New IAF Chief Tasked to Spearhead Tejas, AEW&C and Mid-Air Refuellers Induction Amidst Growing China Challenge


Air Chief Marshal A P Singh takes the helm of the Indian Air Force (IAF) at a crucial juncture, facing the pressing challenge of modernizing the force in the face of growing regional security concerns, particularly from China.

With over 5,000 hours of flying experience across a range of aircraft, the 59-year-old fighter pilot assumes command amidst a significant shortfall in fighter squadrons. The IAF currently operates 30 squadrons, falling short of the authorized strength of 42 needed to effectively counter potential threats from both China and Pakistan.

A key priority for Air Chief Marshal Singh will be accelerating the induction of the indigenous Tejas Light Combat Aircraft (LCA). The IAF plans to add close to 300 Tejas Mark-1A and Mark-2 fighters over the next 10-15 years to bolster its dwindling fleet.

However, boosting the production rate of these single-engine jets manufactured by Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) presents a major hurdle. Delays in the delivery of 99 GE-F404 engines from US-based General Electric, along with internal production challenges at HAL, have hampered the timely rollout of the Tejas.

Air Chief Marshal Singh's intimate knowledge of the Tejas program, gained from his previous role as project director (flight test) at the National Flight Test Centre in Bengaluru, positions him well to address these bottlenecks.

In addition to the Tejas, his focus will also be on acquiring force-multipliers like Airborne Early Warning and Control (AEW&C) aircraft and mid-air refuellers, critical for enhancing the IAF's operational capabilities.

This leadership transition comes at a time when India is actively pursuing self-reliance in defence production. The successful and timely induction of the Tejas, AEW&C aircraft, and mid-air refuellers will be crucial not only for strengthening the IAF but also for demonstrating India's growing capabilities in indigenous defense manufacturing.
New chief should ask for 44+ Rafale-F4 with MUMT tech, 60 F-35A from Govt of India ! Combat enablers, at least more 3 AWACS based on A-330 , 3 A-330 based Refuel Tankers must be inducted !

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