IAF MRFA Tender NOT Cancelled: April Fools' Prank Exposed

IAF MRFA Tender NOT Cancelled: April Fools' Prank Exposed

Be wary of recent reports claiming the Indian Air Force (IAF) cancelled the MRFA (Multi-Role Fighter Aircraft) tender for 114 jets in favor of the locally-developed TEDBF (Twin Engine Deck Based Fighter). This news was revealed to be an April Fool's Day prank.

The false information originated from a YouTube channel that made unsubstantiated claims on X (formerly Twitter) about the IAF scrapping the MRFA program – a multi-billion dollar deal to procure 114 fighter jets. The channel misleadingly suggested the IAF would focus solely on the TEDBF, a naval fighter currently in development.

It's vital to emphasize that the MRFA tender is still very much active. The IAF is in the process of evaluating proposals from various global aerospace companies for the 114 fighter jets. Designed specifically for the Indian Navy, the TEDBF is not a competing aircraft in the MRFA program.

With so much information readily available online, it's essential to maintain a critical eye toward what you read or see, particularly around April 1st.
it is already too late for even a 4th gen fighter jet, by the time TEDBF is realized it will already loose it’s relevance, so the best option for us is to minimize the number of 4th gen fighter projects and jump to 5th gen jets, to supplement local 4th gen jets and speed up the acquisition, we need MRFA. the more cheapest and immediately available among the bunch should be selected, the whole induction process should be over with in the next 5 years, would be better if the foreign OEM provides some help in our AMCA also during that timeframe.
Which fighter is best under MRFA!?
Rafales - if today it is selected then - 2 years of negotiation - and then 3 years for first Rafale( India produced) with a rate of mere 6-8 aircraft/year.
U can't get Rafales directly thanks to a decade long backlog.

Leaving Rafales all Western platforms will have US interference

Su 35 and Mig 35s are out of the question already.
I still stand with my statement: Active production lines.......

Reason: soon 4th gen aircraft will have AI to pilot them , they would have everything in a better way leaving stealth which can achieved considerably just like in our Tejas + RAM coating.
according to all sources available, what I am saying about production is right.

What you are talking about AI pilots, that cannot be called 4th gen or 5th gen. They are now drones. Drones are totally different than fighters.
according to all sources available, what I am saying about production is right.

What you are talking about AI pilots, that cannot be called 4th gen or 5th gen. They are now drones. Drones are totally different than fighters.

USAF staff seeing F16s to fly till 2070 - 40 years from here,
I don't think I shall say anything more about active production line

Here u go another article:

Its given already that USAF was tired
of operating too pricey 5th gen and wanted a -5 gen fighter: termed by USAF only
Or the fighter program being called MX-C/F : a 4th gen fighter with all technology advancements but absolute stealth.
It was later dropped for F16 specifically...

USAF realises F16 is necessarily the MX- F; and upgrading it to high levels is far more affordable than operating F35s

F16 will have active production line till 2060.
Which fighter is best under MRFA!?
Rafales - if today it is selected then - 2 years of negotiation - and then 3 years for first Rafale( India produced) with a rate of mere 6-8 aircraft/year.
U can't get Rafales directly thanks to a decade long backlog.

Leaving Rafales all Western platforms will have US interference

Su 35 and Mig 35s are out of the question already.
Rafale will take the longest time and very pricey, we need atleast 57 which is 50% of 114 MRFA jets at least before 2027 which is the year that China has set for Taiwan takeover, it is impossible to get 50 Rafales before that time or even the 26 Rafale-M’s for the Navy, so the best option would be to cancel MRFA and start making ORCA in parallel with Tejas MK2 or buy cheapest and immediately available foreign fighter jets for MRFA.
these articles talk about planes being in service in 2060s and 2070s.

Do you know what active production line means? You keep using this phrase a lot.
Bro simply tell that if the aircraft is in active service till 2070 then what would be the last date of its production line.

Not just that - are u assuming that F16 won't be ordered further!? Even if we keep USAF aside, F16 is still seen in the global market as deadly, efficient, cheap.
Given its just a start but its advancements are already here- F21 for example.
Rafale will take the longest time and very pricey, we need atleast 57 which is 50% of 114 MRFA jets at least before 2027 which is the year that China has set for Taiwan takeover, it is impossible to get 50 Rafales before that time or even the 26 Rafale-M’s for the Navy, so the best option would be to cancel MRFA and start making ORCA in parallel with Tejas MK2 or buy cheapest and immediately available foreign fighter jets for MRFA.
Are bhai toh laega jaha se!?

Rafales ya Typhoon ka ped ugau!?

LCA mk2 and ORCA are the only options available.....
Simply understand we don't have any options.

U have no options left to choose.
Only indigenous MWF - LCA mk2 and ORCA are the left options.
Bro simply tell that if the aircraft is in active service till 2070 then what would be the last date of its production line.

