DRDO's DATRAN 1,500 HP Engine Undergoing Crucial Tests in US, Aiming for Production by 2028 to Power India's Next-Gen Main Battle Tanks


India's Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) has embarked on a critical phase in its quest for self-reliance in defence technology. The organization's indigenously developed 1,500 horsepower (hp) DATRAN engine is currently undergoing rigorous testing in the United States.

This move is necessitated by the fact that while India possesses engine testing facilities, they are primarily equipped to handle smaller engines. Evaluating the high-powered DATRAN 1500 requires specialized infrastructure currently available overseas.

This powerful engine is a key component of India's ambitious Futuristic Main Battle Tank (FMBT) program. Bharat Electronics Limited (BEL), tasked with manufacturing the DATRAN 1500, has already produced three prototype units. To ensure thorough evaluation, BEL plans to develop an additional 20 engines for extensive trials.

The successful development and deployment of the DATRAN 1500 engine hold significant implications for India's defense capabilities. If trials proceed as planned and the engine enters production by the end of 2028 as anticipated, it will mark a major step towards reducing India's dependence on foreign powertrain systems for its armored vehicles. This achievement will not only boost the nation's self-sufficiency in defense technology but also pave the way for a more robust and independent defense ecosystem.
Good News!
If the production is expected only around 2028, will our Avadi Tank factory import the existing German engines?
A successful DATRAN engine could even be used in small vessels, captive power packs,... etc!
To the Development Team!👌👍
This is where Bharat lacks behind in Test Facility, whether it is Aero-Engine or Tank Engine; don't have local infrastructure for speeding the development of Engines. In the future, it needs to invest in Testing Facilities.
I had been blaming Indian scientists all this time, least realizing we don't have proper labs, equipment, testbeds, machines, and peanuts for the R&D budget.
Previous news on Datran 1500 mentioned the engine would be sent to UK for testing and the engine was built by BEML. Anyway, sending it to US may not be safe in national interest. US has always frowned upon our endeavour to achieve indigenous capability. More so now.
This is where Bharat lacks behind in Test Facility, whether it is Aero-Engine or Tank Engine; don't have local infrastructure for speeding the development of Engines. In the future, it needs to invest in Testing Facilities.
At least some kind of engine is being made now, 76 years after independence !!
We were never good at science & engineering. Even now, ISRO falters regularly owing to bad engineering. NVS02 has failed. Spadesx is partial success. ISRO scientists couldn't undock the satellites.
At least some kind of engine is being made now, 76 years after independence !!
We were never good at science & engineering. Even now, ISRO falters regularly owing to bad engineering. NVS02 has failed. Spadesx is partial success. ISRO scientists couldn't undock the satellites.
Cry louder bro.. u didnt see the achievements of those ISRO scientists.. rather mentioned a few negatives.. US, China, Russia no one could achieve Mars mission in one attempt, India did.. ISRO did it!! ISRO holds the record of lifting maximum satellites .. lekin nai, hume to bas rona aata hai, to royenge bc .. keyboard warriors..
Request the Govt to start a proper testing platform for all such futuristic powerful engines. No point in developing and getting it tested elsewhere. What is the guarantee that they will not absorb our technology
It is a pity that we have to take even IC engines to the US to get them certified. It is deplorable we lack those facilities here in India, while paying 5-10 times that amount to take it to the USA and back
At least some kind of engine is being made now, 76 years after independence !!
We were never good at science & engineering. Even now, ISRO falters regularly owing to bad engineering. NVS02 has failed. Spadesx is partial success. ISRO scientists couldn't undock the satellites.
you shall be aware that people carrying out the sophisticated job of calibration / testing are Indians who moved to US after graduation in premier engineering colleges.
I would have thought that one would create test facilities first to cater for the ever increasing capacity of any systems as part of the process development. My view is that for headless chickens that do not have a sense of purpose, validation by those that have opinions that are trusted is the only value and goal that Indians have to believe they are on the right path. Also, sharing their technology with the Americans might win them concessions at the diplomatic table.
Why didn't India develop the testing platform for such powerful engines indigenously within India itself ?

Doed India have ride in the shoulders of the USA even for this ?
Congratulations for bringing to this state. Wish you further success in all tests.
Build the test facility in India..
While DATRAN is being tested in USA, data privacy will be completely lost to USA. In future that can be passed and used by unfriendly countries to india. Eg, Pakistan Turkey and some western nations,etc
Who says the Americans may not influence the test results? There is always a chance of that. They are already delaying everything else.
Good News!
If the production is expected only around 2028, will our Avadi Tank factory import the existing German engines?
A successful DATRAN engine could even be used in small vessels, captive power packs,... etc!
To the Development Team!👌👍
Why go to USA for testing? Bunch of IDIOTS running this program. Should have teamed with TATA or MAHINDRA to desgin, develop test in India
What a joke. Send the engine to be tested in the USA.
Why go to USA for testing? Bunch of IDIOTS running this program. Should have teamed with TATA or MAHINDRA to desgin, develop test in India
Testing centers are all over the place. One by my house tests and rebuilds 4,000 HP Caterpillar engines for mining trucks. This is child's play. This way they drag it out for years and of course all those free trips to the USA.
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