Indian Army Favors American Stryker Over Indigenous WhAP 8×8 in Armored Vehicle Program


The Indian Army's evaluation of contenders for its 8×8 wheeled armored vehicle program has reportedly hit a roadblock, with sources suggesting a preference for the American Stryker over local offerings, including DRDO's WhAP 8×8. The Army reportedly considers the Stryker a more robust and mature platform compared to indigenous alternatives, citing superior design and protection.

This development contradicts DRDO's claims, which previously positioned their WhAP 8×8 as superior to the Stryker, Fuchs 2, and Piranha 3 based on a comparison chart. However, the Army's assessment seems to prioritize real-world performance over theoretical specifications.


In response to the Army's preference, discussions are underway between the US and India to explore a co-development program for a customized Stryker M1135 variant tailored to meet Indian requirements.

This setback for DRDO's WhAP 8×8 could potentially hinder India's efforts toward self-reliance in defense manufacturing. While the WhAP may have shown theoretical advantages, the Army's practical assessment highlights the importance of proven performance in the field.

The future of India's 8×8 program remains uncertain, with the final decision likely to have a significant impact on both the Army's capabilities and the country's pursuit of indigenous defense solutions.
CRPF wants Kestrels now for patrolling naxal areas in good numbers... Even BSF can use for Bangla borders and in Manipur for riot hit Kuki militants areas..
BSF was not happy with its interiors not suitable for long patrols.
I am not defending DRDO, as per article Army reports favoured the Stryker...
About super speed we can a lot of money on foreign proven items but while it comes to indigenous item thier are few things always considered by our army..
  1. It should be world class item best in its own class and combat proven!!
  2. It should be in the league of the world best already proven system but it's price should be less and just minimum!!
  3. No coordination during the system development between the developing company and forces!!
  4. Trials after trials just make them outdated product and they never get chance for the further refinements and to be a system of it's own class!!
Absolute lies. You are clearly speaking based on lies from WhatsApp.

Tapas is a world class drone? The specs IAF and army asked for said 20 hours of endurance. No Long endurance drone in the world has an endurance of less than 24 hours but our army allowed much less. Similarly, AK rifles had a jamming rate of 0.02% and Insas had a rate of 3%. But our army still used it.

2. IAF is paying almost as much money for Tejas as US pays for F35 per unit. Arjun costs twice of T90. Insas rifle costed well over twice of AK.

So no, army never asks for bare minimum prices. It in fact pays way more on junk DRDO weapons than on foreign weapons.

3. As for trials. When the product never meets the original specs, how is the army supposed to induct them? But they can’t refuse either. Then people like you will come crying. So the trials just keep on going. Won’t you allege corruption if Army actually throws ATAGS out of high it deserves to be? It should have been thrown out right on the first day.

And as for coordination. Why should army give any preferential treatment to DRDO? When they said the gun should be compatible with existing GTVs of 16 tons, why should they interfere at all after that? Why doesn’t DRDO listen to them? Whose fault is this fiasco?
Absolute lies. You are clearly speaking based on lies from WhatsApp.

Tapas is a world class drone? The specs IAF and army asked for said 20 hours of endurance. No Long endurance drone in the world has an endurance of less than 24 hours but our army allowed much less. Similarly, AK rifles had a jamming rate of 0.02% and Insas had a rate of 3%. But our army still used it.

2. IAF is paying almost as much money for Tejas as US pays for F35 per unit. Arjun costs twice of T90. Insas rifle costed well over twice of AK.

So no, army never asks for bare minimum prices. It in fact pays way more on junk DRDO weapons than on foreign weapons.

3. As for trials. When the product never meets the original specs, how is the army supposed to induct them? But they can’t refuse either. Then people like you will come crying. So the trials just keep on going. Won’t you allege corruption if Army actually throws ATAGS out of high it deserves to be? It should have been thrown out right on the first day.

And as for coordination. Why should army give any preferential treatment to DRDO? When they said the gun should be compatible with existing GTVs of 16 tons, why should they interfere at all after that? Why doesn’t DRDO listen to them? Whose fault is this fiasco?
Are you completely blinded person where I talked about tapas???
I think you read too much from WhatsApp that's why you are confused here!!
What a failure of lies you are just don't know what to say as you want to compare between F-35 and Tejas so listen F-35 program costed US 1.58$ trillion dollars(630 planes)!!
How much we spend on Tejas??? You can atleast calculate this simple math!!
About Arjun program how much Arjun we procured while it was better in the field trials from T-90??
But if atags are really failure then why Armenia purchased??
corruption itself in the place that's why orders are not placed yet!!!
And which world class drones you are talking about that work in Indian conditions??? Name any of them please???
Army mindset is amazing. Trying to help our industry to the fullest. The sole problem is the developer DRDO.
Too much blame on DRDO is not good. Yes, they have faults but the Army is showing greater faults in its procurement system. Moreover, the Army can become a full partner in any hardware development than to find faults in the end.
No surprise, Import lobby is strong, these reports are generation to implement certain agenda. Does Army plan to use all the capabilities and spend all money into super duper products, where most of capabilities will not be used 90% of the time. Time to think High low mix as well, to extend the rupee.
I don't know why everyone is speaking ill of DRDO. You have to know that it is the same DRDO which created Agni missiles, Prithvi missile, k series missiles, akash SAM system , Arjun tank , Astra missile and many more.
Not every project can be a success. It is not movie where a hero gets successful overnight.
$4.9 millions per each Stryker.
Too expensive for Indian budgets so go with every imaginable Indian Private and Public products and keep improving them.
Not worth it as they are also getting destroyed in Ukraine.
Yes they have to cover all the commission to the product cost like how France did cover the rafale watches cost with the rafale jets and not providing any tot . This is the atmanirbhar policy of our govt and forces,can't do anything because defense deals are like a pot of honey and nobody can resist licking it.
Because that imported Nano (Stryker) offers plenty of opporunity for bribes whereas indigenous Ciaz (WhAP) doesn't.

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