Pakistan Navy Opts for Tactical Nuclear Weapons on Conventional Subs to Counter India's Nuclear-Equipped Fleet: Pak Navy Commodore (R)


In a recent interview with Suno Digital, former Commodore Sajid Mehmood Shehzad HI(M) of the Pakistani Navy outlined the nation's strategic approach to submarine warfare and nuclear deterrence.

Shehzad stated that Pakistan has no intention of developing nuclear-powered submarines, believing that conventional submarines equipped with tactical nuclear weapons provide an equally effective deterrent.

This strategy centers around the Babur cruise missile, a submarine-launched weapon capable of carrying a nuclear warhead. By deploying these missiles on its existing fleet of conventionally powered submarines, Pakistan aims to maintain a credible nuclear deterrent without the significant financial and technological burden associated with developing and maintaining nuclear-powered submarines.

Shehzad also took the opportunity to criticize India's pursuit of a nuclear submarine fleet, deeming it an unnecessary expenditure in light of the country's widespread poverty.

He further argued that India's lack of global naval bases limits the operational range of its submarine fleet, rendering the investment strategically questionable.

This statement offers insight into Pakistan's naval doctrine, which prioritizes cost-effective solutions to maintain a credible nuclear deterrent against its regional rival.

While Pakistan currently operates conventionally powered attack submarines, including the French Agosta and the newer Chinese Hangor-class, it has consistently emphasized the development of its nuclear-capable missile systems as a cornerstone of its defense strategy.
I personally believe, India should make smaller nuclear submarine, like French Rubis class. ( below 3000 t), but modified. Brahmos and heavy weight torpedoes are only armaments.
As you said it is a waste of money not only for India but more so in case of China. Please advise them. You are great for giving such advice.
I personally believe, India should make smaller nuclear submarine, like French Rubis class. ( below 3000 t), but modified. Brahmos and heavy weight torpedoes are only armaments.
our deterrence is mainly aimed at china in IOR & Pacific, they have subs spanning around 13.5k ton, our focus has to be on S5 and even more
I personally believe, India should make smaller nuclear submarine, like French Rubis class. ( below 3000 t), but modified. Brahmos and heavy weight torpedoes are only armaments.
You are correct. Numbers is important. Making small submarines in good Numbers is a viable option. We can easily get help from France. They are ready to collaborate with india in all defence items.
our deterrence is mainly aimed at china in IOR & Pacific, they have subs spanning around 13.5k ton, our focus has to be on S5 and even more
China has built such heavy submarines keeping US in focus and not India. For India, 6.5K ton subs are enough to protect IOR and few 13K tons are needed to equip large distance missiles to hit mainland China far from IOR
Pakistani are so obsessed with India but still stuck in their madrasa theory of poor India. Seems their economic books hasn't been corrected since independence.
May be their obsession with book so called martial race theory hasn't allowed them to go beyond it.
Commodore is living in fools paradise. India needs these to be superpower and Developed country. Friend you guys should be thinking of feeding your people and saving your country.. Godspeed
our deterrence is mainly aimed at china in IOR & Pacific, they have subs spanning around 13.5k ton, our focus has to be on S5 and even more
Exactly, Indian mindset competes too much with Pakistan instead of China. No use of competition with beggar state. We should aim at China even if we are late!
China has built such heavy submarines keeping US in focus and not India. For India, 6.5K ton subs are enough to protect IOR and few 13K tons are needed to equip large distance missiles to hit mainland China far from IOR
Who says 6.5k ton is enough? Only those who with no experience on the ground reality are insisting as if 6.5k ton is enough.
Pakistani General commenting on India's economic situation is really weird.

But Indian-Navy should consider to invest in Indigenous design & development of:-
(1) MCMVs
(2) LHDs

At the same time, Indian-Govt & Navy should consider to but at least 10 US-2 Shinmaywa Amphibious Aircraft from Japan under a G-2-G Deal with option to buy Additional 10 US-2 Aircraft in the future.

Indian-Govt & Navy should consider to develop an Amphibious Marine-force like US Marines, Royal Marines etc under IN's authority.

