Global Hypersonic R&D on aircrafts, missiles, SCRamjet, Pulse detonation engine, Air breathing rocket engine, etc.

Bhartiya Sainik

Regular Member
Location: India
Hypersonic means speeds more than Mach 5. Humans have desired both civil & military application but It is still in experiment stage.
Subsonic flight still has accidents. Military pilots have ejection seats & parachutes but civillian passengers don't. Hence even supersonic flight has been restricted after Concord crash which BTW was only for rich people.
High-supersonic flight b/w Mach 3-5 will require higher altitude beyond 60Kft to reduce friction drag, but also require enough air for thrust. Occupats may also need a pressure suit which cannot be practically implemented in civil jets.
So, Hypersonic flight in near future will be restricted to military domain only. But in far future we may have civil jets like seen in Sci-Fi movies. The dream & R&D won't ever stop.

In November 1961, X-15 flew over Mach 6. On 3 October 1967, in California, an X-15 reached Mach 6.7. But it was rocket powered, not by jet engine.


Since then, research began on supersonic & hypesonic manned flight.
The problem is that supersonic air cannot enter a Turbo-jet/fan otherwise sonic shockwaves will destroy the engine. Hence convergent &/or divergent intake tunnels, moving ramps, DSI (Diverterless Supersonic Intake), etc were deviced for supersonic flight.


So the Concorde "supercruised" at Mach-2 but jet fighters used "afterburners / reheat" to fly up to Mach 3 for short duration.

As said earlier, High-supersonic flight b/w Mach 3-5 will require higher altitude beyond 60Kft to reduce friction drag, but also require enough air for thrust.
So a RAMJET in intermedite stage & then SCRAMJET (Supersonic Combustion RAMJET) is required at higher speed.


The A-12 & SR-71 used basically a variable cycle engine with a turbo-jet transitioning to a Ramjet with help of moving inlet cones to fly beyond Mach 3 for long durations, requiring multiple AA refuelling in every mission.


The Russians built MiG-25 & MiG-31 reaching Mach 2.8 to intercept SR-71 & later foreign aircrafts entering their vast airspace.


The XB-70 Valkerie could also cross Mach 3 but was cancelled due to huge cost & less benefit.


Since then there have been many rumors about secret high-supersonic & hypersonic jets being tested at AREA-51 & other remote/restricted locations.
The latest is SR-72 Darkstar showcased in movie "Top-Gun 2 : Maverick". In era of remote sensing & spy satellites, ICBMs, the purpose of hypersonic plane remains unclear. Rumors say that since 1990s some type of manned hypersonic vehicle has been flown many times for experimental purpose.


So there is long time remaining when a real hypersonic jet will be publicly revealed.
But Hypersonic missiles are being made.



In upcoming posts we will look at individual products & their elements.
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Pakistan's Hypersonic Capabilities Claims Without Any Evidence & Transparency Raises Skepticism​

Pakistan's Hypersonic Capabilities Claims Without Any Evidence & Transparency Raises Skepticism

Is the Pakistan Air Force (PAF) really using hypersonic missiles, or is it just playing a calculated deception? International defence specialists have expressed doubts and uncertainty regarding recent PAF assertions that it had hypersonic capabilities.

There was an utter lack of information regarding the details following the PAF's announcement. The missile system remained a secret, as did any information on its functionality. This secrecy raises questions about the assertion, especially given Pakistan's reliance on China as its main weaponry source.

Although remarkable, China's hypersonic programme does not yet have a verified air-to-surface missile that can be integrated with the JF-17 and J-10CE fighter jets that are now in use by the PAF. That leaves the Chinese supersonic anti-ship cruise missile, CM-400AKG, as a possible contender.

Its Mach 3.5–4 speed, however, is not fast enough to cross the actual hypersonic threshold (Mach 5 and above). Its Mach 4 terminal phase capabilities thus barely make it deserving of the hypersonic designation.

By using the vague term "hypersonic missile capability," the PAF further muddied the waters and contributed to the scepticism This alludes to a potential attempt to convey the impression of cutting-edge weaponry without committing to any particular details.

