Opinion India's Second-Strike Capability Under Threat as China's Nuclear Arsenal Projected to Reach 1,500 Warheads by 2035 with Hypersonic Missiles

India's Second-Strike Capability Under Threat as China's Nuclear Arsenal Projected to Reach 1,500 Warheads by 2035 with Hypersonic Missiles

New projections from the United States indicate a rapid expansion of China's nuclear arsenal, potentially reaching 1,500 warheads by 2035. This substantial growth raises serious concerns about the balance of power in Asia, particularly for India's nuclear deterrent.

Current U.S. estimates put China's nuclear stockpile at approximately 600 warheads in 2025, growing to 1,000 by 2030. The 2035 projection of 1,500 warheads represents a significant and sustained build-up. This expansion is part of a broader Chinese military modernization effort aimed at projecting greater global influence.

In contrast, India's nuclear arsenal is considerably smaller, estimated at around 172 warheads. Furthermore, the explosive power, or yield, of India's weapons is significantly lower than that of China's. This disparity creates a growing imbalance that could challenge India's ability to deter a potential nuclear threat.

China's nuclear development has accelerated significantly in the last ten years. The current estimate of 600 warheads includes a variety of explosive yields, ranging from 425 kilotons up to multiple megatons (a megaton is equivalent to one million tons of TNT). This indicates China is developing both tactical nuclear weapons (for battlefield use) and strategic weapons (for targeting cities or large military installations).

The projected increase to 1,500 warheads by 2035 is accompanied by improvements in China's delivery systems. China is modernizing its "nuclear triad," which consists of land-based intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) like the DF-41, submarine-launched ballistic missiles (SLBMs) like the JL-3, and strategic bombers like the H-20, which is under development. This variety allows China to launch nuclear strikes from multiple platforms, increasing the survivability of its arsenal.

India's nuclear arsenal, on the other hand, is believed to be around 172 warheads. The yield of Indian nuclear weapons is also lower, with estimates suggesting yields starting at 20 kilotons, and even boosted-fission designs producing less than 40 kilotons. While adequate for limited tactical strikes, these weapons lack the destructive power of China's larger-yield warheads. India's nuclear weapons program has historically emphasized a "minimum credible deterrence" doctrine.

Historically, India's nuclear stockpile was smaller than that of Pakistan. While recent data suggests India may now possess slightly more warheads than Pakistan, the growing gap with China remains a major strategic concern. India's "No First Use" (NFU) policy means it pledges to only use nuclear weapons in retaliation. This policy, coupled with minimum credible deterrence, has focused on ensuring the survivability of India's nuclear forces rather than a massive build-up.

The projected tripling of China's arsenal by 2035 directly threatens India's second-strike capability. A second-strike capability is the ability to retaliate effectively after absorbing a nuclear attack. This is the core of deterrence – the idea that an enemy won't attack if they know they will face devastating retaliation. With a much larger and more diversified Chinese arsenal, India's smaller force could be vulnerable in a conflict.

India's current warheads, with their lower yields, might struggle to inflict sufficient damage on a heavily armed China, particularly if China disperses its forces or uses missile defence systems. The difference in yields is significant: a single Chinese multi-megaton warhead could devastate an Indian city, while India would need multiple, accurate strikes with its lower-yield weapons to achieve the same level of damage.

To maintain a credible second-strike capability against a projected 1,500-warhead Chinese arsenal, some analysts suggest India might need to significantly increase its own stockpile, potentially to around 500 warheads. This estimate is based on the need to have enough surviving warheads after a potential first strike to inflict unacceptable damage on China's key assets.

However, simply increasing numbers isn't enough; India would likely also need to develop warheads with higher yields, possibly in the 100-200 kiloton range, to be more comparable to China's strategic weapons.

Beyond increasing warhead numbers, India needs to improve its delivery systems. India currently relies on land-based Agni missiles (with a maximum range of around 5,000 km), submarine-launched K-series missiles (like the K-4, with a range up to 3,500 km), and aircraft like the Mirage 2000 and Rafale carrying gravity bombs. These systems face limitations in range, number, and survivability compared to China's evolving arsenal.

India's cautious approach to nuclear expansion is driven by several factors: strategic doctrine, economic constraints, and political considerations. The NFU policy and minimum deterrence doctrine are intended to avoid an arms race, prioritizing economic development and conventional military strength. However, China's projected growth may necessitate a re-evaluation of this stance.

Expanding India's nuclear arsenal and increasing yields would require substantial investment in producing fissile material, testing facilities, and delivery systems. These costs compete with other critical national needs, such as healthcare and infrastructure. India also faces international pressure to limit nuclear proliferation, even though it is not a signatory to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT).
Wake-up call by US to India. Cease this opportunity. The US is nobody's friend, but surely China and Pakistan are united in their focus on India's destruction. So, wrap it up. We need to raise our stocks of nukes which have massive yields, not just tactical ones.
The US couldn't even understand what India had exploded! A nuke... in 1974... when we were not even 10% of what we are today in terms of technology and secrecy.

Then how would they come to know today? All BAKWAS...

