Is Pakistani Nasr Missile 'Superior' to India's Longer-Range Pralay? Indian Experts Dismisses Pak Analyst's Outrage Based Claims

Is Pakistani Nasr Missile 'Superior' to India's Longer-Range Pralay? Indian Experts Dismisses Pak Analyst's Outrage Based Claims

Former Pakistani High Commissioner to India, Abdul Basit, has sparked controversy with his recent assertion that Pakistan's Nasr (Hatf 9) short-range ballistic missile is superior to India's Pralay tactical missile. This claim has been met with widespread skepticism and dismissal from Indian defence experts. The Nasr, with a range of 60-70 kilometers, is designed for battlefield use and tactical nuclear deterrence.

Basit argues its strength lies in its ability to deliver quick and precise strikes against enemy armor and troop formations. In contrast, India's Pralay missile has a range of 150 to 500 kilometers and is designed for both tactical and strategic applications.

Indian experts emphasize that the Pralay's greater range provides a significant operational advantage, allowing India to engage targets at varying distances. This versatility makes the Pralay suitable for a wider range of scenarios, including striking strategic targets beyond the battlefield. Additionally, the Pralay incorporates advanced features such as mid-air maneuvers to enhance its survivability against enemy defenses.

While the Nasr serves a specific tactical purpose, particularly in a nuclear context, analysts argue that the Pralay's extended range and technological capabilities make it a more versatile and strategically valuable asset for India.

Basit's claims have been widely ridiculed in Indian media, with many questioning his understanding of missile technology and suggesting his statements may be politically motivated. The consensus among Indian defense experts is that the Pralay represents a more potent and adaptable missile system, providing India with a clear advantage in terms of range and strategic flexibility.
Parkistan & Chinese always have Tall claims, whether it is JF-17 or J-10C
Parkistan & Chinese always have Tall claims, whether it is JF-17 or J-10C
While Indians are known to underestimate and criticize their own Arms and ammunitions even though they're quite good... We should learn from Pakistani and Chinese about Product Marketing..
Why Basit is comparing Pralay and Nasr, nasr should be compared with guided pinaka.
While Indians are known to underestimate and criticize their own Arms and ammunitions even though they're quite good... We should learn from Pakistani and Chinese about Product Marketing..
Well then first we should start by learning to make weapons when they are needed. Unlike DRDO/HAL who promised to start Mk2 production in 2016 but still haven't even rolled it out. So...

As for our products being quite good, how many of our weapons (without JVs or license production) are world leaders in their class? Or even in top 2? Or 3? (Based on export numbers or at least in terms of clearing trials abroad)
It is time that DRDO designs and produces a tactical missile with range upto 120-150 kms and calls the pakistani bluff. Like Pak army officers the Indian army Brigade and Div Cdrs, Corp cdrs must be empowered for the Use of the tactical missiles on troop and tank , gun concentrations.
Abdul Basit regurlarly makes bombastic statements with no basis in facts, typical of Pakistani hyperbole.. And in any case Basits claim to fame is that of a diplomat his last assignment being in India with no speciality in matters of Defence technology. Its best to ignore such people and their empty boasts
Nasr is far superior to pralay because Nasr is designed to kill Pakistani, it's designed to use inside Pakistan that too with nuke 😝😝
Superior or inferior... Doesn't make a difference, Pakistan army never won a war and haven't lost an election...
Wow with that range, they can almost take out the Pinakas. Just to troll them, we will position our pinakas at 71km. Since it can hit only 70km, it will fall short. We will record their fails and post it in Twitter.
Pakistan logic:

70km missile (unknown CEP, speed) can out perform hypersonic 500km missile

Suitable for quick precise "nuclear" strikes. So remember kids, when you nuke someone, you need a CEP of 1m.

You need to set off the nukes 60Km from your border = nuclear deterrence
Nasr is far superior to pralay because Nasr is designed to kill Pakistani, it's designed to use inside Pakistan that too with nuke 😝😝
Imagine their made in China system exploding on the launcher with nukes
These people are so incompetent and ignorant that whenever I hear the word Pakistan all I can do is 😂. They are a complete failure as they bankrupt the entire country and are just living on forever loans and grants 😂😂😂
Even if it's more better, Pakistans main problem is their economy. Why focus so much on military when they even defaulted debt payment with Saudi Arabia.

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