India Aims for 175+ Warship Navy by 2035 Amidst China's Growing Presence in IOR


New Delhi: In a clear signal of India's intent to strengthen its naval capabilities amidst China's growing footprint in the Indian Ocean region, Defence Minister Rajnath Singh announced on Thursday that the Indian Navy will induct 88 new warships and submarines in the next few years.

This significant expansion will bolster India's maritime power, with 64 of these vessels currently under construction and orders placed for an additional 24.

Singh emphasized the strategic importance of the Indian Ocean region, highlighting the vast trade that passes through its waters and the accompanying security concerns such as piracy, hijacking, and missile attacks.

He commended the Navy's role in safeguarding the economic interests of the region and reiterated India's commitment to ensuring regional security.

The Indian Navy has set ambitious targets for its expansion, aiming to have 155-160 warships by 2030 and ultimately reaching 175-200 warships by 2035. This modernization drive includes the acquisition of bigger and more lethal destroyers.

This assertive stance by New Delhi comes on the heels of the recent visit of three Chinese ships, including the destroyer He Fei, to Sri Lanka. China's growing presence in the Indian Ocean, with 6-8 ships and submarines regularly patrolling the region, has raised concerns in India.

Singh also stressed the importance of indigenization in India's defence sector. He pointed out that over two-thirds of the Navy's modernization budget in the last five years has been spent on indigenous procurement. He further called for better coordination between the Indian Navy and the Indian Coast Guard to enhance maritime security.

This significant naval expansion, coupled with a focus on indigenous capabilities, underscores India's determination to protect its interests and maintain its position as a key security partner in the Indo-Pacific region in the face of China's growing assertiveness.
175 ship navy? It needs to go at least 250 ship navy to adequately deal with China and Pakistan threat simultaneously.
We should make two 65000 ton electric powered ACs till 2035 and 6 Suffren SSNs !

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