India's 26 Rafale-M Deal Expected by Late 2024 as Dassault Aviation Resumes New Contract Signing after Reorganization


Dassault Aviation, the prominent French aerospace manufacturer, has announced the resumption of new contract signings following a strategic reorganization of its production and supply chain.

Among the anticipated agreements, a major deal with India for 26 Rafale M carrier-based fighters, estimated at Rs 50,000 crore, is nearing finalization. This procurement will establish the Indian Navy as the second operator of the Rafale M, following the French Navy.

Dassault has outlined its production plans to accommodate the growing demand for the Rafale M. Production will accelerate in 2025 to three aircraft per month.

The Defence Acquisition Council, chaired by Defence Minister Rajnath Singh, is expected to finalize the deal soon, potentially leading to a contract signing by the end of 2024. This acquisition emphasizes India's focus on strengthening its naval air power amidst rising geopolitical tensions in the Indian Ocean.

The Rafale-M jets, optimized for carrier-based missions, are poised to significantly bolster the Indian Navy's operational capabilities. Equipped with state-of-the-art radar systems, cutting-edge weaponry, and exceptional maneuverability, these jets perfectly align with India's strategic objectives.

The acquisition is part of India's broader initiative to bolster its naval forces in response to China's expanding naval capabilities. The Rafale-M jets, slated to operate from the INS Vikrant, India's indigenously built aircraft carrier, are a testament to this strategic commitment.

The Rafale-M's selection for India's naval aviation followed an extensive evaluation process that included rigorous sea trials. The jet's proven combat record, advanced avionics, and easier maintenance, coupled with India's deepening defence partnership with France, solidified its position as the preferred choice.

Powered by two Snecma M88-2 turbofan engines, the Rafale-M can reach speeds up to Mach 1.8 and boasts a combat range of 1,850 kilometers. Its Thales RBE2-AA active electronically scanned array (AESA) radar and Spectra electronic warfare suite provide advanced target detection, tracking, and self-defence capabilities.

The Rafale-M's armament versatility is equally impressive, capable of carrying up to 9.5 tons of ordnance, including air-to-air, air-to-ground, and anti-ship missiles. Its multirole capability enables it to undertake various missions, from air superiority and ground attacks to reconnaissance and nuclear deterrence.

This agreement marks another significant step in India's strengthening defence ties with France. The successful integration of Rafale jets into the Indian Air Force has laid a strong foundation for further collaboration.
Good, but given dassault supply chain my concern is these Rafale-Ms won’t come before 2030, at the earliest, and god help us if Rafales are selected for MRFA…I don’t foresee MRFA and even if it does we won’t see those planes anytime before 2035 - neither in flyaway condition nor produced locally, reality no matter what the frenchies or their influencers say…

I say we go/evaluate full tilt with Americans even if we have to compromise strategically and give up some things and toe their line, without signing an alliance…At least we will have the capability to counter our main enemy China, else be exposed with dual stealth threat from China and their slave Pakistan…
I gave you the numbers last time and still you come with the same comment bro. And then people say I am the agent of foreign equipment 😂😂
If IAF chooses Rafale a separate production line needs to be opened in India. Otherwise we will see AMCA and Rafale joining IAF simultaneously.
Not even close. France has huge surplus capacity. Check the numbers before falling for American propaganda in this regard bro,
Cheaper? Nopes. Rafale has won as L1. I hats what DPP directly states. Faster? Maybe. But unlikely. In fact, UAE recently placed its order on hold, so we might get it even quicker now.
Is it best time to conclude the long pending MRFA deal with this combine order of Airforce and Navy of 140/150 planes??

P.S. Point of Rafale where I agree with you most of the times!!
Is it best time to conclude the long pending MRFA deal with this combine order of Airforce and Navy of 140/150 planes??

P.S. Point of Rafale where I agree with you most of the times!!
It might be. But unfortunately our system is not agile enough to take advantage of such opportunities.
Outside of France!

Question - if we had picked F-18s, would the delivery been faster and cheaper than Rafale-Ms?
Absolutely...; But commissions & kickbacks are much higher in buying French products starting from Scorpenes & Rafales. Many have and are benefitting from French products purchases.
Only in your dreams such things are being discussed. IAF is in fact so happy with Rafale that they scolded DRDO when they even brought up the topic of using Uttam on it. They kicked them out of the room. And they suggested even Navy to buy only and only Rafale. Even Macron has been told that they will buy nothing but Rafale, all 114 of them. That’s why he didn’t budge even when UAE put its order of 80 on hold, as they knew India is coming with a higher order.
I don't think so, there is a saying "if you have seen one, you have seen them all", this is why IAF is not budging even after Macron begged, cried and pleaded down on his knees to buy more Rafale's more than hundred times.
I don't think so, there is a saying "if you have seen one, you have seen them all", this is why IAF is not budging even after Macron begged, cried and pleaded down on his knees to buy more Rafale's more than hundred times.
Oh India saw one and loved it and now loves it all. That’s why they are negotiating for the navy as well. They want Rafale for everyone.
Not even close. France has huge surplus capacity. Check the numbers before falling for American propaganda in this regard bro,
Those are F3-R variant. F4.2 should be inducted as per current market requirements.
$229 millions per each Rafale-M at todays exchange rate. Almost $6 billions contract.
Too expensive for Indian budgets.

