DRDO Prepares for Future Drone Wars with Anti-Drone Guns, Jammers and Domes, Taking Lessons From Ukraine War

DRDO Prepares for Future Drone Wars with Anti-Drone Guns, Jammers and Domes, Taking Lessons F...webp

The dominance of small aerial drones in modern warfare, as highlighted by the Ukraine conflict, might soon be challenged. DRDO officials assert that the current effectiveness of these "cobbled-together" drones is a temporary advantage, soon to be neutralized by rapidly evolving anti-drone technology.

While acknowledging that current limitations in anti-drone tech have allowed these drones some freedom, DRDO officials highlight the fleeting nature of this window. Russia's Electronic Warfare (EW) and jamming systems have reportedly neutralized nearly 75% of such drones in Ukraine, demonstrating the increasing potency of counter-drone measures.

DRDO officials predict a future battlefield where drones will have significantly less airspace to operate, thanks to maturing anti-drone technology. Advancements are happening swiftly and encompass various solutions:
  • Short-Range Solutions: The wider deployment of existing anti-drone guns and jammers will effectively neutralize drones within a limited range.
  • Long-Range Protections: DRDO is actively developing “anti-drone domes” capable of protecting far beyond the current 15-20km range. These domes are projected to have a coverage of 150-200km, significantly restricting drone operation over vast areas.
These advancements will make it increasingly difficult for drones to operate freely. DRDO’s vision suggests a future where large swathes of airspace will become inaccessible to basic drones as anti-drone tech matures.

In conclusion, the dominance of small drones on the battlefield may be short-lived. The rapid development of anti-drone technology is poised to significantly alter the aerial landscape of warfare, potentially rendering many current drone tactics ineffective. This ongoing technological arms race underscores the ever-evolving nature of modern warfare and the need for constant innovation to maintain strategic advantage.
True, the Drones are now wining the battelfield but it is a matter of how electronic warefare catchs up in terms of developement. Russia electronic warefare is already able to many of the most advanced western systems. But lets not be naif, automatisation in war is coming. Autonomous inteligent software is a reality not far away, it is not by change that the US is paranoid about reserving the most tiny chip production for themselves. As we know without much success first because it is a technology that they don't own or master. Nevertheless for now any malitious group has the upperhand and that is scary.
just the threat of these drones makes the enemy spend immense amount of resources to counter them. Not having these drones makes enemy does not have to worry about them.

So developing these cheap drones is a victory in itself because enemy then has to develop expensive EW systems to counter them.
Drones have clearly changed the face of warfare, throw some AI and its a formidable weapon.

EMP bombs/Electronic Jammers to drones are the same as explosives to traditional soldiers. Only Electronic warfare can take these drones down all at once instead of targetting each one-by-one with a laser/gun.
So clearly drones are in revolution and those who got drones brigades are winner. But there will be people who like to find expensive anti drones system which doesn't exist yet.

just few millions of usd and u can crush complete expensive army of enemies. Who will not buy this drones. Hope our govt. Pump large fund for drones first. And it's training to our army before it's too late.
let anti drones system develop but effectiveness will be big question.
just the threat of these drones makes the enemy spend immense amount of resources to counter them. Not having these drones makes enemy does not have to worry about them.

So developing these cheap drones is a victory in itself because enemy then has to develop expensive EW systems to counter them.
Correct, and drones can be small enough/stealth and electronically harden, autonomous, and with AI that counter to counter would be made and that to cheaply.
India urgently needs to install an integrated anti-drone protection along the entire border. We need to stop the constant and large number of drones that are regularly smuggling in drugs and weapon's to fund Pakistan’s terror organisations, extremists and converting large numbers of Hindus into Muslims etc. This is a national security threat that India needs to wipe out once and for all.

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