Is $300 Million Price Tag for NGAD 6th Gen Fighter Realistic or Sustainable for US Air Force?


The Next Generation Air Dominance (NGAD) fighter, the US Air Force's ambitious foray into 6th generation fighter jet technology, has become a topic of intense discussion due to its projected high cost.

Recent estimations place the cost of each NGAD fighter at around $300 million, raising questions about the affordability and long-term sustainability of the program, particularly considering the intended fleet size of 200 fighters.

US Air Force Secretary Frank Kendall has addressed these concerns, emphasizing that no firm price threshold has been established for the NGAD. He suggested the F-35, currently priced at around $82.5 million per unit, as a potential upper limit for the NGAD's cost.

However, considering the technological leaps the NGAD is expected to incorporate, including revolutionary Variable Cycle Engines (VCE), achieving a price tag comparable to the F-35 seems ambitious.

VCE technology promises to significantly enhance fuel efficiency and mission adaptability, far surpassing current jet engine capabilities. This alone is likely to elevate costs beyond those of previous fighter generations.

While Kendall's suggestion of an NGAD cost comparable to or lower than the F-35 may be financially desirable, the integration of groundbreaking technologies and the imperative for air superiority in the 21st century suggest a higher price point is probable.

However, a redesign emphasizing cost-efficiency is not off the table. The Air Force might be exploring ways to strike a balance between technological supremacy and cost management.

The NGAD's high price tag could also signal a broader shift in the nature of future air combat. The fighter is envisioned as part of an integrated network, working alongside unmanned systems, AI-driven decision-making, and advanced communication networks. Therefore, the per-unit cost may reflect not just the physical aircraft but also its integration into a more complex warfare system.

While a sub-$100 million price range remains speculative, Kendall's remarks indicate a clear intent to control costs and ensure the program's sustainability. Whether this involves scaling back certain features or utilizing new cost-saving technologies remains to be seen.

The evolution of the NGAD will undoubtedly influence future fighter jet development, where balancing affordability with cutting-edge capabilities is vital for maintaining air superiority.
Yeah... won't happen. The NGAD is intended as the replacement for the F-22, and so the costs will remain high.

Moreover, unless the US exports the type (which is highly unlikely), they simply will not get economies of scale, which means costs will remain high. Part of the reason the F-35 is cheap-ish is because it has been produced in such large numbers.
We should buy F-35s under MRFA and book orders for NGAD fighter ! If we buy and make PAC-III, THAAD USA may sell these fighters to India !
NGAD at $80 millions per fighter absolutely impossible, for sure.
Preposterous to speak bluntly.
Its just so speculative at this time as any 6th gen jet would be so advanced and primarily unmanned.
Yeah... won't happen. The NGAD is intended as the replacement for the F-22, and so the costs will remain high.

Moreover, unless the US exports the type (which is highly unlikely), they simply will not get economies of scale, which means costs will remain high. Part of the reason the F-35 is cheap-ish is because it has been produced in such large numbers.
A high number will definitely bring the costs down, considering so many 6th generation project going on in the world , i am sure USA will be willing to sell this jet to others to capture markets and that would drive the numbers,
NGAD at $80 millions per fighter absolutely impossible, for sure.
Preposterous to speak bluntly.
It seemed impossible for F-35 10 years ago , but now it costs less than many 4th gen fighter, While our HAL and dassault drive the costs up for Tejas and rafale reasoning inflation and raw material costs.
A high number will definitely bring the costs down, considering so many 6th generation project going on in the world , i am sure USA will be willing to sell this jet to others to capture markets and that would drive the numbers,
I doubt that. The US has absolutely refused to sell even older F-22s to close allies like Japan, while it is the tri-service project that has been offered for export. A similar story may exist here as well.
I doubt that. The US has absolutely refused to sell even older F-22s to close allies like Japan, while it is the tri-service project that has been offered for export. A similar story may exist here as well.
There was no adversary with 5th gen fighter then and when they realised sooner or later other countries will catch up they started F35 program and killed all 5th gen program in west ,Now many countries have started their own 6th gen programs, Uncle Sam will not leave the 6th gen fighter jet market for these new comers . They have the first mover advantage .
Just marketing. New era of drone warfare already started. Time for US high price so called weapons are now joke. Even houthis having fun with them. We need to stay away from fake marketing and concentrate in what is needed in real war. If we see Ukraine war most of fighters are staying away from field firing at distance using glide bombs. Most of precision weapons didn't change the outcome. But air defence are now must. Drones dominating fields. Soldiers are forced to fight with machines daily. Most of land lost by Ukraine is due to artillery and drones. Army played important role in urban warfare. Door to door and tranche fight is daily news.
Developing any brand new jet is going to be very expensive and the only way to reduce the price is if the USA export it to NATO countries and other allies around the world in very large quantities. The only problem is that this time Britain and France are also going to develop their own 6th generation fighters so there will be a lot of competition that the USA didn’t get when they developed the F35 jets as it was the only western 5th generation jet that everyone bought.

Also the USA could just develop the NGAD jet exclusively for themselves like they did with their F22 Raptor but they could offer a less advanced NGAD to export it to their allies which will reduce the cost slightly.
It seemed impossible for F-35 10 years ago , but now it costs less than many 4th gen fighter, While our HAL and dassault drive the costs up for Tejas and rafale reasoning inflation and raw material costs.
Basic DABBA costs are always low and then comes all other extras...
Basic DABBA costs are always low and then comes all other extras...
Belgium procured 35F35 with support till 2030 in 4 billion euros ,
Finalnd signed similar deal including support for 64F35 in 8.5 billion euros( same price as our 36 rafale),
POland - On 31 January 2020, during a ceremony attended by the Polish President, Prime Minister, Minister of Defense, and the US ambassador to Poland,[359] Poland's acquisition efforts concluded with signing of a $4.6 billion deal for procurement of 32 F-35A Block 4 jets with Technology Refresh 3 software update and drogue parachutes, for an average unit price of $87.3 million net.

Do you think these jet are without engine, radar and weapons ?
Belgium procured 35F35 with support till 2030 in 4 billion euros ,
Finalnd signed similar deal including support for 64F35 in 8.5 billion euros( same price as our 36 rafale),
POland - On 31 January 2020, during a ceremony attended by the Polish President, Prime Minister, Minister of Defense, and the US ambassador to Poland,[359] Poland's acquisition efforts concluded with signing of a $4.6 billion deal for procurement of 32 F-35A Block 4 jets with Technology Refresh 3 software update and drogue parachutes, for an average unit price of $87.3 million net.

Do you think these jet are without engine, radar and weapons ?
We just read here and in IDN that USA Pacific commander offering F-16V70 for $220 millions fully equipped, armaments, and services.
When they include everything, the cost goes up substantially.

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