GE Commits New Delivery Schedule for F404 Engines from November, Easing Tejas Mk1A Delays


Jodhpur: In a move that will provide relief to the Indian Air Force (IAF) and Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL), American engine manufacturer General Electric (GE) has assured India of a revised delivery schedule for the crucial F404-IN20 engines that power the Tejas Mk1A aircraft.

The new schedule, set to commence in November this year, aims to address the significant delays that have hampered the delivery of these advanced fighter jets.

The commitment from GE comes after Defence Minister Rajnath Singh directly raised the issue during his recent visit to the United States. Sources indicate that GE has promised to deliver two engines per month, beginning in November.

This development is particularly crucial as the original contract between HAL and GE, signed in August 2021, stipulated the delivery of 99 engines starting in March of this year. These engines are essential for fulfilling the IAF's order of 83 Tejas Mk1A aircraft.

This development also comes at a time when the IAF is reportedly considering an additional order of 97 Tejas aircraft, highlighting the strategic importance of this indigenous fighter jet for India's air power.

The timely delivery of engines is vital for the Tejas Mk1A program, as the aircraft's design is specifically tailored to the F404-IN20 engine. The first Tejas Mk1A, LA 5033, took its maiden flight in March this year, but it was equipped with a reserve engine rather than the new F404-IN20.

Sources within the government reveal that GE had cited supply chain issues and the re-certification of new vendors as reasons for the delays. However, there have been concerns about the potential influence of other factors.

Despite the engine-related setbacks, HAL has maintained its production schedule for the Tejas Mk1A. A new production line has been established in Nashik, in addition to the existing one in Bengaluru, allowing HAL to produce a total of 24 aircraft annually.
Don't buy American F16 or any other planes US because American will call all the shots. Look at what they are doing to Egypt stopping supplying missiles for F16. GE has been delaying delivery of engines for yrs. Buy Su57 instead in smaller numbers 15-20 as a start.
US is known for Arm twisting, not for long, once India arrives on stage, the Americans know that it will be in the recieving end, the drama has started, China, Russia, Korea and last but not the least India, choice is with the Americans to alter now
India should jointly develop a futuristic advanced engine with 180kn or more with Russians as they did with brahmos. Russia is anytime more reliable friend than any western countries. And also put as.many IIT s on the job for advanced engine development as possible with adequate funding and tight timeline. Sure India will arrive on its own with strength. We have many private sectors keen to get into defence production why not make each business House responsible for one product development with DRDO overseeing and monitoring the security aspect.
But Russians arm twisted us on Vikramaditya aircraft carrier deal. All are same when you are dependent on them. With Putin and Modi at helm ,it's better to deal with Russians
This was to happen. Now the engines will only come if MOD gives US a mega deal. Either F 15 EX or F 35 ( If US approves) or else this delay will kill the Tejas programme. This happens when you dont fund the PSUs for kaveri engine and lay idle for years. Soon after the delivery of J 31 to Pakistan will cause a panic in IAF...
This was to happen. Now the engines will only come if MOD gives US a mega deal. Either F 15 EX or F 35 ( If US approves) or else this delay will kill the Tejas programme. This happens when you dont fund the PSUs for kaveri engine and lay idle for years. Soon after the delivery of J 31 to Pakistan will cause a panic in IAF...
There will be no panic, and we should be firm in not succumbing to any Western pressure and silently enhance our manufacturing capabilities as we have enough talent and capability when it comes to our National dignity and I am sure our largest technically qualified youth is not only capable But will do anything for the nation. So we don't need to fear monger but spread confidence and trust in our youth to rise whenever our National interest requires them. Most of the technical aspects of the West is backended by our youth and when the nation calls them they'll never fail to showcase their capability is my firm faith in India and its future generations.
The United States of America is the most unreliable partner; India knows this very well and yet tied up with GE for the supply of engines for the Tejas aircraft. This was just waiting to happen. Now America will make India dance to it's tunes.
We can start nurturing our own talent from silicon valley and put pressure on us. We could start a think tank comprising of techie's from silicon valley to support Indian ventures, rather than supporting us tech gaints.
The United States of America is the most unreliable partner; India knows this very well and yet tied up with GE for the supply of engines for the Tejas aircraft. This was just waiting to happen. Now America will make India dance to it's tunes.
Yes USA is the most unreliable and unethical partner who have created most of the problems in the World to create Market for their weapons. Including their own school children being killed by this weapon market which is more valuable to them than the lives of the innocent children. So how can anybody even expect ethics from them. India did the biggest blunder by trusting them with such a vital engine which is so important for our security. Now America will do everything to create security problem for India from China and Pakistan to put pressure to sell their outdated F16s .
India needs to be extra cautious when dealing with USA. As they can go to any extent to destroy countries, eg. Iraq, Libya Afganistan, Syria, Venezuela, and many more 😒
Don't buy American F16 or any other planes US because American will call all the shots. Look at what they are doing to Egypt stopping supplying missiles for F16. GE has been delaying delivery of engines for yrs. Buy Su57 instead in smaller numbers 15-20 as a start.
No at the moment we have American engines for teja aircraft atleast for 86 planes. We can't accept Russian engines only another country would be France. Keeping all IAF needs to france would not be a sensible move.
India needs to think of modifying Tejas next generations to have the option of incorporating either US or Safran or Russian engines . Multiple variants can be designed, so that we are not at the mercy of the West, especially US for engines , until we achieve self capabilities.

