Former Pakistani Navy Official Highlights Indian Aircraft Carriers as Prime Targets in Potential Conflict


In a recent interview, Ex-Commodore Sajid Mehmood Shehzad HI(M) of the Pakistani Navy revealed that Indian aircraft carriers would be primary targets for Pakistan in the event of a conflict between the two nations.

He emphasized that these formidable warships, which possess significant offensive capabilities, would be prioritized should they approach Pakistani waters.

Shehzad acknowledged the inherent challenges in targeting aircraft carriers, as they are typically escorted by protective carrier strike groups. However, he suggested that the Indian Navy might be reluctant to deploy these valuable assets close to the Pakistani coastline, opting instead to keep them at a safe distance in the Arabian Sea to minimize the risk of engagement.

Historical precedent supports this assessment. During the 1971 Indo-Pakistan war, the Pakistani Navy deployed the submarine PSN Ghazi to target the Indian aircraft carrier INS Vikrant.

However, India had strategically repositioned the carrier to the Bay of Bengal to support operations against East Pakistan, thereby avoiding a potential confrontation. This incident underscores the strategic significance of aircraft carriers and the lengths to which navies go to safeguard them.

Shehzad's comments provide insight into the Pakistani Navy's strategic thinking and potential military plans. While the possibility of an Indo-Pakistani conflict remains a concern, the Pakistani Navy's focus on neutralizing Indian aircraft carriers highlights the crucial role of naval power in regional security.

This focus on anti-carrier capabilities aligns with open-source information regarding Pakistan's development of anti-access/area-denial (A2/AD) strategies. These strategies aim to counter the deployment of powerful naval forces like aircraft carriers in the region. Pakistan is reportedly investing in various anti-ship missiles and other capabilities to achieve this goal.
quite true , pak will be supplied with many anti ship ballistic missiles , our barak 8 have an anti ballistic missile capability as well. But will the navy risk it.? we can take out surface ships and fighters , but submarines will be the problem ie the new Hangor class chinese submarines. These have to be stopped by our own scorpene subs that are much better.
First the Pakistani navy has to get out of its port before targeting Indian A/c. Once out to reach the Indian A/c they have to face the Indian air action, Indian submarines and then Brahmos missile. It is very difficult to escape a triumvirate of defensive /offensive actions.
its obvious you will target our carriers, no great research or knowledge required for it........but yoj can only target it......nothing else !!!
First the Pakistani navy has to get out of its port before targeting Indian A/c. Once out to reach the Indian A/c they have to face the Indian air action, Indian submarines and then Brahmos missile. It is very difficult to escape a triumvirate of defensive /offensive actions.
I believe that even shore based naval missiles can be very much lethal as seen by the sinking of Russian battlecruiser Moskva by 2 relatively simple Ukrainian cruise missiles.Even the Philippines has the same strategy like Pakistan when it comes to employing Brahmos.
So, I don't think India should underestimate PN.
Lol with Brahmos ER no need to send AC close to Pak coast, we can make Karachi burn from 800 KM away. Main threat may be JF17 armed with anti ship ammunition, for this we need to have nearby coastal launched SU30 MKI and also improve BVRM capability of our sea based MIG 29s.

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