Geopolitical Risks of India's Growing Reliance on US Arms

Geopolitical Risks of India's Growing Reliance on US Arms

India's arms imports have seen a 4.7% increase between 2014-18 and 2019-23, with the United States becoming a significant contributor. The Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) reports that while Russia remains the top arms supplier to India, the US share has grown to 11% from 2018-2022.

The US has granted India the status of "Major Defence Partner" in 2016, enabling potential access to advanced weaponry previously reserved for close allies. However, India has historically relied heavily on Russian-origin equipment, accounting for 62% of defense imports by value since 2008.

India's increased interest in US arms is driven by the need for military modernization and a counterbalance to China's regional influence. Advanced US fighter jets, drones, and missile defense systems could substantially enhance India's capabilities.

Despite potential benefits, concerns arise from the US's history of imposing sanctions or withholding aid based on shifting political priorities. Additionally, the US's relationship with Pakistan and cautious approach towards China could conflict with India's strategic autonomy.

India aims to mitigate risks by diversifying arms imports, continuing to procure weapons from Russia, France, and Israel. This approach aims to reduce reliance on any single supplier.

India's multi-billion dollar US arms purchases often include provisions for joint manufacture or technology transfer, aligning with India's goal to bolster its domestic arms industry. The Indian government has announced intentions to order $100 billion worth of weapons from the domestic arms industry over the next decade.

Recent deals include over a billion dollars for GE engines for fighter jets. However, experts suggest these deals are more about developing India's domestic weapons industry than shifting reliance from Russian equipment.

The evolving India-US defence relationship presents a complex picture. While the US offers advanced weaponry, historical precedents and geopolitical factors raise concerns about reliability and potential conflicts of interest.

India's emphasis on diversification and domestic manufacturing indicates a measured approach to mitigate risks while pursuing military modernization.
1) lesson no 1.. never trust the americans... they will change like a chameleon if u dont dance to their tunes
if they can do it to their closest ally.. who are we?
2) the sad part is this is the first time in the history of the world where designated terrorist have been recognized and rewarded
3) why should we change or be afraid of our relations ship with Israel just because america changes? this article itself is unnessary
Yes, US held up military supplies each time in 1965, 1971 and 1999 under the pretext that they will not aid either side . They will hold up supplies again in any future war which India is forced to fight.
That's why today, US is so weak because of it. US is entering last phase of it's empire because of own citizens: who are brainwashed with communism/Anarchism and immigrants who immigrated with their own ills.

Their prized "melting pot theory" become their own cenotaph.
And ill defined absolute "Free Speech" turned into writing on that cenotaph.

Absolute Free Speech is being used by enemy of US to start internal decay starting from Universities..... And immigrants who brought problems with them are making it faster. Yesterdays immigrants are no longer today's immigrants. Nowadays, immigrants immigrate not just for livelihood but also for political reasons.
Any doubts about foreign armaments maal dependency now at all?

When India exploded atomic bombs in 1998, all of western countries including USA put 100% sanctions.
Indian aircraftcarriers Sea Harrier and Sea King helicopters were practically disabled for good.