MCMVs are necessary to insure that IN can decimate Pakistan's Submarine Fleet when the time comes.
A myopic view of a an officer from a poor destitute country where people are hungry angry and the armed forces plunder the resources . Whilst Pakistan is fixated towards India with its pathological hatred towards Hindhus , Indias requirements of nuclear submarines co-relates with its requirement to protect its sea lines of communications in all five continents and oceans where trade of over 4to 5 trillion in exports and imports together with Indian Diaspora will need to be protected .The Indian SSNSand SSBN ,s with LPD/LPH /refeullers and stores ships with global reach will exercise sea denial and with aircraft carriers , sea control in all five oceans of the sea . A bankrupt Pakistan and its navy are being left far behind and this gap will only increase with time .
A simple case of neighbors envy, but owners pride. Pakistan instead of begging should sell all their military assets to x, y, z countries and buy food for themselves. The universal rule is that beggers choose food over weapons.
Pakistan has no money to buy basic needs such as atta, India has 3 times more foreign reserves than entire Pakistan GDP. Nowadays no country give much importance to Pakistan as they have become laughing stock. India need to have atleast 15-20 nuclear attack submarines by 2040 with defence budget of 250 billion USD.
Look who's suddenly become a defence expert about India? Which war against India did the Pakistanis win? Airforce, Navy or army? Today india need not even bother about pakistan. That's why, all these comments and occasional terrorist attacks.
He is right , with India leading in World hunger Index in worst way no need to spend on these expensive projects
He is right , with India leading in World hunger Index in worst way no need to spend on these expensive projects
What hunger index! Prepared by people eternally looking for OHH ,So sad Poor Indian not getting food! and scamming money from the gullible Europeans and Americans.
Pakistani retarded admiral or whatever should look at his failed state, a country which only produce Jehadis. Pakistan and Bengladesh lives on Indian products, but brought in to their country through 3rd country like Singhpur or Dubai.
A simple case of neighbors envy, but owners pride. Pakistan instead of begging should sell all their military assets to x, y, z countries and buy food for themselves. The universal rule is that beggers choose food over weapons.
Universal rules doesn't work on depraved. A nation born out of hatred created by a colonial power exist only on hatred. Fire can be put down by more powerful fire.
Yes, this is the right strategic thinking of a beggar country.
It is a pity that their strategic thinking doesn't even come close to the tactical thinking of a university graduate of Bharat.
Otherwise as a former navy person, he could have calculated that if the deterrence patrol of a SSK of IN is 45 days without food resupply and 90 days with food resupply, then for the SSBN S2 or S3 it is minimum 6 months and that of S4 or S4* is 1 year.

Simple calculation based on the space availability inside the SSBNs and the literally unlimited power supply inside the sub for cold storage, is enough for this estimation.
What kind of a navy commodore can't even do that? SSBNs or SSNs of a country rarely dock in a foreign port until somethings have really gone bad inside - even US or Russian nuke subs never do that.
Why will IN need foreign bases for its nuke subs at all??
Moreover, Bharat's geographic location is more strategically located in the world, right on the heart of the east-west trade routes.
Even if you consider the widest diameter of supply and demand, no one can avoid Indian Ocean.
And which nation sits right in the middle of it - literally dividing it into two halves??
You know that answer.

And that has and will always be IN's backyard and Bharat's back pocket.
A nation like pakistan which got half the per capita of India is talking about poverty. First solve the issue of poverty in pakistan which is far poorer than India.
Only Pakistanis can believe that launching a missile from standard size torpedo tubes (533mm in width and 6m in length) would be a nuclear deterrence. They think the entire world is dumb to operate SSN and SSBN when the same task can be done using conventional submarines...lel.
Even if there are no naval bases, being able to operate more silently and stay out longer is an advantage

Being able to travel to far away places and be the silent arm to.bomb the enemy is also an effective deterrent

This statement is meant as a handle for politicians in India to latch on to and question goverments expenditure
Mr Shehzad Indians know how concerned you are for poverty. Hence your Country is purchasing 75 Fc-31s from Chinese when majority of Pakistanis struggle for making ends meet. We also know your competence in the Geostrategic thinking, how you depend upon Americans & Chinese for survival. Pakistan neither has the capabilities, nor strategic requirements for Nuclear powered SSBNs. India has a powerful rival in China with big underwater fleet. Chinese are also making concentrated efforts in improving & upgrading their nuclear submarines (SSBNs) armed with long range nuclear warhead carrying ballistic missiles. Chinese have been working on development of SSNs since their conventional submarines are noisy. PLA navy will induct 6-7 carriers by 2040. To Counter Chinese nuclear adventure it's imminent for India to develop & indict large force of SSBNs capable of remaining hidden in locations far away from Chinese anti submarine assets. India is also developing 12k range SLBM K-6 for larger S-5 class SSBN that will provide India with safe & assured second strike capabilities against entire China. As regards SSNs India must develop & induct atleast 10-12 assets to build formidable sea denial capabilities to counter 5-6 Chinese carrier groups in IOR.
Surprising this man advises India to spend money on poverty alleviation instead of nuke subs.
Entire Pak army,navy and PAF is a waste as far as Pak is concerned. These 3 eats most of the Pak's GDP which is already bankrupt.
Why not India strengthen its Navy when a bankrupt beggar is having one?
It’s obvious that they want and need a nuclear submarine but are too delusional, dumb, ignorant, poor, bankrupt or educated to design and develop their own submarine but nobody else will help them to make a valuable and strategic weapon.

India needs these nuclear submarines to use against China and cover the entire Indian Ocean. The threat from China is only going to increase so we need a large underwater force that can kill their carrier battle groups.

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