Indian Navy Heroes Foil Houthi Missile Attack, Rescue Tanker Crew in Red Sea

Indian Navy Heroes Foil Houthi Missile Attack, Rescue Tanker Crew in Red Sea

In a daring act of bravery, the Indian Navy swooped in to save the crew of a Panama-flagged oil tanker caught in the crossfire of a missile attack. The MV Andromeda Star was targeted by Houthi militants in the Red Sea, but thanks to the swift response of the INS Kochi, a potential disaster was averted.

Picture this: a massive oil tanker peacefully navigating the Red Sea, suddenly a missile streaks towards it. This was the terrifying reality the crew of the MV Andromeda Star faced on April 26th. The attack, reportedly launched by Iranian-backed Houthi militants, caused minor damage to the ship. That's when the Indian Navy sprang into action.

Like a guardian angel, the Indian Navy destroyer INS Kochi intercepted the distressed oil tanker. Helicopters buzzed overhead, assessing the situation, while a specialized team was sent to make sure there were no further threats on board. Thankfully, all 30 crew members, including 22 Indian nationals, were unharmed.

This isn't some isolated incident. It's a stark reminder of the dangers faced by ships in the Red Sea. But it also showcases the Indian Navy's unwavering commitment to protecting those who sail our seas. Their courage and expertise are a beacon of hope in a troubled region.

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