India should strive to develop its own armaments in all fields to pursue independent foreign policies.
Yes, US held up military supplies each time in 1965, 1971 and 1999 under the pretext that they will not aid either side . They will hold up supplies again in any future war which India is forced to fight.
Totally agree with you they blackout the GPS signal in whole Jammu and kashmir area at that time
US domestic politics will always determine what they do, so long term Bharat must be amtanirbhar for our national security!
US can never be trusted with arms supplies when at war, we can forget about transfer of technology. Kaveri jet engine R&D should be expedited, throw money at the bottlenecks or get foreign experts to do the needful. Israeli will get the necessary help as they are resourceful and moneyed people.
They are stopping this one.
2000 - 2000lb bombs
1800 - 500lb bombs
which were due to be dropped on Gaza.
Other shipments won't be stopped.
That is what they are saying to the world but supplying silently to Israel.
US is good only for Trade ,Business & Not for Defence Ties.Next 10 years very important for India to become Atmanirbhar in Defence. Now i am convince US may Return empty hand From MRFA.
Yeah - babies and children are the worst.
Here comes Nikah-e-lout-ki-olaad who feel pain for those who Microwave more than 150 infant on 7th October but playing victim card what about Yemen more than 1million people died within 10 year 40 to 45% children less than 5 year old because Saudi-Arabia led coalition is doing this so it's not crime
Rearmament plans must include 70 % indian built equipment arms ammunition by 2030 .95% complete Indian Acquisitions of all arms ammunition for army by 2035. Navy 2045 and IAF 2050 including heavy aircraft like refullers , AWACS, and Light , medium and heavy fighter aircraft . With AMCA MK-2 due 2035 , Plans for a fifth/sixth generation heavy fighter aircraft like SU-57 must commence in 2030, design by 2035 , p reproduction models after testing by 2040 and mk-1 induction by 2045 when the SU-30 Mki start retiring from the IAF .RXD money upto 3 to 5 % be increased by 2035 and upto 6 to 8 % by 2040 . Indian defense PSUS and private companies both large , medium and small be incentivized for RxD and DRDO AND ITS LABS integrated for RXD with private companies .
US arms shipment hold to Israel is just a eyewash, US will never do that to Israel.
Absolutely.. All Defense Corps industry in US & Europe is owned by Jews.. only sometimes the Parliamentarians, Congressmen, Senators etc need to show World, its not open freeway channel, but there are checks & balances.
Yeah - babies and children are the worst.
Why Palestine is special for you so much so that u need to make it priority while forgetting how Muslims are killing even more than that in other parts of middle East & Africa.

When non-Muslim kills Muslims, it will bring nonstop protest and sympathy. But if Muslims do this to fellow Muslims, or non-Muslims then go hide & be mute.

It is foolish to be brainwashed by Leftist Media who are in bonhomie with radicals anarchist and Islamists now.
Deal with US is deal with the devil. We need to get rid off GE engines from our jets. Money is not an equation in dealing with the US. Why ? Because they got the money making machine. It should be a lesson for us if we are considering F-something jets
Yeah - babies and children are the worst.
This is the standard excuse Palestinian apologists use. Dangle babies and children to write off all terrorism. If you are stupid enough to start a war, then you need to be fully held accountable for all the collateral damage. Whats funny is, when Palestinian apologists ask Indians to support their cause on humanitarian grounds. I mean where tf were you when Bengali/Kashmiri/Punjabi hindus were slaughtered by the MILLIONS ? And you expect me to stand by you for 30k people ? fk off dude.
While it is impossible for India to ensure that it meets all of it's defence requirements internally, India needs to pursue indeginization of all critical components on imported platforms relentlessly and possibly acquire enough spare parts through import proatively to reduce impact in the event of a fall out. Longer term, it goes without saying that all offensive and defensive capabilities have to meet by our domestic industrial complex and in that regard we have to shed off decades of rust and lethargy and get both our PSUs and enable our private industrial partners to scale up and skill up to meet the challenge. At the same time the MoD and the services have to wake up to this new reality and stop dragging their feet ad infinitum in the hope that their sugar dady foreign OEMs will somehow be rewarded with off the shelf orders if they can incessantly drag their feet on placing orders for comparble indigenous platform ! MoD has to place onus and accountability on the services to work out platform development and roll out timelines with the defense industrial partners ( PSUs or Pvt sector players) and they cannot just put the blame on partners. It is for the services to fund and make sure desired outcomes are achieved on time and on budget.
It's a colossal mistake to buy US and European weapons.Look at Egypt, they have 50 percent share between west and Russians weapons as a security.india too should do it
Yes India shouldn't tightly couple itself with American arms , they are the most unreliable partner.
If they can do this with Israel , then India is nothing.

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