iDEX ADITI Challenges Indian Startups to Develop 'Jalkapi' Based Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Prototype

iDEX ADITI Challenges Indian Startups to Develop 'Jalkapi' Based Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Prototype

The Indian Ministry of Defence (MoD) is spearheading a drive towards indigenous technological advancement with the launch of iDEX ADITI Edition 1.0.

This initiative presents a unique opportunity for Indian startups specializing in defence and marine technology to contribute directly to the nation's underwater capabilities.

One challenge of this project is the development of a next-generation Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV) prototype based on the Indian Navy's "Jalkapi" design.

Envisioning the Jalkapi AUV​

The Jalkapi AUV is conceptualized as a highly capable and self-sufficient underwater platform designed for extended missions. The Indian Navy aims to leverage domestic talent and expertise to develop a functional prototype that addresses several critical requirements:
  • Sophisticated Mission Control Software: At the heart of the AUV lies a mission computer with advanced software. This software is pivotal for interpreting data gathered by onboard sensors and enabling autonomous decision-making, ensuring effective navigation and mission accomplishment.
  • Extended Endurance and Fault Tolerance: The Jalkapi AUV must demonstrate exceptional reliability, functioning for 30-45 days at sea with minimal need for maintenance. The systems must have robust fault management capabilities to handle technical issues that might occur during extended periods of deployment.
  • Seamless Sensor Integration and Energy Management: The Jalkapi design necessitates the smooth integration of various sensors. Additionally, efficient energy management is crucial. A potential solution lies in the combination of a diesel generator for recharging a lithium-ion battery pack, guaranteeing sustained operation.
  • Autonomous Surface Operations and Data Processing: This AUV needs to possess the ability to surface independently, activate its diesel generator for battery charging, and submerge again autonomously. Continuous recording and analysis of sensor data will allow for well-informed decisions and mission progress assessments .
  • Comprehensive Design and Shore Support: Beyond the AUV itself, a detailed design document is essential, outlining the technical specifications and software functionalities. Furthermore, developing a shore station with capabilities for tracking the AUV, communicating, monitoring missions, and processing data is a vital component for effective mission control.

An Opportunity for Innovation and Impact​

The iDEX ADITI Jalkapi AUV challenge is a significant step towards bolstering India's maritime defense and underwater surveillance capabilities.

Successful development of this cutting-edge AUV prototype by Indian startups will have far-reaching implications, potentially transforming underwater exploration and strategic defense practices for the nation.
Ukraine developed and used drone boats with 100kg explosives and sinking large Russian ships...

IDEX must develop it as ap

Also we should develop drone Submarines, with 100 kg explosives, we can sink all p@k ships easily
Ukraine developed and used drone boats with 100kg explosives and sinking large Russian ships...

IDEX must develop it as ap

Also we should develop drone Submarines, with 100 kg explosives, we can sink all p@k ships easily
I think more important for us is to figure out ways to deal with these drone boats rather than build them. We can sink pakistani ships easily using brahmos. We have lots of ships and aircraft capable of launching them, while pakistan has few ships.

But like ukraine, pakistan will tend to use unorthodox means to trouble our much larger surface fleet. So, so we need to learn how to deal with these drone boats.

These drone boats are pefect if you have expensive targets and you can easily launch them from the shore
Agree, p0rkis are smart. they will use it against us

brahmos cost 100 crore per missile
such drone boats cost 1 crore at best
So what if these drones are cheaper. They would be useless vs china as china is too far. Only other enemy is pakistan it has very few ships the biggest of which is a frigaye. We have hundreds of brahmos. Their purpose is to sink pakistani ships.

Ukraine has no navy. That is why they have to rely on these drones. When we sink pakistan's navy, then they will also resort to these tactics. That is why we need to learn how to deal with these drones

Also, brahmos costs around 25 crore and cost of these naval drones for the ukrainians around 5 -15 crore.
India has already been developing these type of AUV and we need our navy to install this on all of our ships because it can be very useful to search for mines, look for natural resources, monitor shipping lanes and also to stealthily attack naval ships which can be more effective than using the traditional threats.

One crucial requirement is that we need to develop the technology to protect our ships against these type of threats as this is similar to a torpedo. The only danger is that these AUV are controlled by a man and the current protection we use against torpedos is deploy counter measures to give them another target which torpedos will automatically target instead of the ship or submarine but with the man controlled AUV they can ignore all torpedo counter measures and can sink major warships.
So what if these drones are cheaper. They would be useless vs china as china is too far. Only other enemy is pakistan it has very few ships the biggest of which is a frigaye. We have hundreds of brahmos. Their purpose is to sink pakistani ships.

Ukraine has no navy. That is why they have to rely on these drones. When we sink pakistan's navy, then they will also resort to these tactics. That is why we need to learn how to deal with these drones

Also, brahmos costs around 25 crore and cost of these naval drones for the ukrainians around 5 -15 crore.
Some more clarification.

Brahmos short range (290 Km) cost 25K and Brahmos long range (800KM) cost 100K.
With limited 300kg warhead it destructive power is limited although it has lower CEP and kinetic energy to perform impact. In general you need 2-5 Brahmos to destroy single target.

Chinese navy will operate in IOR region, Arabian sea and near Indian coast in war time so shore based target hunting is very much needed. In do not have capability to fight war in South china sea.

With 1 successful hit in Ukraine war, These arms definitely got attention, specially low cost, stealthy nature and Naval ships currently not equipped to thwart the threats. So it is imperative to develop offensive and defensive posture

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