Indian Army Favors American Stryker Over Indigenous WhAP 8×8 in Armored Vehicle Program


The Indian Army's evaluation of contenders for its 8×8 wheeled armored vehicle program has reportedly hit a roadblock, with sources suggesting a preference for the American Stryker over local offerings, including DRDO's WhAP 8×8. The Army reportedly considers the Stryker a more robust and mature platform compared to indigenous alternatives, citing superior design and protection.

This development contradicts DRDO's claims, which previously positioned their WhAP 8×8 as superior to the Stryker, Fuchs 2, and Piranha 3 based on a comparison chart. However, the Army's assessment seems to prioritize real-world performance over theoretical specifications.


In response to the Army's preference, discussions are underway between the US and India to explore a co-development program for a customized Stryker M1135 variant tailored to meet Indian requirements.

This setback for DRDO's WhAP 8×8 could potentially hinder India's efforts toward self-reliance in defense manufacturing. While the WhAP may have shown theoretical advantages, the Army's practical assessment highlights the importance of proven performance in the field.

The future of India's 8×8 program remains uncertain, with the final decision likely to have a significant impact on both the Army's capabilities and the country's pursuit of indigenous defense solutions.
Recognizing and appreciating the value of a product is important. It's essential to carefully evaluate a product regardless of its origin. Blindly accepting something just because it's locally made can be risky, especially in critical situations like warfare. If DRDO wants to enhance WHAP, they could consider taking inspiration from the stryker. However, the issue of intellectual property rights might hinder this. If the US is willing to provide full technology transfer, it would eliminate the risk of them backing out during crucial times.
Indian Army prefers imported equipment! What a surprise. The Army needs to be firmly told that imports are not an option when local product is available. In case of war, imported equipment will become our Achilles heel. If the US decides not to supply spares, the equipment will be useless, no matter how much better it is than the local variant. It is a matter of concern that even decades after independence, we are still dependent on imports for our defense. I also suspect that the army's preference for imported equipment is only partly due to superior performance and mainly due to kick backs for the people who are in charge of procurement.
As usual Failed DRDO designs
hey you shut the heck up , you are just such an irritating piece man like whenever there will be articles praising drdo you wont be there but we will always see you bootlicking these articles lmaoo
you are the worst guy here fr
and yess hes correct army always favour import
Er.. So, the Indian army insists on having Strykers that have been exposed THOROUGHLY in Ukraine by Russian ground forces... Why didn't they consider Russian AFVs that have better armour, power, ruggedness, maintenance downtime & are cheaper...?? Why- because... Strategic arms purchase. Need to keep the West happy....
A simple search on Google for the terms "Ukraine Stryker vehicles" (which are the older ones the US sent) shows them doing exceptionally well
It is better to not develop locally anything for the import army as the Indian navy is much better in terms of using everything locally or providing the right feedback in terms of improving the product. Import army should be starved of funds as in the T-72 on the border areas have no protection against drones. I am not sure if the import army is looking to sacrifice more Indian lives. I am thoroughly unhappy with the import army and wish the Indian army would look more inwards to improve tactics and strategies.
hey you shut the heck up , you are just such an irritating piece man like whenever there will be articles praising drdo you wont be there but we will always see you bootlicking these articles lmaoo
you are the worst guy here fr
and yess hes correct army always favour import
Can you name 5 DRDO products inducted into the armed forces on time and on budget? What is there to praise when DRDO has never ever done anything praiseworthy? Armed forces are begging for desi maal but these DRDo scientists are filing fake reports even to MoD. CAG has said that on record.
That's why CRPF is happy with them while using in kashmir!!
they are ready to procure more!!
but as usual foreign love and corruption at high level!!
Requirements are diffeeent. And has anyone outside India purchased them who isn’t under GoI’s strict control?

We all remember how Insas was forced on CRPF and their DG was forced to come out with raw data on how that gun was an utter piece of junk.
Ohh it's same goes with the army they are heavily paid so they procured foreign items at a high cost!!!!

Lot of corruption in procurement!!
On the other hand, they pay far more for items made by DPSUs. Tejas rivals F35 in procurement cost.
Only on paper man only on paper. The comparitive trials should have been done in Indian conditions.
If WhAP simply doesn’t meet the requirements even on paper, what is there to test? We just need to confirm that Striker meets them. If that is the case then automatically Striker beats WhAP.
There was no actual pitting of different vehicles against each other. So I do smell corruption from the import army. Import army's decision a big setback to indigenous product. If import army had given the requirements before hand the indigneous products would have been more aligned. What can one say, like the GOI forced Tejasmk1 on IAF, the same should be done on the top brass of import army.
They gave the requirements for ATAGs, what happened? DRDO is the most corrupt of them all.

As for Mk1a, they forced it on IAF. We all are seeing how it is failing in competitions around the world. No one wants to buy it, which shows how bad a plane our IAF is being forced to fly. I feel ashamed that we can’t even give the best weapons to our soldiers who are putting their lives in line just because the ego of an organization called DRDO has to be satisfied first.
Army always loves foreign mall..Chandigarh gang is good in spreading articles demeaning home grown products. Navy is way better than army brass are corrupt...a through evaluation must happen and DRDO/TATA/Mahindra must work to fix any issues...we must support local production.
Recognizing and appreciating the value of a product is important. It's essential to carefully evaluate a product regardless of its origin. Blindly accepting something just because it's locally made can be risky, especially in critical situations like warfare. If DRDO wants to enhance WHAP, they could consider taking inspiration from the stryker. However, the issue of intellectual property rights might hinder this. If the US is willing to provide full technology transfer, it would eliminate the risk of them backing out during crucial times.
For a country as large and populous as India it is very important to make the defence products locally using the local talent. In addition to the technical expertise development , it enables economic development through job creation. Local product can be improved over a period of time to satisfy the then requirements of the user. It will be a matter of national prestige also. Indian army should be prohibited from using the foreign equipment.
Fails or forced to fail in half the cases.
Forgive him. He is a Frenchie and hates anything and everything indigenous. He promotes French and Israeli products by showing DRDO, HAL and other competition in bad light and not by showing the marginal value and its cost to us. He is a fan of Mirage upgrade, ATHOS, Spike and what not.
Has anyone in the world inducted Tapas? Arjun? WhAP? They are lying to even the MoD. That’s on record. They are utter failures.
At least run a trial to know the real picture. Results are pronounced without any test of Stryker in Indian terrain.

I can see you know everything!

For records, Tapas fares better than Israeli Drishti.
Er.. So, the Indian army insists on having Strykers that have been exposed THOROUGHLY in Ukraine by Russian ground forces... Why didn't they consider Russian AFVs that have better armour, power, ruggedness, maintenance downtime & are cheaper...?? Why- because... Strategic arms purchase. Need to keep the West happy....
US is sending less sophisticated equipments into battlefields of Ukraine fearing it would fall into enemy's hand. Moreover, Tanks or APCs irrespective of sophistication can't escape from modern day weapons. Even the best tanks like T90 and Leopards have been damaged and captured here. Nothing is immune.

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