Not just that - are u assuming that F16 won't be ordered further!? Even if we keep USAF aside, F16 is still seen in the global market as deadly, efficient, cheap.
Given its just a start but its advancements are already here- F21 for example.
dude, F-16 are designed to have 40 year lifetime, you can stretch it to 50 years if you dont fly it regularly. So an F-16 flying in 2060s latest could have been built in 2020s easily. Pakistan received its F-16s in 1980s, and the earlier ones recently received a lifetime extension package from US, which India had protested. Current orders of F-16 will only last till 2028-29.

I have full confidence that no new F-16 will be built in 2030s. F-16 is already a more than 50 years old. F-21 is just on paper, it was pitched to India but it was rejected as india is not going to buy single engine 4th gen fighters from abroad.
dude, F-16 are designed to have 40 year lifetime, you can stretch it to 50 years if you dont fly it regularly. So an F-16 flying in 2060s latest could have been built in 2020s easily. Pakistan received its F-16s in 1980s, and the earlier ones recently received a lifetime extension package from US, which India had protested. Current orders of F-16 will only last till 2028-29.

I have full confidence that no new F-16 will be built in 2030s. F-16 is already a more than 50 years old. F-21 is just on paper, it was pitched to India but it was rejected as india is not going to buy single engine 4th gen fighters from abroad.
Vro crashes!?
Until an aircraft is an aircraft is active service, its production line should be active - 11 of our Su30s crashed and we have already placed order fir replacement with Su 30 only ofcourse.

Ur simply assuming F16 won't be crashed, faulty aircraft won't be replaced, upgrade would be given to 40 year old airframe and things like that.....

But in reality - planes crash, get replaced and especially about upgrades; toooooo old F16s won't be upgraded.

Not just that, India rejected F21 so everyone else will do the same!?

Either u r misunderstanding Lockheed's statement that F21 is for India only or ur thinking poor countries beyond 2030 would be able to afford fifth generation fighters.

F21 - the name is India specific

Tomorrow they can propose the same or better aircraft under the name tag if maybe F23..... Or something like that.
Are bhai toh laega jaha se!?

Rafales ya Typhoon ka ped ugau!?

LCA mk2 and ORCA are the only options available.....
Simply understand we don't have any options.

U have no options left to choose.
Only indigenous MWF - LCA mk2 and ORCA are the left options.
MK2 is MWF, when TEDBF is made, why can’t ORCA be made, it could even be equipped with Twin Kaveri down the line after installing twin GE F414 initially.
Which fighter is best under MRFA!?
Rafales - if today it is selected then - 2 years of negotiation - and then 3 years for first Rafale( India produced) with a rate of mere 6-8 aircraft/year.
U can't get Rafales directly thanks to a decade long backlog.

Leaving Rafales all Western platforms will have US interference

Su 35 and Mig 35s are out of the question already.
just to setup infra for making Rafale in India, it will take 3 extra years and then localization of raw materials. just forget about it, according to MRFA first 2 squadrons are imported off the shelf, for this we have to wait for 10-15 years itself, considering the backlog and Ukraine war and probable French participation and possibility of loosing 100’s of Rafale’s, another viable option would be, may be with the existing infra HAL can build 3-4 squadrons of new Super Sukhoi’s from the scratch instead of upgrading old ones as we already localized engine and raw materials for MKI’s, it would be the fastest twin engine jet option.
MK2 is MWF, when TEDBF is made, why can’t ORCA be made, it could even be equipped with Twin Kaveri down the line after installing twin GE F414 initially.
I think we are on the same page.......
I also support ORCA induction and Heavy number of LCA mk2.
just to setup infra for making Rafale in India, it will take 3 extra years and then localization of raw materials. just forget about it, according to MRFA first 2 squadrons are imported off the shelf, for this we have to wait for 10-15 years itself, considering the backlog and Ukraine war and probable French participation and possibility of loosing 100’s of Rafale’s, another viable option would be, may be with the existing infra HAL can build 3-4 squadrons of new Super Sukhoi’s from the scratch instead of upgrading old ones as we already localized engine and raw materials for MKI’s, it would be the fastest twin engine jet option.
We r on the same page bro.....MRFA is dead , IAF requirements shall be met with indigenous fighter.
Vro crashes!?
Until an aircraft is an aircraft is active service, its production line should be active - 11 of our Su30s crashed and we have already placed order fir replacement with Su 30 only ofcourse.

Ur simply assuming F16 won't be crashed, faulty aircraft won't be replaced, upgrade would be given to 40 year old airframe and things like that.....

But in reality - planes crash, get replaced and especially about upgrades; toooooo old F16s won't be upgraded.

Not just that, India rejected F21 so everyone else will do the same!?

Either u r misunderstanding Lockheed's statement that F21 is for India only or ur thinking poor countries beyond 2030 would be able to afford fifth generation fighters.

F21 - the name is India specific

Tomorrow they can propose the same or better aircraft under the name tag if maybe F23..... Or something like that.
Replacement order for crashes is not always the case. Multiple factors need to be considered. If F22 had crashed, they could not be replaced. I gave you reason for that already.

