Indonesia's Pursuit of BrahMos Since 2010 Culminates in Imminent Deal, Overcoming India's Past Hesitations of Angering China

Indonesia's Pursuit of BrahMos Since 2010 Culminates in Imminent Deal, Overcoming India's Past Hesitations of Angering China

After more than a decade of persistent interest, Indonesia is on the verge of securing a deal with India for the BrahMos supersonic cruise missile system.

This landmark agreement, anticipated to be finalized later in 2025, signifies a major advancement in India's defence export ambitions and is poised to significantly bolster Indonesia's maritime defence capabilities.

Indonesia first expressed interest in acquiring the BrahMos missile as far back as 2010, following a briefing by BrahMos Aerospace on the system's impressive capabilities.

However, despite Indonesia's desire to enhance its defence posture in the South China Sea, the deal faced obstacles due to India's concerns about potential repercussions from China.

Indonesia's pursuit of the BrahMos was primarily motivated by the need to address growing maritime security challenges in the South China Sea. The missile's speed, accuracy, and adaptability make it a highly effective tool for protecting Indonesia's extensive coastline and territorial waters.

India's initial reluctance to export the BrahMos stemmed from a desire to avoid escalating tensions with China, a major regional power with significant interests in the South China Sea. It is believed that Indonesia's intention to deploy the BrahMos as a deterrent against potential Chinese aggression contributed to India's cautious approach at the time.

This long-awaited deal reflects a shift in India's strategic thinking and its growing confidence in its defence industry. It also underscores the strengthening defence partnership between India and Indonesia, two key players in the Indo-Pacific region.

The BrahMos acquisition will provide Indonesia with a potent defence capability, enhancing its ability to safeguard its maritime sovereignty and contribute to regional stability.
India was never scared of provoking China, as though India is scared of it. China supplies every weapon system to Pakistan.
India was never scared of provoking China, as though India is scared of it. China supplies every weapon system to Pakistan.
Wrong... till 2014, the Indian government strongly believed in "Hindi Chini bhai bhai" and always avoided antagonizing the Chinese, despite being treated as an inferior neighbor...
China is giving nuclear submarines to Pakistan and giving weapons to Bangladesh through Pakistan. India should add Vietnam to its nuclear submarine program; it is the only way to check China, but India's China policy is always defensive, and it is hurting India a lot. India is going to face a 3-front war situation, but the government is not at all serious about national security.
I find it bizarre why in the world India is concerned about China's feelings, about what China would think of India and feel about India when they sell BrahMos to Indonesia as a deterrent to incursions in the South China Sea.

After all what china has done and has been doing to India and India still seems to kow tow to the evil china. The Indian government has recognised china officially in the one china policy. The chinese has been blocking India in every attempt to become a permanent security council member.
Our forces were not afraid of China; it was the political party that ruled India that was afraid; that's why we lost vast land. Now that era is gone after Galwan. China knows it will get a bloody nose if it plays dirty; hence, they just stand where they are and control and supply arms to our neighbours. They keep trying trading wars, tech wars, and flooding the market with Chinese products.
China is giving nuclear submarines to Pakistan and giving weapons to Bangladesh through Pakistan. India should add Vietnam to its nuclear submarine program; it is the only way to check China, but India's China policy is always defensive, and it is hurting India a lot. India is going to face a 3-front war situation, but the government is not at all serious about national security.
No, China will not be giving a nuclear boat to Bhikaristan because they don't have any to spare. Strategically speaking, there is little a SSN offers to Bhikaristan over an AIP-equipped SSK, and China doesn't have enough SSNs or SSBNs to transfer. If they transfer either the ancient Type 091 SSN or Type 092 SSBN, chances are those boats would be sunk the first time they would be out in war. They are that noisy.

As for our own SSN program, Vietnam does not have the funds to operate a SSN by any stretch of th3 definition. Yes, we should increase efforts to get them modern ships and other weapons, but not SSNs.

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