Indian Army Favors American Stryker Over Indigenous WhAP 8×8 in Armored Vehicle Program


The Indian Army's evaluation of contenders for its 8×8 wheeled armored vehicle program has reportedly hit a roadblock, with sources suggesting a preference for the American Stryker over local offerings, including DRDO's WhAP 8×8. The Army reportedly considers the Stryker a more robust and mature platform compared to indigenous alternatives, citing superior design and protection.

This development contradicts DRDO's claims, which previously positioned their WhAP 8×8 as superior to the Stryker, Fuchs 2, and Piranha 3 based on a comparison chart. However, the Army's assessment seems to prioritize real-world performance over theoretical specifications.


In response to the Army's preference, discussions are underway between the US and India to explore a co-development program for a customized Stryker M1135 variant tailored to meet Indian requirements.

This setback for DRDO's WhAP 8×8 could potentially hinder India's efforts toward self-reliance in defense manufacturing. While the WhAP may have shown theoretical advantages, the Army's practical assessment highlights the importance of proven performance in the field.

The future of India's 8×8 program remains uncertain, with the final decision likely to have a significant impact on both the Army's capabilities and the country's pursuit of indigenous defense solutions.
Pl do comparative trials.Army need to change mindset and guide industry to perfect the product.
navy does it wonderfully through naval design bureau
CRPF wants Kestrels now for patrolling naxal areas in good numbers... Even BSF can use for Bangla borders and in Manipur for riot hit Kuki militants areas..
Personally, I can't say which one is better. Based on the specs available, desi products seems superior, but then practical assessment is indeed required for understanding real world performance which we all lack here.

Why we have to fight over what army chooses to drive and arm themselves with? Either way, modernization is going on. It is the army that will put their life in risk it and if they trust Stryker over DRDO WHAP then let them be. Afterall, we just sit in chair and acts like we tested them in real life to make comparative analysis. We are busy having verbal fight here as if this Stryker or WHAP will be driven by us into battlefield against China. None of us are serving in Military, none of us drove those APCs in real life to make analysis..
Er.. So, the Indian army insists on having Strykers that have been exposed THOROUGHLY in Ukraine by Russian ground forces... Why didn't they consider Russian AFVs that have better armour, power, ruggedness, maintenance downtime & are cheaper...?? Why- because... Strategic arms purchase. Need to keep the West happy....
It seems some generals and chandigarh lobby work. I am sure even if there are gaps then those can be fixed easily.They takes years in trial and then reject products.this way no one will come forward to support army.sorry to say but this requires inquiry and firing of some top level folks across drdo and army.there should be some accountability.
Pl do comparative trials.Army need to change mindset and guide industry to perfect the product.
navy does it wonderfully through naval design bureau
Army’s bad mindset has to be changed. They will always favour imports.
Very very good.........But sources are DUBIOUS. Who knows what 4-legged animal or 8-insect is it.

Otherwise sources would have given an explanation why a13.5 lakh strong force is favouring an American IAV. And whether WhAP is ACTUALLY SUPERIOR to Stryker/Piranha/......

What fault did Army find in WhAP ??? Being Desi doesn't mean flawless !!
Pl do comparative trials.Army need to change mindset and guide industry to perfect the product.
navy does it wonderfully through naval design bureau
The Super Best Idea.... A COMPARATIVE COMPETITIVE TRIAL OF STRYKER & WHAP....ladwa ⚔️ do salon ko
Pl do comparative trials.Army need to change mindset and guide industry to perfect the product.
navy does it wonderfully through naval design bureau
These are comparative trials and clearly DRDO’s product is useless like always.

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