Indian Navy Eyes Next-Gen Project 18 Destroyers with Anti-Ballistic Missile Systems and Drone Launch Capabilities


The Indian Navy is poised to take a significant step towards modernizing its fleet by seeking approval from the Defence Acquisition Council (DAC) to construct 8 to 10 advanced Project 18 class destroyers.

These cutting-edge warships are envisioned to be equipped with state-of-the-art technology, including anti-ballistic missile systems and the capability to launch drones, further bolstering India's maritime defence capabilities.

Emerging concept details provide a tantalizing glimpse into the formidable capabilities of these Project 18 class warships. A promotional video released last year showcased a graphical representation of a potential design, highlighting a striking canister-based universal Vertical Launch System (VLS) configuration.

This innovative design incorporates an impressive 144 missile cells, arranged strategically in a three 6×4 VLS 2 layout, positioned both at the bow and aft of the vessel.

Beyond the VLS, these warships are also set to feature eight slant launchers situated behind the main radar, potentially earmarked for the deployment of the potent BrahMos-2 anti-ship missile.

Additionally, the integration of the PGLRSAM interceptor missile, with its impressive 250 km range, will significantly enhance the warships' defensive capabilities.

As the successors to the P-15 Bravo class, or the P-15B program, the Project 18 class destroyers are anticipated to be a game-changer for the Indian Navy. Their addition to the fleet is expected to provide a substantial boost to the country's maritime security and strategic advantage in the region.
We do not have anywhere near the level of money needed for that. Our economy would have to go up by an entire order of magnitude to even think about that.
At least 12 boats with first one delivered starting 2030 - aggressive/expensive, but need a dual shipyard strategy so at least 1 boat per year…
How our rivals equip their destroyers should not dictate our requirements but our own needs should. Most of the nations who have heavily armed destroyers have the necessary funding to back them up. This is not our case where projects drag on sometimes decades because of cost.

Even in current scenario our P-15 class destroyers are more than a match for anything that China or Pakistan has due to the overwhelming superiority of Brahmos. One hit on any destroyer and it will go down, same will be the case with our destroyers when enemy will have weapons which surpass our defenses.

Here having destroyers with adequate weapons and more numbers will always be better than limited heavily armed destroyers.
Key besides how many cells/VLS the ship has, is how do you replenish them during operations - supply chain and logistics are the secret to power projection…
I agree each ship class has a role. We have far less armed destroyers currently and they are doing their roles perfectly. The question is what we need the destroyer to do to meet our requirements versus the cost of fielding a highly armed destroyer which might not be required.

If the scenario dictates we will need 144 VLS armed destroyers then we should go with it. But it is expensive to procure and maintain such destroyers.
P18 also fills a missile Defense role like the Arleigh Burke class ships with a aegis type system…need at least 4 of them on patrol always so 12 ships in steady state should be the goal…
Is there any possibility that some of these ships will be nuclear powered...
No, we just don’t need nuclear propulsion for P18s given how far they need to operate though replenishment, supply chain and logistics is vital to sustained operations…also nuclear propulsion is very expensive…
I agree, Sir. 90% of the IAF's misfortunes can be attributed to HSL, GTRE, ADA, the MoD, etc. Despite that, though, ideally speaking, larger deals should have been pushed along slowly. That hasn't happened, and the present government is now foolishly optimistic on HAL's ability to deliver Tejas jets as an excuse to delay MRFA, leading to an increasing crisis.
MRFA must be done fast, else we are screwed…
Key besides how many cells/VLS the ship has, is how do you replenish them during operations - supply chain and logistics are the secret to power projection…
Yes exactly, we may just build limited ships at a very expensive cost and may not fully equip them or not have adequate replenishment of weapons. We should build up destroyer fleet in such a way that we have a large number of them with adequate weapons on board and the required replenishment.
At least 12 boats with first one delivered starting 2030 - aggressive/expensive, but need a dual shipyard strategy so at least 1 boat per year…
Won't happen, Sir. The first ship may start construction by 2030, but a commissioning before 2035 is practically impossible.
P18 also fills a missile Defense role like the Arleigh Burke class ships with a aegis type system…need at least 4 of them on patrol always so 12 ships in steady state should be the goal…
The Americans have over 70 of those destroyers. They can afford to disburse them far away or closer to shores. If we build only 8-10 we will likely put them closer to our shores for ABM defense or with battlegroup like aircraft carriers, which might limit their role.
Govt should keep HAL senior official liable to any mishap and criminal trial should be held if the plane/helicopter crash due to technical or quality issue. Only then they will improve.
But there is no one official. Tejas took over 30 years to develop. I don’t think any single official or scientist would have been in the same post for even 10 years out of those. Who will be held responsible?
If MoD is really frustrated then I believe they really can twist the things with Hal and about C-295 deal with tata already HAL has lot on it's plate!! While HAL I believe in upcoming few years things will be improved as a LRU will be in good conditions!! For AMCA gov waited for long for the private firms to come up in the front line but they are here not to be blamed as they are new in this field and setup in these things took a lot of money!!
No one in this world can force HAL or DRDO. We all saw how DRDO lied to MoD and no action came. We saw how HAL failed to deliver mk1a on time but even the signed contract wasn’t enforced by MoD. Regarding AMCA SPV, Retired ACM Bhadoria is on record saying that the blame lies on ADA and HAL for that. Go and see his interview. He has categorically said that sessions with industry were required to make the SPV but ADA and HAL didn’t do those. When EoI was actually released, private players came running. So yeah, GoI can’t force them in any way and the only option left is to throw them out. That’s what they are doing.
No one in this world can force HAL or DRDO. We all saw how DRDO lied to MoD and no action came. We saw how HAL failed to deliver mk1a on time but even the signed contract wasn’t enforced by MoD. Regarding AMCA SPV, Retired ACM Bhadoria is on record saying that the blame lies on ADA and HAL for that. Go and see his interview. He has categorically said that sessions with industry were required to make the SPV but ADA and HAL didn’t do those. When EoI was actually released, private players came running. So yeah, GoI can’t force them in any way and the only option left is to throw them out. That’s what they are doing.
They can be forced by removing bureaucracy things in these models of development while if it is possible then Pm office can handle few more projects like engine development and AMCA project that is actually a need of the hour for the forces so things can be smooth and a well established ecosystem to be created for other vendors too for the participation in these high profile projects!!
But there is no one official. Tejas took over 30 years to develop. I don’t think any single official or scientist would have been in the same post for even 10 years out of those. Who will be held responsible?
You keep the one at the top responsible, he will automatically find the culprit
It is the interference of Babus in ministry of defence and finance. The airforce helps them to change the goal post. If you ask today a IAF what you need they will give suggestion based on today's scenario, however when the 1st prototype will come the needs can change as the predators across the border has better defences and better birds. So they go back to drawing board. So it is a never ending story and on top of that MAKE IN INDIA theory on everyone lips.
How our rivals equip their destroyers should not dictate our requirements but our own needs should. Most of the nations who have heavily armed destroyers have the necessary funding to back them up. This is not our case where projects drag on sometimes decades because of cost.

Even in current scenario our P-15 class destroyers are more than a match for anything that China or Pakistan has due to the overwhelming superiority of Brahmos. One hit on any destroyer and it will go down, same will be the case with our destroyers when enemy will have weapons which surpass our defenses.

Here having destroyers with adequate weapons and more numbers will always be better than limited heavily armed destroyers.
The confidence of Indians is surprising. What is the range of the BrahMos missile? Do you have any way to bring the enemy's destroyer into your range?

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