Having multiple variant fighters capable of incorporating different engine types will ensure IAF gets assured supplies of fighter jets.

There may be design challenges initially, however it’s worth exploring.

Jai Hind
There will be no panic, and we should be firm in not succumbing to any Western pressure and silently enhance our manufacturing capabilities as we have enough talent and capability when it comes to our National dignity and I am sure our largest technically qualified youth is not only capable But will do anything for the nation. So we don't need to fear monger but spread confidence and trust in our youth to rise whenever our National interest requires them. Most of the technical aspects of the West is backended by our youth and when the nation calls them they'll never fail to showcase their capability is my firm faith in India and its future generations.
Sir I appreciate your optimism, but Tejas is slowly but steadily becoming Arjun.
The threat we have at our border with Pakistan, China, Bangladesh & Nepal is pretty real.
Sir, I really want our defense industry to grow but its not how the Govt is acting, most of our talented Engineers are out of India and even if there are much tallented and experienced Engineers who are working at the PSUs, the Govt is not funding them seriously resulting in waste of tax payers money, time and of course experienced workforce. The Engineer who worked on the first model of LCA Tejas which took off its maiden flight during 2001, have surely retired by now, and at present we are at mercy of US for the engine.
Sir if you think that Chinese deployment of more than 200 J20 at Tibet, with huge military infrastructure building up on daily basis, is normal then, I can't put anything more serious.
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Great, more delays. Combine this with delays caused by HAL, and I think it's high time we either seriously consider buying a bunch of second-hand jets or refurbishing a bunch of retired jets from storage, with all the moral, economic, geopolitical, and political impact that may have.
They are never going to supply the engines anyway. Why holding onto something that is never going to get. IAF also should not buy the useless MQ-9b drones, and all others. The deal for ToT of F-414 engines are also not signed currently. 20% of critical tech is still in the hands of US. They may not supply these when we needed very badly. US is the biggest backstabber in the world. Never rely on them for anything.
And they want us buy strykers and f16 and other blackholes which they wlll use against us in every geopolitical matters. No wonder AMCA was not given funds utill engine issue is sorted . Never make same mistake again
Incompetence of indian engineers in making jet engine for fighters coupled with short sightedness of TEJAS designers for not able to use alternate engine in place of GE.
And they want us buy strykers and f16 and other blackholes which they wlll use against us in every geopolitical matters. No wonder AMCA was not given funds utill engine issue is sorted . Never make same mistake again
What if US does not honor the order of F414 just as it is doing now ? How does the AMCA engine deal prevent from such deal ?
Incompetence of indian engineers in making jet engine for fighters coupled with short sightedness of TEJAS designers for not able to use alternate engine in place of GE.
Aero engines are very difficult to master. One needs advanced alloys tech for the hot core to withstand high temperatures. Defence industry was really opened to private sector hardly a decade back. Blame the commission greed of the scamgress & not Bharatiya engineers for the low tech of India. Moreover HAL which designed the tejasmk1a went for a closed line aero engine F404, which was a huge wrong decision. As it is going for a "US" engine was a strategic error knowing very well the arm twisting tactics of US.

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