Indian Navy Explores Deck-Based AWACS Options for Future Aircraft Carriers, E-2D Hawkeye and V-22 Osprey Emerge as Leading Contenders

Indian Navy Explores Deck-Based AWACS Options for Future Aircraft Carriers, E-2D Hawkeye and V-22 Osprey Emerge as Leading Contenders

The Indian Navy is actively exploring options to acquire deck-based Airborne Warning and Control System (AWACS) aircraft for its future aircraft carriers.

This initiative is part of the Navy's broader modernization effort, Vision 2047, designed to enhance its operational capabilities in the Indo-Pacific region, particularly in light of China's growing naval presence. The addition of the AWACS will provide a all round radar surveilance system.

Currently, the Indian Navy's operational aircraft carriers, INS Vikramaditya and INS Vikrant, utilize Kamov Ka-31 helicopters for airborne early warning (AEW) roles. While the Ka-31 and its E-801M Oko radar are capable of detecting aircraft at ranges of up to 150 kilometers and ships at 200 kilometers, the Navy is seeking a more powerful, fixed-wing AWACS solution.

A fixed-wing, carrier-capable AWACS aircraft would provide comprehensive, 360-degree radar coverage, increased operational range, and improved battle management capabilities.

The limitations of the Ka-31, including its 240-degree radar coverage and shorter operational endurance, have prompted the Navy to seek a more robust platform.

The planned third aircraft carrier, possibly a 65,000-ton vessel equipped with a Catapult Assisted Take-Off But Arrested Recovery (CATOBAR) system, would provide the ideal platform for these advanced AWACS aircraft.

These aircraft would act as crucial force multipliers, offering real-time situational awareness, guiding fighter jet operations, and identifying low-flying threats, such as cruise missiles, across vast oceanic areas.

Leading AWACS Contenders​

Several aircraft are being considered as potential candidates for this critical role:

Northrop Grumman E-2D Hawkeye​

The E-2D Hawkeye, currently used by the U.S. Navy, is considered a leading contender. Equipped with the advanced AN/APY-9 radar, the E-2D offers 360-degree coverage and a detection range exceeding 550 kilometers. It is specifically designed for CATOBAR operations, with features like folding wings for carrier deck compatibility.

The Indian Navy had previously shown interest in acquiring E-2C Hawkeyes in 2009, but the deal did not proceed due to compatibility issues with the INS Vikrant's Short Take-Off But Arrested Recovery (STOBAR) system.

A CATOBAR-equipped carrier could potentially revive this option. However, adapting the E-2D for Indian-specific systems, integrating it with indigenous aircraft like the Twin Engine Deck Based Fighter (TEDBF), and securing necessary U.S. export approvals, along with the estimated cost of around $200 million per aircraft, present significant considerations.

Bell-Boeing V-22 Osprey (AEW Variant)​

The V-22 Osprey, a tiltrotor aircraft known primarily for its transport capabilities, presents a unique alternative. A proposed AEW variant, potentially equipped with a radar system like Lockheed Martin's Vigilance, could offer 360-degree coverage up to 300 kilometers.

The V-22's vertical takeoff and landing (VTOL) capability makes it compatible with STOBAR carriers like the INS Vikrant, eliminating the need for CATOBAR modifications.

Although the U.S. Navy explored a similar concept in the 1990s, development costs and a potentially smaller payload capacity compared to fixed-wing alternatives would need to be addressed.


A deck based AWACS will provide a significant boost in range and endurance, to naval operations. Compared to Kamov Ka-31's 2-3 hours endurance, both leading contenders has much higher endurance. Naval analysts on social media platforms have often referred to the E-2D as the "gold standard" in carrier-based AWACS.

However, India's commitment to self-reliance also encourages consideration of indigenous or hybrid solutions, such as a modified version of the existing Netra AEW&C system or the V-22 Osprey.

Ultimately, the Indian Navy's decision will likely depend heavily on the design of its third aircraft carrier. A CATOBAR configuration would favor the E-2D, while a STOBAR design might lead to the selection of the V-22 or a further developed indigenous solution.
Get both as both have diffrent features and operational capabilities, Hawkeye is proven platform with long endurance and Osprey tilt rotat is is VTOL so can be used in even small decks than aircraft carriers . Survillance is key to a surprise attack rebuttal so both must be there .
None of the above 2 aircraft are compatible with our aircraft carriers, the aircraft lifts can barely manage a single Rafale. Also the only way to meet Navy requirements is through E-2D which will require catapult and a larger carrier with larger lifts.
Short of the V-22 variant, you need catapults. Even so, the V-22 variant will require larger elevators. Maybe this is something to consider for when Vikrant goes in for her first major refit.
Short of the V-22 variant, you need catapults. Even so, the V-22 variant will require larger elevators. Maybe this is something to consider for when Vikrant goes in for her first major refit.
I think the safety and reliability record of the Osprey is questionable at best, and a modified AWACS variant would be even harder to operate and maintain.

I believe in the far future, any CATOBAR carriers would need to deploy their AWACS, perhaps a successor to the Hawkeye, by 2050.
AEW variant of the V-22 Osprey is the only sensible choice for the IN for the next few decades.
India needs to start thinking smarter not harder. Her procurement strategy is nothing short of a nightmare. She has two carriers of completely different designs and two fighters of the same! Just crazy and now she wants to build a 3rd Carrier (Vishal) of yet another design? Just madness...Here is a better two more Vikrant Class Carriers but equip them with catapults. (EMALS). Then when the first ship of the class comes in for mid-life refit. Remove her Ski Jump and also equip her with catapults just like the other two ships! The result will be a class of three identical Indian designed and built aircraft carriers. Which will all operate the same systems, spares, training, logistics, etc. etc.
I think the safety and reliability record of the Osprey is questionable at best, and a modified AWACS variant would be even harder to operate and maintain.

I believe in the far future, any CATOBAR carriers would need to deploy their AWACS, perhaps a successor to the Hawkeye, by 2050.
Agreed. You know, this makes me think if it would be worth it to invest in a drone-based AEACS instead. It would be smaller and lighter, and can theoretically fly off a ski-jump, or we could look at putting a smaller experimental catapult on Vikrant along her angled deck.
The USA is the only one that has developed a winged AWACS which we can use ourselves but it’s expensive. I think the private sector should develop their own AWACS as they have the knowledge, technology and expertise to develop it.
Neither works. Especially not MV-22. Simply because of it's upper carriage which swivels in flush into the fuselage shape when on deck for storage. Adding a radar dome up there is simply impossible. However, wrote this article should atleast go and read wikipedia. What would work, however, is a version of the MH-60R that can be repurposed for this mission and carries a Ka-31 style antenna on its undercarriage.

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