On the other hand, the BrahMos missile from India, when fired from fighter planes, keeps flying at supersonic speeds the whole way, which drastically cuts response time and makes it a serious threat.

India's near hypersonic credentials are further reinforced by the fact that their air-launched Rudram-II, Rudram-IIA, and III missiles can reach Mach 5.5 in their terminal phase.

For this reason, the PAF's hypersonic claims are still unclear. In the absence of tangible proof and openness, the world community is left to examine the announcement with suspicion. It is unclear if this is a real development in Pakistani military technology or just a calculated move to scare adversaries.

Russia's Secret Sky Weapon? MiG-41's Hypersonic Might and the EMP Enigma​

Russia's Secret Sky Weapon? MiG-41's Hypersonic Might and the EMP Enigma

Russia's pursuit of aerial dominance takes a bold new direction with the development of the MiG-41, a sixth-generation interceptor aircraft designed to break hypersonic speed barriers.

This ambitious project envisions a fighter jet capable of cruising at a staggering Mach 4.3, potentially placing it in a league of its own.

The Engine Challenge​

The MiG-41's reliance on a pulse-detonation engine represents a significant technological hurdle. This type of engine, while promising immense power, is notoriously complex. As a result, the initial 2025 launch target might be optimistic, with delays likely if Russia faces setbacks in engine development.

Weapons of the Future​

Much of the MiG-41's armament remains classified, fueling speculation. However, experts anticipate it carrying advanced R-37 long-range air-to-air missiles.

More intriguingly, the MiG-41 could potentially be equipped with an innovative multi-purpose interceptor missile system specifically designed for neutralizing hypersonic threats – an increasingly important capability in an era of hypersonic weapon development.

Speed over Stealth​

Interestingly, Russia appears to be emphasizing raw speed over stealth capabilities with the MiG-41.

This design philosophy reflects a calculated gamble, leveraging Russia's traditional strengths in high-performance aircraft while incorporating advancements in materials and aerodynamics.

Whether this pays off strategically remains to be seen, as stealth technology continues to be a cornerstone of Western air superiority doctrine.

The EMP Enigma​

Perhaps the most disruptive element in Russia's aerial arsenal could be the rumored development of an electromagnetic pulse (EMP) gun designed for integration with the MiG-41.

This "energy gun" significantly expands the potential range of targets, but raises concerns that it could eclipse the capabilities of Russia's existing and planned aircraft like the Su-57 and MiG-41.

While its exact purpose remains shrouded in mystery, a less powerful version of the EMP gun could serve as a potent deterrent against swarms of drones or UAVs – a rapidly proliferating threat on modern battlefields.

The Race for Hypersonic Advantage​

The MiG-41's success depends on Russia overcoming the complex challenge of developing a reliable pulse-detonation engine. If successful, it could give Russia a formidable weapon in the ongoing competition for aerial supremacy.

The potential addition of an EMP capability further adds to the revolutionary potential of this project, though how this fits strategically with other Russian aircraft remains an open question.

