How Acquisition of 500 Gaurav Glide Bombs with 80km Range Will Improve IAF's Offensive Capabilities?

How Acquisition of 500 Gaurav Glide Bombs with 80km Range Will Improve IAF's Offensive Capabilities?

The Indian Air Force (IAF) is poised to undergo a major upgrade in its offensive capabilities with the imminent acquisition of 500 units of the indigenously developed Gaurav Long Range Glide Bomb (LRGB). This precision-guided weapon system, with its impressive range and accuracy, has the potential to significantly alter the dynamics of aerial warfare for the IAF.

The Gaurav LRGB's standout feature is its remarkable range of over 80 kilometers. This extended reach allows IAF fighter jets to engage targets deep within enemy territory while remaining safely outside the range of most air defence systems. This standoff capability not only enhances the survivability of IAF aircraft but also enables them to strike high-value targets that were previously difficult to reach.

Equipped with an advanced inertial navigation guidance system and digital control, the Gaurav LRGB promises pinpoint accuracy. This precision targeting minimizes collateral damage, making it suitable for use in densely populated areas or near sensitive infrastructure. The bomb's ability to penetrate hardened structures further enhances its effectiveness against heavily fortified targets.

The Gaurav LRGB is designed to be compatible with a variety of IAF fighter jets, including the Su-30MKI and other platforms. This versatility allows for seamless integration into existing squadrons, expanding their operational capabilities. The bomb's ability to carry a conventional warhead provides flexibility in targeting a wide range of enemy assets, from airfields and bunkers to command centers and ammunition depots.

The Gaurav LRGB, developed by DRDO and manufactured by Adani Defence, represents a major step forward in India's quest for self-reliance in the defence sector. The combination of extended range, precision targeting, and versatility will enable the IAF to conduct a wider range of missions with greater effectiveness and reduced risk to its own forces. This will significantly enhance India's deterrence posture and provide a decisive advantage in any future conflict.


  • Length: 4.027 meters
  • Wingspan: 3.4 meters
  • Diameter: 620 millimeters
  • Weight: Up to 1000 kilograms
  • Range: Over 80 kilometers
  • Accuracy: Less than 15 meters
  • Warhead: Penetration Cum Blast (PCB)
What are the specs of Russian glide bombs,and how much explosives they carry that will provide a good approximate value for Indian ones?
they have warhead weights from 200kg, 500, 1000, and very recently they used a 3000kg monster.
Russia has used guide bombs effectively. India needs to learn from them and develop glide bombs in 1500kg and 3000kg range also for max destruction.
Foreign agents like you want DRDO to give technology transfers to Abdul Hafeez who will bid the highest amount using his foreign funded masters so that the technology can be secretly shipped to foreign countries. But, alas for you, GOI is smart and only gives technology based on loyalty so that the technology never leaks out of India to foreign hands.
He likes talking like that. Keeps brining up his biased Congressi politics to every discussion. I have seen him at other forums too.

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