India May Export Hundreds of Aging T-72 Tanks to Russia: European Media


European media outlets are reporting that India, in its efforts to modernize its tank fleet, may consider exporting its aging T-72 tanks to various countries, including Russia.

With approximately 2,500 T-72s in its inventory, India is looking to retire a significant portion of these Soviet-era tanks, opening up opportunities for potential buyers across Africa, the Middle East, and Southeast Asia.

The tanks will be modernized before export at the Heavy Vehicles Factory in Avadi. The widespread use of T-72s worldwide and the existing support infrastructure could make them attractive to countries like South Sudan and Venezuela seeking to expand their fleets. However, Russia, with its vast experience with T-72s and its current need for additional tanks amidst the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, stands out as a potential major buyer.

While Russia claims to be ramping up production of its T-90M tanks, there is speculation that it may still be interested in acquiring additional T-72s from India. However India's decision on whether to directly sell to Russia could be influenced by Western pressure, potentially leading to indirect sales through third countries.

This situation draws parallels to India's role in the Russian oil and gas trade following Western sanctions. India has become a significant importer of discounted Russian oil, subsequently reselling refined products like diesel to Europe. This has helped India save billions of dollars and meet European fuel demands while circumventing direct sanctions against Russia.

Despite international sanctions, Russia continues to generate revenue through such indirect sales, utilizing tactics like the "dark fleet" to transport oil discreetly. India's growing market and strategic interests, coupled with its willingness to engage in large-scale defence deals with Western countries, may outweigh concerns about potential sanctions related to T-72 sales to Russia.

Ultimately, the decision rests with India, balancing its strategic relationships, economic considerations, and the geopolitical complexities surrounding arms sales in the current global landscape.

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