GTRE Seeks Cutting-Edge Engine Monitoring System for Real-World Testing of Gas Turbine Engines


The Gas Turbine Research Establishment (GTRE) has issued a tender inviting bids for a state-of-the-art Engine Performance Measurement and Monitoring System (PMMS).

This advanced system is intended for use in GTRE's Mobile Test Facility (MTF), where it will play a critical role in evaluating the performance of various gas turbine engines under real-world operating conditions.

The PMMS is envisioned as a comprehensive and integrated solution, capable of acquiring, recording, and analyzing a wide range of engine performance parameters.

During MTF operations, the PMMS will gather and monitor essential engine data, providing insights into performance, identifying areas for improvement, and ensuring optimal engine health.

By enabling close monitoring of engine performance, the PMMS will contribute significantly to the safety and effectiveness of ground testing procedures conducted by GTRE.
I think the ecosystem for jet engine development is starting to come up in India now. In recent years lots of testing systems have been installed. But still much more is needed. Most important of which is a flying testbed.

No wonder Kaveri never succeeded. Our budget and infrastructure was less than a tenth of countries like China or russia, let alone USA or UK or France.
Very Good Developments From DRDO , This should have done much before Result would have some thing else , its late but going add Much in developments of Aero-Engines. what happen Boeing was going to create some Test Facilities under offset clause .............???
In addition to the PMMS, India badly needs high altitude fighter engine test bed from all the UDS vendors.
Perhaps USA can step in and fulfill all of the offset requirements by helping to get a high altitude flight testbed.
India must take non-fulfillment of offsets very seriously and start cracking the whip against all penny pinching and recalcitrant OEMs.
I think the ecosystem for jet engine development is starting to come up in India now. In recent years lots of testing systems have been installed. But still much more is needed. Most important of which is a flying testbed.

No wonder Kaveri never succeeded. Our budget and infrastructure was less than a tenth of countries like China or russia, let alone USA or UK or France.
It's shaping up. Let's see. At least high altitude and weather test labs should be set up. They can shave off years from the development time and after a dozen tests, the capex will be recouped too. Unfortunately, IAF and MoD have been so myopic. IAF is not very supportive as they continued to be hooked to the foreign opium.
Even without our scientists having minimum facilities, they expected our scientists from Indian education system to produce miracles which most nations doesn't even attempt to do so
I think the ecosystem for jet engine development is starting to come up in India now. In recent years lots of testing systems have been installed. But still much more is needed. Most important of which is a flying testbed.

No wonder Kaveri never succeeded. Our budget and infrastructure was less than a tenth of countries like China or russia, let alone USA or UK or France.
But the problem is GTRE. Funds can definitely help. But GTRE couldn’t even finish the funds they had and the last time they took Kaveri to Russia, they ended up blowing the FTB.

So no, additional funds or FTB couldn’t help as long as GTRE is kept on the project. First step should be to throw DRDO out of this.
It's shaping up. Let's see. At least high altitude and weather test labs should be set up. They can shave off years from the development time and after a dozen tests, the capex will be recouped too. Unfortunately, IAF and MoD have been so myopic. IAF is not very supportive as they continued to be hooked to the foreign opium.
Oh MoD and IAF have been super supportive. It is entirely GTREs fault. They had funds left in the account and hen they closed the project and couldn’t even spend it all. Less than 80% of the sanctioned amount was spent. And when they went to Russia for flying tests, they ended up blowing the plane. So who would give a brand new FTB to such idiots?

I seriously doubt that it is DRDO and DPSUs who are on foreign payrolls and now must be investigated. Even P M O’s committee has said that DRDO alone is responsible for well over half of all the delays in weapons development. This is unpardonable.
Even without our scientists having minimum facilities, they expected our scientists from Indian education system to produce miracles which most nations doesn't even attempt to do so
Not without minimum facilities. They were given all the facilities and blank check funding. DRDO utilized less than 80% of the total funds given by MoD. So first step should be to throw DRDO out if you want to have a chance of making it work.
GTRE alone cannot make a low bypass turbo engine .It has to be national effort of public, academic, private companies with teams from IITS, IISC, HAL, GTRE atomic energy Isro, IAF, MISHRA DHATU NIGAM, BEL, BHEL private companies like bharat forge, TATA s, GODREJ and many medium and small production partners.
You want an indigenous aero engine but u can't provide the infrastructure to develop one.
I think the ecosystem for jet engine development is starting to come up in India now. In recent years lots of testing systems have been installed. But still much more is needed. Most important of which is a flying testbed.

No wonder Kaveri never succeeded. Our budget and infrastructure was less than a tenth of countries like China or russia, let alone USA or UK or France.
Always point out defects but never suggest anything positive it's in our blood get paid by foreigners to bitch about us

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