Japanese F-2 Fighters Embark on Journey to Participate in Indian "Tarang Shakti" Exercise


In a move highlighting Japan's growing international defence cooperation, two Japan Air Self-Defence Force (JASDF) Mitsubishi F-2 fighter jets landed at Singapore's Paya Lebar Air Base on August 27th. The stopover marks a brief pause before the aircraft continue their journey to India to participate in the Indian Air Force's inaugural multilateral Exercise Tarang Shakti.

This rare overseas deployment of JASDF F-2s underscores a shift in Japan's defence posture. Historically, Japan has maintained a strictly defensive military stance, as enshrined in its constitution. However, evolving regional security dynamics and China's increasing assertiveness have prompted Japan to strengthen its defence capabilities and collaborate more closely with allies.

While Japan's constitution prohibits maintaining offensive military forces, its defence policies have become more robust in recent years. Participation in overseas exercises like Red Flag and now Tarang Shakti demonstrates Japan's commitment to enhancing interoperability and readiness alongside partner nations.

Exercise Tarang Shakti is a multi-phase event hosted by the Indian Air Force. The first phase, held at Sulur airbase in Tamil Nadu, concluded successfully with the participation of France, Germany, Spain, and the UK. The second phase, scheduled from August 29th to September 14th at Jodhpur airbase in Rajasthan, will feature a broader international contingent, including Australia, Bangladesh, Greece, Japan, Singapore, the UAE, and the USA.

The inclusion of Japanese F-2s in Tarang Shakti represents a significant step in Japan's ongoing defence evolution. It signifies a willingness to engage actively in multinational training exercises and contribute to regional security efforts. While Japan's defence posture remains fundamentally defensive, its participation in such exercises highlights its adaptability and commitment to maintaining peace and stability in an increasingly complex geopolitical landscape.
Its great as both Japanese AF and IAF can learn from each others F-2 and MKI fleet respectively.
They are just F-16 derivatives developed with the help of Lockheed Martin.
In short japans just made a copy of the F16 but with more changes and variations. India is the only country that is developing their own jet that’s completely different to whatever the USA, UK, France, Russia or China have developed. The jets Tejas MK1A and MK2 and AMCA size, fuselage, wings, technology and capabilities are very different and better in some cases. This has taken longer but developing, learning and improving whatever we have developed is better.
Its great as both Japanese AF and IAF can learn from each others F-2 and MKI fleet respectively.
we have already learnt from each other on how to make platform exorbitantly costlier, They did with F-16 and we did with Su30.
what is F-36 ?
F-36 Kingsnake, the new concept for latest 4.5-4.8 generation fighter under development. It would be developed from scratch to take the place of F-16 that are almost the end of their service lives and offer cost--effective option to attack ground targets, and CAP once initial air supremacy/ dominance is established.
we have already learnt from each other on how to make platform exorbitantly costlier, They did with F-16 and we did with Su30.
True, but with local assembly and addition of multiple local/foreign components,it is kind of inevitable that the cost will increase and be higher than just buying same gear off the shelf.
In short japans just made a copy of the F16 but with more changes and variations. India is the only country that is developing their own jet that’s completely different to whatever the USA, UK, France, Russia or China have developed. The jets Tejas MK1A and MK2 and AMCA size, fuselage, wings, technology and capabilities are very different and better in some cases. This has taken longer but developing, learning and improving whatever we have developed is better.
Japaneseand Chinese have copied everything from the American and German.
we have already learnt from each other on how to make platform exorbitantly costlier, They did with F-16 and we did with Su30.
By making su 30 locally, our engineers were able to learn a lot about fighters planes manufacturing and that knowledge is being used for the Tejas programme.
Japaneseand Chinese have copied everything from the American and German.
Yeah, at least they are doing it .. and Pakis are copying Chinese stuff..; We on the other hand have not done anything yet.. even copy the stuff correctly & successfully.
In short japans just made a copy of the F16 but with more changes and variations. India is the only country that is developing their own jet that’s completely different to whatever the USA, UK, France, Russia or China have developed. The jets Tejas MK1A and MK2 and AMCA size, fuselage, wings, technology and capabilities are very different and better in some cases. This has taken longer but developing, learning and improving whatever we have developed is better.
Really ? Tejas is a slightly modified copy of Mirage. Still not combat ready with state of the art weapons systems capability.
Really ? Tejas is a slightly modified copy of Mirage. Still not combat ready with state of the art weapons systems capability.
Yes the Tejas MK1A is combat ready and certified. Also the design looks nothing like the Mirage at all. The size is different, engine intake different, fuselage different, wings and tail different, more carbon composite used, EW, RWR, more hard points etc.
Really ? Tejas is a slightly modified copy of Mirage. Still not combat ready with state of the art weapons systems capability.
Сertainly. It's just a continuation, you might say, like "Kfir". It was the perfect scheme but half a century ago...
But even now he is good with GE and Elbit, but need something completely different for India-Bharat!
Plenty of time... IMHO! Regards.

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