We have enough to tackle both Pakis and Chinis... Don't require your advice... We all can see what has happened in Ukraine, just because of the US... We know how to handle both P&C in terms of quality and quantity.
Projections are different from reality. No country that has declared itself a nuclear weapon nation would disclose its actual stockpile or discuss, in public, its intention to increase the number of warheads. For all we might know, China may have more than 600 warheads, and India's warhead stockpile need not be stagnant.
Wake-up call by US to India. Cease this opportunity. The US is nobody's friend, but surely China and Pakistan are united in their focus on India's destruction. So, wrap it up. We need to raise our stocks of nukes which have massive yields, not just tactical ones.
These are projected numbers. No nation, India, China, or any nuke-armed country, ever reveals what their true stockpile strength is. Everyone hides the true figures. Based on strategic requirements, they release these bogus numbers.
China has a strategic problem.

Their economy is totally dependant on their industries located in coastal regions . This fact enabled them to export their products quickly overseas. That is China’s Achilles heel.

Any adversary can destroy around 90% of their economy and strategic cities ( also located in coastal areas).

This fact has been realised rather late by the apparatchiks of the CPC . For example a submarine somwhere in SCS/ Western Pacific/ IOR can easily hit these economic centres of China with short range missiles and disappear. With woeful ASW capabilities, the PLAN cannot defend China’s mainland from all points of the compass.

A hit by a 40- 220 Kiloton nuclear warhead will be sufficient to take that city / economic centre to StoneAge.

The people of China will revolt and Communist Party of China will be overthrown . The example of USSR melting overnight is a live example for Xi .

That is deterrence established.
If you ask the Pakistanis or Chinese, they will tell you the exact amount of weapon-grade plutonium we have! Normally, 6 kg is enough to make a nuclear weapon. We have more than 1000 kg of plutonium with us as a reserve, by conservative estimates. It does not make sense for us to have more, in a way, as China and Pakistan are the only enemies. In the Israeli-Hamas war, we have seen that intercepting supersonic warheads was difficult, and many hit their airbase. Hypersonic, with maneuverable capability, is immensely difficult. Chinese warheads are meant as a reserve for the US.

Ten nukes are enough to finish a country—even India or China. It's not worth living in a country that has been nuked, even if there is a large part of that country that is unaffected, as the radiation and after-effects will make it a wasteland. But there are mad bastards like Musharraf or Iran who will try to do it. It's called the Hamas mindset—ready to sacrifice your women and children and prepared to die for a mad ideology of going to Jannah.

If a tiny country like Pakistan can have about 160 nukes, just think what potential India can have.
This is Dumb. These are strategic weapons which are 99.999 percent of the time never suppose to be used. WE DON'T NEED more than 250ish or so warheads. They are practically useless showcase pieces most of the time.

It costs a lot of money to maintain and secure these warheads. Its useless to get into a dumb cold war style competition to build nuclear warheads.
Even Russia was nuclear still fought hard with conventional weapon same was in other wars. Batter create hard line in conventional weaponry. And cost effective. As now we need to prepare for long wars not short one. Need weapons in 10s of thousands like tanks drones artillery and millions of guns and shells and bullets in billions.
India's deterrence against Pakistan and China is doomed, as always. We have been struggling with the poor Tejas for the last four decades, and Pakistan is acquiring the high-tech J-20 or J-35. We are still negotiating for 114 fourth-generation jets for the last two decades, and negotiations never end.
For nuclear deterrence alone, the size of the arsenal or yield of the warheads alone does not matter as compared to the versatility of the delivery mechanisms.
India is being smart. It has more nuclear missiles than what it claims in the official media. This prevents an arms race with China and Pakistan and it gives us a significant and a surprise advantage in numbers if we need to use them. This allows us to focus on economic development and reducing poverty while quietly strengthening our firepower. This also prevents any western or UN discomfort or sanctions against us.

India’s hydrogen bomb is very powerful and can wipe out entire mega cities and we are building even more powerful warheads. We are also focusing on our launch platforms from submarine, ballistic missiles and air launched bombs.
Nuclear deterrence is a must if we desire to keep our war with China, or maybe even Pakistan, conventional and limited. India, it appears, has failed to assess its threats in the long run. It is following a policy of not provoking China in any way, forgetting the fact that it is easy to trigger a war if our hostile neighbours find the situation to their advantage. I hope our defence ministry wakes up to the situation.
US takes us for fools, wanting us to play their dirty game like their other minnows. More than the number of nukes, it's the delivery systems that are the key. With MIRV, we exactly have that.Also, which idiot says that 150 nukes are not a deterrent, but 300 are??!
Wake-up call by US to India. Cease this opportunity. The US is nobody's friend, but surely China and Pakistan are united in their focus on India's destruction. So, wrap it up. We need to raise our stocks of nukes which have massive yields, not just tactical ones.
We need a big voltage jolt to get us to open our eyes. Yes, China and its proxy Pakistan are cruising along, & we are not even dragging our feet, which are entangled & twisted.
we too are in hypersonic missiles club so not a problem, only thing that matters is detection of launch and tracking of such fast missiles ,rest is matter of interception as hypersonic, uptill mach 7 failed in Ukraine as 90s tech, the Patriot hit the incoming projectile always.

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