INS Vagsheer's Induction Delayed to November, Indigenous Tech Likely Culprit


The Indian Navy's eagerly awaited submarine, INS Vagsheer, the final vessel of the Kalvari-class, is facing a delay in its induction. Originally scheduled to join the fleet in early 2024, the submarine's commissioning has now been pushed back to November or December this year.

The cause for this delay remains officially unconfirmed by Mazagon Dock Shipbuilders Limited (MDL), where the submarine was built in collaboration with France's Naval Group. However, sources suggest the integration and rigorous testing of indigenous systems onboard the Vagsheer may be the culprit.

While the Kalvari-class submarines are based on the Scorpène design, the INS Vagsheer has incorporated several indigenous systems, replacing those originally planned. This necessitates additional testing and validation to ensure these new systems meet the stringent operational standards of the Navy.

Although the delay is a setback, it highlights India's growing self-reliance in defence technology. The successful integration of indigenous systems in a complex platform like a submarine demonstrates significant progress.

The INS Vagsheer's eventual induction will undoubtedly bolster the Indian Navy's underwater capabilities, adding a powerful and stealthy asset to its fleet. Both the Navy and defense enthusiasts are keenly awaiting further developments and the official commissioning of this highly anticipated submarine in the latter half of 2024.
Then why was reported in Australia after being leak in Pakistan, and then even more delay in project? Please stop covering up s#1t.
I know you hate India and won’t trust what our soldiers say. You think we should implement emergency and throw our constitution out. But not happening.
Whatever the reason for the delay it’s best that they make sure there’s nothing wrong with the equipment, technology and parts as we need them to be reliable and ready for war at anytime.

Also this delay isn’t related to any indigenous AIP being installed on it. They will only install the indigenous AIP on the first Kalvari submarine when they go in for a standard refit and any upgrades which makes sense financially and time wise plausible.
Those speculating AIP are totally wrong as it needs to be encapsulated into the hull of sub but cutting it into two. Once it's launched then only during refit the hull is cut to add AIP system. My honest opinion most likely testing of indigenous sensors and communication equipments that were developed to replace the French ones whose specifications were leaked(Did you expect IN to accept configurations as it is?). Slowly other subs will also get these along with indigenous AIP once they come for Refit.
Mate the information about the submarine was just a broad overview and the technology it used which already out in public domain and common knowledge. The technology that we installed is kept secret and classified with the French so no critical information was leaked.
Listen to some knowledgeable defence journalist and you’d know the extent. Sourav Jha was on record that the stealth of the sub is seriously compromised and corrective measures would be needed. 23K pages were released… it’s not just the broad design.
I know you hate India and won’t trust what our soldiers say. You think we should implement emergency and throw our constitution out. But not happening.
This coming from a Frenchie! Wow! Since when you started prioritising India. Wish you did.

Most of the French deals are very pricy. Scorepene sub were delayed and there is serious cost overruns mostly thanks to French companies’s reluctance to share tech, price escalations and leaks.

Of course you’d defend anything French. Who knows who you are and what your motivations are.
Leaks will happen anywhere. In Bharat there have been so many leaks, I have lost count. Leaks are in no way an excuse for inefficiency of MDL.
No. It doesn’t. And extent of leaks are serious. French lobby will try to defend anything.
Who said they were on time?
He means after the first one. Testing is taking unusuallly longer.

Of course sub project is delayed and suffered cost overruns. Core reasons are French reluctance to share tech, overpriced line-items and later leaks.
Made in time? Are you joking? There was huge cost escalation due to delay by MDL
Laregely due to French reluctance in TOT, overpricing and later leak of some 23K pages of documentation.

Once first sub came, the revised schedules were largely observed.

French lobby is out to defame Indian companies so as to cover their lapses.
He means after the first one. Testing is taking unusuallly longer.

Of course sub project is delayed and suffered cost overruns. Core reasons are French reluctance to share tech, overpriced line-items and later leaks.
On the other hand, MDL chief is on record that France did a brilliant job at indigenization. He has said officially that France did 40% indigenization free of cost.

As for leaks, again you defame our soldiers. Navy is on record saying no leaks took place and only publicly available info was portrayed as a leak. But of course, how can you trust our armed forces. Their sacrifices mean nothing to you,
Listen to some knowledgeable defence journalist and you’d know the extent. Sourav Jha was on record that the stealth of the sub is seriously compromised and corrective measures would be needed. 23K pages were released… it’s not just the broad design.
Again that leak did not contain crucial technology and capabilities and was basically general information. On any complex submarine a manual of 23k pages contains a lot of basic details on capabilities, parts, products, designs etc but the Kalvari submarine design and equipment are different to the general scorpene submarines.

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