For our Su30, replacement was possible because HAL had domestic production line still there, it almost never went idle. And parts from russia were also available. Its production line had not been dismantled yet, or been put into service for another aircraft. Russia is still producing Sukhois.

As I gave the example of F22, its production line has switched to F35 production. There is a video on youtube detailing this.

Take pakistan for eg. It had a total of 85 F16, but currently 75 are in service. Some were lost in crashes and some got too old. They never ordered replacement. Lots of factors go into ordering replacement.
I have not heard any IAF person, retd or otherwise, HAL person, retd or otherwise, talk about this. I know that there was a plan for ORCA earlier but IAF rejected it. Do you have a source, I would like to see,
ORCA is just an imagination for all of us , brother... But I feel that IAF will join Navy because TEDBF will be the most advanced jet in our inventory after AMCA Mk1 , and not to forget all AMCA technology will go into TEDBF...

We can't make AMCA in huge numbers due to its price but ORCA / TEDBF will fit perfectly... That's the reason I personally want IAF to buy 54 more Rafales & end this MRFA circus and procure 100+ ORCA... It will not only increase the fighter squadrons but also save billions of dollars going out of country..

And also MRFA deal is almost 3-4 years from here and then add 3 years for setting up factory & production by 2030 only then we will start getting RAFALE ...
Replacement order for crashes is not always the case. Multiple factors need to be considered. If F22 had crashed, they could not be replaced. I gave you reason for that already.

For our Su30, replacement was possible because HAL had domestic production line still there, it almost never went idle. And parts from russia were also available. Its production line had not been dismantled yet, or been put into service for another aircraft. Russia is still producing Sukhois.

As I gave the example of F22, its production line has switched to F35 production. There is a video on youtube detailing this.

Take pakistan for eg. It had a total of 85 F16, but currently 75 are in service. Some were lost in crashes and some got too old. They never ordered replacement. Lots of factors go into ordering replacement.
Bro weren't we specifically talking about F16s here!?

Why are u bringing fighters whose assembly lines were closed!?
Or Pakistan who going ahead won't get any significant western equipment thanks to their home terrorism!?

F16s are rather the most produced fighters here.
Bro weren't we specifically talking about F16s here!?

Why are u bringing fighters whose assembly lines were closed!?
Or Pakistan who going ahead won't get any significant western equipment thanks to their home terrorism!?

F16s are rather the most produced fighters here.
the reason why I mentioned other fighters was because you started it. You mentioned F-15 as well along with F-16, then you also mentioned our Su-30MKI. And you made a general point of needing to replace exisiting aircraft if they crash, when you pointed out about our Su30 orders to replace crashed aircrafts.

If you look at europe, Countries are replacing F-16 with F-35 jets. So no replacement going on there. In fact denmark is selling older F-16 to argentina. Similarly other european countries are donating old F-16 to ukraine and replacing them with F-35.

Pakistan is replacing its F-35 with Chinese jets. Are these examples enough to make my point?
ORCA is just an imagination for all of us , brother... But I feel that IAF will join Navy because TEDBF will be the most advanced jet in our inventory after AMCA Mk1 , and not to forget all AMCA technology will go into TEDBF...

We can't make AMCA in huge numbers due to its price but ORCA / TEDBF will fit perfectly... That's the reason I personally want IAF to buy 54 more Rafales & end this MRFA circus and procure 100+ ORCA... It will not only increase the fighter squadrons but also save billions of dollars going out of country..

And also MRFA deal is almost 3-4 years from here and then add 3 years for setting up factory & production by 2030 only then we will start getting RAFALE ...
I agree with you. That is why I also want MRFA to be junked. We are already buy 2 dozen rafale marines. Those along with 36 already here, should be enough to match our immediate need. The money we save from MRFA, if we spend on AMCA, Tejas Mk2 and TEDBF, we can get 2 times the number of jets, along with domestic missiles etc.

Timelines are also similar because if MRFA is signed today, it will take at least 5 years for domestic production to start, and it will take at least 10 years to deliver all aircraft. Rafales have a huge backlog, and if we sign order today, we will be at back of the line. Even with a domestic production line, amny parts will be imported, and there will be delays for those parts because many countreis placed orders before us.

France has been producing rafales for 20 years, and it still has not reached 15 jets a year of production.
the reason why I mentioned other fighters was because you started it. You mentioned F-15 as well along with F-16, then you also mentioned our Su-30MKI. And you made a general point of needing to replace exisiting aircraft if they crash, when you pointed out about our Su30 orders to replace crashed aircrafts.

If you look at europe, Countries are replacing F-16 with F-35 jets. So no replacement going on there. In fact denmark is selling older F-16 to argentina. Similarly other european countries are donating old F-16 to ukraine and replacing them with F-35.

Pakistan is replacing its F-35 with Chinese jets. Are these examples enough to make my point?
Su 30 mki - active production
F22 - closed production

And importantly I specifically said poor countries......dunno which European country is poor

As for Pakistan, bro they are simply denied of basics of a modern jet.......
Even our Tejas would shot down a Pakistani F16.

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