Why India did not accelerate the Tejas Mk2 and TEDBF right after Tejas IA FOC was granted?
India could have had prototypes of both if it did and possibly get delivered even ahead of Rafale-Ms.

GoI, MoD, etc poor planning.
Buying from France is a 5 years project after placement of firm orders. But the alternate route suggested is a 50 year project to implement.
I gave you the numbers last time and still you come with the same comment bro. And then people say I am the agent of foreign equipment 😂😂
we shall see - i think MRFA will die a slow death…Personally i want it to move fast even if we go with Rafales, but MOD seems in no hurry…

Hopefully they know something we don’t - no action is also an approach!
Oh India saw one and loved it and now loves it all. That’s why they are negotiating for the navy as well. They want Rafale for everyone.
Then why didn't (Exclusively IAF not Navy) they buy even one extra even after 8 years.
we shall see - i think MRFA will die a slow death…Personally i want it to move fast even if we go with Rafales, but MOD seems in no hurry…

Hopefully they know something we don’t - no action is also an approach!
Which means they have a plan and just waiting for a good opportunity to execute, my guess is FGFA but could be based on MIG-41 and/OR SU-75.
Which means they have a plan and just waiting for a good opportunity to execute, my guess is FGFA but could be based on MIG-41 and/OR SU-75.
No Russian maal is also my prediction…they ideally want atamanirbharta but our stupid HAL has failed to deliver…so we shall see…either MRFA gets signed by 2026, or just dies…
No Russian maal is also my prediction…they ideally want atamanirbharta but our stupid HAL has failed to deliver…so we shall see…either MRFA gets signed by 2026, or just dies…
Not HAL alone could be blamed, it is bad decision making and mentality at the top which hindered procurement of most items, for an example engine, they still haven't decided whom to work with, when the shop for any defense item they are going with the mentality of buying vegetables in Indian market ask for bargain, nothing will change drastically in buying russian items in my prediction, they have a strong hold.
Absolutely...; But commissions & kickbacks are much higher in buying French products starting from Scorpenes & Rafales. Many have and are benefitting from French products purchases.
But this waa G-G deal. I don't think there will be kickbacks. and we didn't have money to negotiate 114MRFA in 2014 also. that's why PM went for emergency procurement and DM Late Manohar Pariklar gave order for Tejas mark I. Our situation was very bad at that time.. Later India could develop lots of things like our own ASEA radar, IRST jammer pod, by that time Covid /Ukraine war complicated the maters especially funds. By then Rafel order books were full for next 5 years. Now dassault is supplying F4R for French Airforce. We have need funds for manage Tejas mark 1A, Rafel M. 2024 is, election year in many countries including India. Hope GE 414 is dues will be sorted soon. At the most we may go for 18 more Raphael F4R in future.. Hope supply line will start rolling out Tejas mark 1A and Tejas Mark 2 will enter production.
Yes 4 retired refurbished ones.
French military equipment may be expensive, but French dont cheat. Can you give me a single instance where a French weapon let down India ?
Its utterly ridiculous berating French of selling expensive military equipments.
Its India which has approached France for weapons not vice versa .
Otherwise the French haters should suggest a country or countries from whom India should buy weapons , after all no country including US can manufacture 💯 of their defence needs.
I am sure I will invite ridicules and sarcasm after posting this message. But it's time we accept reality.
Weapon imports are decided by those who are in uniform, then goes on to MoD , finally CCS for final approval.
Those who are uniform are knowledgeable and as patriotic as you and me.
So let's respect our armed forces judgement and if RAFALE M is chosen as a carrier fighter , then it is.
Calling French as cheats without any solid proof is not correct.
One shouldn't expect a Merc to come at a price of a cheap Hatchback.
I am telling you IAF and IN MUST accept a ORCA-Tejas-Naval-TEF jet to be designed and FOC'd within 7 years using twin engines of Sea Wasp RD33 MK engines; made in India by HAL Khoraput factory soon... They will NEVER regret this very wise decision my Golden words of wisdom now!

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