jobs, cheaper equipments on (mass production), IP rights, technology, advannce materials....... The GOI is doing well, but Bharat needs huge investments to fulfill the aspirations of the citizens.
There are a lot of points of concern for the Armed Forces, but we are doing well in other areas, which is very nice to see.

Just to add to your list, the Air Force needs FRAs, MTAs, AWACS, etc. besides fighters. Moreover, you will also need the infrastructure and logistics to go along with that. The Navy needs MCMVs, a third carrier, a new naval fighter, a new cheap subsonic cruise missile etc. besides submarines (SSKs, SSNs, and SSBNs). The Army needs self-propelled artillery, new tanks, a new IFV, etc. besides modernisation of equipment for Infantry.

The point is, as you excellently put it, we are doing well in some areas and not so well in others. We need to focus on areas where we are lagging behind, and take those forward at pace. That is the only way we will succeed in the end.
We typically focus on visible aspects of State's military power but equally (if not more) are aspects - like space, special operations, EW, intelligence, cyber, influence operations and integrated domains which are not discussed or much visible (sometimes rightfully so)...In time (say next 10-25 years) we will be strong (economically and militarily courtesy a big economy) but the key is to develop atma nirbharta in R&D, military industrial complex and innovation...the the most important aspect of strength is to avoid unnecessary war - with jingoism and megalomania, whilst achieving national interest.
With so many military equipments needed due to lack of modernisation from 2000-2014, funds have become scarce. With the GOI concentrating on building infrastructure to attract investments, smoother logistics (a requirement for investment), electrification, airports, ports.......... are being built. The logic being more GDP, more funds available for military. Without a robust economy military spending will be difficult. Still funds are being made avaialable for capital defence expense eventhough it is not to the citizens expectations. Moreover concentraing on indigenous systems gives more jobs, cheaper equipments on (mass production), IP rights, technology, advannce materials....... The GOI is doing well, but Bharat needs huge investments to fulfill the aspirations of the citizens.
I agree with what you say. However, there is also a case to be made that we are compromising certain capabilities to a critical point.

Take mine warfare capabilities, for instance. Other than helicopters, we haven't had any MCMVs since 2019. That sort of specialist capability doesn't persist indefinitely.

What I propose is to anchor the defence budget to a certain fixed percentage of central government spending (not GDP, mind you, that anchoring will come in a decade or two). If we anchored this to say, 15% or thereabouts (this year's figure is 13.1%), this would lead to a sustainable increase in the defence budget over time.
We should develop this into our own s400 like system . The said 150,250&350 km should be complimented by the vlsam 40-50km missile and akash ng 80-90 km missiles followed by our own vshorad based k30 bhio type system which should also follow to the naval platforms like future destroyers carriers and helicopter carriers.
yeah, in time we can develop our own aegis defence system as well. Lot of potential for these missiles and radar system
Aegis is highly overrated , it's literally a building in the middle of the beach, the absence of mobility factor itself makes it useless, in a conventional war, counter battery will take it out in mere minutes.
Aegis is highly overrated , it's literally a building in the middle of the beach, the absence of mobility factor itself makes it useless, in a conventional war, counter battery will take it out in mere minutes.
Dude, what are you talking about? Aegis system is deployed on US navy destroyers and cruisers on the oceans. They can move around and protect a large area from missile strikes. That is the entire point of aegis being deployed on ships. It being mobile also protects it from enemy attacks, in contrast to a stationary target.

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