IAF Seeks "Jaguar Model" for MRFA Fighter Jet Tender, Prioritizing Autonomy in Upgrades and Weapon Integration

Only France can meet these requirements. For F21 we will have to pay the entire cost for R&D and take the risk and wait for it. F16 itself failed the trials last time, btw. As for Korea, they didn’t participate in the RFI. So no comments.
Not true, this has been told here many times by me and many others, will repeat again

F21 is nothing but F16 Block 72 with the addition of following

the APG-83 AESA radar

A modern avionics subsystem, which uses COTS components and a high-speed data bus to enable faster and more reliable processing and communication.
A Link-16 Theater Data Link, which allows to share and receive data from other friendly platforms.

A Sniper Advanced Targeting Pod, which provides high-resolution video, infrared, and laser designation for precision strike and reconnaissance.

the Joint Helmet Mounted Cueing System II

CFT (Conformal Fuel Tanks)

A precision GPS navigation system, which provides accurate and reliable positioning and timing information and enables the use of GPS-guided weapons.

An Auto GCAS technology that prevents from crashing into the ground.

fittings for towed radar decoys, a new infrared sensor and a refueling probe that’s compatible with India’s Russian-made aerial tankers.
Only France can meet these requirements. For F21 we will have to pay the entire cost for R&D and take the risk and wait for it. F16 itself failed the trials last time, btw. As for Korea, they didn’t participate in the RFI. So no comments.
F21 is same as F16V except may be slightly better radar, I don't think there is any extra R&D for that, People keep forgetting EF was only other jet qualified last time , IMO it has second best chance after Rafale.
F21 is same as F16V except may be slightly better radar, I don't think there is any extra R&D for that, People keep forgetting EF was only other jet qualified last time , IMO it has second best chance after Rafale.
Well LM says it’s different, ‘inside and out’. I remember reading an article back in 2021, which mentioned significant structural changes in the plane to incorporate future technologies.

So the investment will be huge and process will be time consuming. Production rate of the plane is anyways very slow and we will have to first wait to get it developed and certified. So very very long process.

Yes, EF has the best chance but I doubt it can beat Rafale on price, especially now.
How could a procurement process take 20+years and not arrive at a conclusion?

To think of it, if we would have completed procurement in MMRCA, the 1st jets would probably 20 years old by now !

Anyway, if we buy 100+ jets it surely must be with full tot, with local manufacturing, supply chain, locally assembled engine, and indigenous weapons, radar with local upgrades without question.

who ever of Lokheed Martin, SAAB, Assault or Rosoboronexport offers this should be the decisive factor and with any deviation or non compliance to be penalised.

when you ate spending USD 40 B+, you must get in tranches as no single budget can fund it, so will the upgrades and manufacturing should also be gradual with maturity.

and upgrades/ innovations over the next 10 years and for the next 20/30 years with local weapons, indigenous parts, and local suppliers for all parts, including engines, radars, EW suite, missiles, ejection seats, targeting pods , sdr, mid air refueling setup, and opto electronics, IRST, and tires, with special alloys, parts and assemblies etc.

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