Pakistan Tests New Fatah-II Rocket, Can it Really Beat India's S-400?

Pakistan Tests New Fatah-II Rocket, Can it Really Beat India's S-400?

Pakistan's recent test of its Fatah-II Guided Rocket System has stirred up a debate: can this new weapon truly counter India's formidable S-400 missile defence system?

Fatah-II: Pakistan's Pride​

The Pakistani military claims the Fatah-II boasts a range of 400 kilometers and possesses advanced navigation, a unique trajectory, and impressive maneuverability. They assert it can overcome any missile defence system, positioning it as a potential game-changer in the region.

Umair Aslam, a security analyst based in Islamabad, argues that the Fatah-II significantly enhances Pakistan's ability to strike strategic targets. Its state-of-the-art navigation and avionics technology, he says, enable exceptional accuracy. Aslam goes so far as to suggest the Fatah-II could challenge India's S-400 supremacy, a claim met with skepticism by some experts.

Skepticism and Missing Details​

Defence analyst Patricia Marins is one such skeptic. She points to the lack of information regarding the Fatah-II's "unique trajectory," questioning the validity of Pakistan's claims. The absence of concrete details about the rocket's capabilities raises doubts about its ability to overcome the S-400's sophisticated defence mechanisms.

The S-400: India's Shield​

The S-400 Triumf, acquired by India from Russia, is considered one of the world's most advanced air defence systems. It boasts a multi-layered defence capability, capable of engaging a wide range of aerial threats, including aircraft, missiles, and drones. Its long range and ability to track multiple targets simultaneously make it a formidable deterrent.

The Verdict: Uncertain Future​

While the Fatah-II undoubtedly represents a significant advancement in Pakistan's military capabilities, its effectiveness against the S-400 remains unclear. The lack of transparency surrounding the Fatah-II's specifications, coupled with the S-400's proven track record, leaves room for doubt.

The true test of the Fatah-II's capabilities may only come in a real-world scenario, which is a prospect both nations and the international community would prefer to avoid.

For now, the question of whether the Fatah-II can truly outmatch the S-400 remains unanswered, adding another layer of complexity to the already tense relationship between India and Pakistan.
Pakistan version of Himars… supplied by China….
For 400km, we have numerous options in missile domain but we lack in artillery segment … in this area Pak has upper hand…. In a cross border battle, firing rockets (range doesn’t matter) keeps threshold of engagement very low, and we can’t fire Brahmos or Pralay missiles in response to Pakistani Fatah-2 rockets….. don’t know where r our long range rockets… although we r hearing about them for last 6 yrs….
They are also looking to launch their first astronaut ex PM Imran khan by launching him straight up on this rocket. Inshaallh Pakistan would be successful and would launch their first astronaut before India does it.
Pakistan version of Himars… supplied by China….
For 400km, we have numerous options in missile domain but we lack in artillery segment … in this area Pak has upper hand…. In a cross border battle, firing rockets (range doesn’t matter) keeps threshold of engagement very low, and we can’t fire Brahmos or Pralay missiles in response to Pakistani Fatah-2 rockets….. don’t know where r our long range rockets… although we r hearing about them for last 6 yrs….
Why didn't they develop Pinaka further for longer range?. Sleeping planners of IA got a rude wakeup call. Similar thing for MPATGM, and trainer aircraft. Pakistan manufactures and exports them. We still aredependent on imports.
Fatah-2 is really world beating just like their intergalactic fighters JF-17 ,Gaznavi and Ghori ballistic missiles targeting their own installations ,HQ series air defence systems that tracked and shot down brahmos missile fired accidentally . Pakistan, after receiving patton tanks , sabrejets like wonder American weapons ,reached at outskirts of Delhi in 1965 and saved East Pakistan from unconditional surrender in 1971 . Pakistan is really world beating army but surrenders before TTP and BLA militia in KP and Balochistan.
It's Chinese junk but sometimes all you need is one perfect shot to get the job done. We need to start setting better benchmarks for ourselves, Pinaka should've become a 250 km + range system by now given that it was already being used in Op Vijay in '99. But, as usual, no foresight to turn it into something more capable. That was 25 years ago. Our short sightedness has always done us in but there have been no lessons learned. I hope this is a wake up call of sorts.
Why didn't they develop Pinaka further for longer range?. Sleeping planners of IA got a rude wakeup call. Similar thing for MPATGM, and trainer aircraft. Pakistan manufactures and exports them. We still aredependent on imports.
Right now the max range is 90km, chennai IIT is working on a ramjet powered shell that could help these even longer distance.
Right now the max range is 90km, chennai IIT is working on a ramjet powered shell that could help these even longer distance.
For time being import and seek transfer of technology from Germany for the 100 km 155mm range shells .Reinventing the wheel by IIT madras can take time .Now that the Germans are favorably inclined to get the sub deal and having eased the control Laws for arms ammunition to India .Maxumium technology transfers for latest CNC machines , and manufacturing Machine tools ,Metallurgy technology including arms and ammunition must be done till the window is open

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