Disclaimer: Due to the highly classified nature of the MiG-41 project, some information within this article is based on speculation and analysis of publicly available sources.
OwO interesting....
Future weapons of war will be exciting...
The powerful it is the more destruction 💪🔥
Hope before 2100 we can see a real Gundam like weapon that can be used in outer space
Thr Russians too have now joined DRDO's WhatsApp group of day dreaming.
Another tall claim from Russkies. China and Russia claim BS breakthrough every week. Is it weekend yet?
Chalo, DRDO has finally exported the skill of daydreaming to a crazy extent to the Russians. Pulse detonation engine, Mach 4.3 cruising speed, EMP weapons. What's next: A warp drive or a capability to submerge as well?
With the current technological abilities of Russia Aerospace industry, I think it's better for Russia to invest in:-
  1. A 5th Gen program like AMCA for both Russian Airforce & Navy.
  2. A single engine jet program that should be an equivalent to Saab-Gripen E to replace the ageing Mig-29 Jets within Russian Airforce.
This will insure that Russia can provide Economical combat jet option to the Nations in Africa, Middle East, South East Asia & South America.
OwO interesting....
Future weapons of war will be exciting...
The powerful it is the more destruction 💪🔥
Hope before 2100 we can see a real Gundam like weapon that can be used in outer space
Gundam is illogical. Wheels are much better and easier for moovement than legs, and no need for arms with fingers, you can just attach lasers, missiles etc.
Chalo, DRDO has finally exported the skill of daydreaming to a crazy extent to the Russians. Pulse detonation engine, Mach 4.3 cruising speed, EMP weapons. What's next: A warp drive or a capability to submerge as well?
Yeah, this is bullsheet sci fi. They already dont have money to build enough Su57 or develop the checkmate, they are talking about this stuff
Gundam is illogical. Wheels are much better and easier for moovement than legs, and no need for arms with fingers, you can just attach lasers, missiles etc.
Nah as I said from my comment it's most use purpose is space bruh😹😹😹
With the current technological abilities of Russia Aerospace industry, I think it's better for Russia to invest in:-
  1. A 5th Gen program like AMCA for both Russian Airforce & Navy.
  2. A single engine jet program that should be an equivalent to Saab-Gripen E to replace the ageing Mig-29 Jets within Russian Airforce.
This will insure that Russia can provide Economical combat jet option to the Nations in Africa, Middle East, South East Asia & South America.
they already have a flying shovels like su57 and had another d@mnsh!t su75 that is more like f35 contender and a refine single engine version of their su57... They can do it better if they pursue the su75 instead for multirole platform for air force and navies😹😹😹
While us Indian fans are still day dreaming in delululandia of when will AMCA's prototype will be inducted 🙃🤭 damn oh why this HAL is so so slow...
For your suggestion of single engine that can replace all aging aircraft that can compete f16 or jas39 gripen e, they had already a concept design it's their su75....
This is just hype/BS...Russia's military-industrial complex neither has the capability nor the money to develop such an aircraft...yes they have inherent capabilities, but this is baloney...I am not against Russia, and strongly believe that Bharat must develop/maintain our relationship with them (space, energy, nuclear, artic, and military), but also believe that Russia is past its prime and cannot regain superpower status like the Soviet Union...Best Russia can do is get cozy with the west and develop economically...It is a $1.8T economy with an ageing and shrinking population...just see UK with a $3.2T economy and a 65million population, struggling to even define who they are...America is in decline, and China may have already peaked, but will create immense trouble by 2035...Bharat must go slow and steady, avoid conflicts, and focus on rapid economic/military development, if we want to become a superpower by 2047.

China Working on 2,000km Range Hypersonic Air Defence Missile​

China Working on 2,000km Range Hypersonic Air Defence Missile

Chinese researchers claim they are developing a groundbreaking new air defence missile capable of intercepting bombers and other airborne threats at distances of up to 2,000 kilometers (1,240 miles).

If successful, this hypersonic, solid-fueled weapon would dramatically extend the reach of China's air defence network.

According to reports in the South China Morning Post (SCMP), this "ultra-long-range" surface-to-air missile (SAM) would eclipse the range of most current air defence systems, which operate within the range of tens to a few hundred kilometers.

Chinese military experts say its development could redefine the limits of tactical air defence.

Rewriting Rules of Engagement​

The missile is designed to neutralize threats from enemy bombers and early warning aircraft.

Such extreme range presents significant challenges to existing air warfare doctrines, where ultra-long-range air defence was previously seen as less feasible.

Should the system prove successful, it indicates that Chinese researchers may have overcome these technological hurdles.

Potential Power Shift​

This development, while still in its alleged design stages, has the potential to disrupt the military balance of power in the region. It underscores China's growing focus on expanding the capabilities of its air defence network.

The system requires further development and rigorous testing, but its announcement signifies a potential technological leap that could force a reassessment of air defence strategies.

Important Considerations​

It's crucial to remember that the missile's capabilities are currently based on claims by Chinese researchers. Independent verification is necessary to fully understand its operational potential and its true impact on military strategy.

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