DRDO Chief Admits Kaveri Engine Development Alongside Tejas a "Rookie Mistake", Seeks New Path for Future Engines


In a candid admission, DRDO Chairman Samir V Kamat acknowledged that developing the Kaveri engine concurrently with the Tejas Light Combat Aircraft was a "rookie mistake."

This approach, he explained, is atypical in the aerospace industry, where platforms are usually designed around existing engines. Engine development, he stressed, is a long and complex process, often taking 15-20 years.

To mitigate future risks and expedite the development of next-generation high-thrust engines, the DRDO is actively seeking collaborations with international Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs).

Safran from France, Rolls-Royce from the UK, and General Electric from the US are among the potential partners. Importantly, both Safran and Rolls-Royce have assured that the intellectual property generated during any collaborative development will remain with India, bolstering the country's indigenous capabilities.

Kamat also emphasized the need for greater collaboration between academia, the DRDO, and the industry, highlighting the current siloed approach as a hindrance to progress. He further stressed the importance of capacity-building, noting that many Indian engineers lack the skills required for cutting-edge R&D work.

India, Kamat pointed out, lags behind many countries in traditional technologies. He believes that by focusing on disruptive technologies, India can leapfrog and catch up. He also spoke about India's growing appetite for risk, citing the Ministry of Defence's approval of the Technology Development Fund (TDP) for funding high-risk, high-reward projects.

Kamat concluded by highlighting the need for increased R&D spending and a larger defence budget, comparing India's minuscule 0.65% of GDP spending in the sector to the US's 2.83% and China's 2.14%.

The DRDO's future plans include high-endurance autonomous vehicles, indigenous conventional submarines, infantry combat vehicles, robotic soldiers, and more. A light tank is currently in the prototype stage and is expected to be delivered to the Indian Army by 2027.
Excuses won't work show us your planes to revive Kaveri and finish within span of 2-3 yrs. Either you are a politician or workaholic? China is 40 yrs ahead of us how are you going reduce that gap?
Cart before Horse mistake is disrupting our Fighter jet program ! We need to ink deal with France or USA to jointly develop and certify 90 Kn to 145+ KN engines asap for our fighter program !
Something tells us that India will never take the red pill to escape the screwdriver mindset matrix. Especially in the aviation sector.
Sheesh.. drdo failed terrible in safety critical and production engineering research... especially turbines.

Hearing the sane news for a decade now
Kaveri Engine is not a new project. It's a program which has been already there for last 40 yrs started with Marut jet development. This article is a lame excuse of failure and honest admission on not able to crack that cutting edge technology. Time to keep it aside and go with Joint collaboration with foreign OEM.
He's stressing the need for a academia, DRDO and industry partnership, ONLY NOW. OMG

Wow, isn't the pre-requisite for any high end scientific R & D environment ?

Why wasn't such a consortium in place in the past ?

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