Pakistani JF-17C Jet's PL-15E Missiles and AESA Radar Give Azerbaijan Edge Over Armenia's Su-30SM: Pak Expert


Azerbaijan's recent purchase of JF-17C Block-III fighter jets from Pakistan has been hailed as a "tactical and geopolitical masterstroke" by Pakistani defence analyst Hamza Azhar Salam.

In an interview with the Institute for Development and Diplomacy (IDD), Salam, founder and editor of The Pakistan Daily, emphasized the significant advantage these advanced aircraft provide Azerbaijan over Armenia's aging Su-30SM fleet.

The JF-17C, jointly developed by Pakistan and China, boasts cutting-edge technology including the KLJ-7A Active Electronically Scanned Array (AESA) radar and PL-15E beyond-visual-range air-to-air missiles.

According to Salam, the AESA radar allows for superior target tracking and engagement of multiple aircraft simultaneously, while the PL-15E missiles, with a reported range exceeding 145 kilometers, offer a decisive advantage in long-range aerial combat.

"The JF-17C's superior avionics, missile capabilities, and maneuverability make it a decisive advantage in both air-to-air engagements and precision ground strikes, securing Azerbaijan’s control of the region's airspace," stated Salam in a separate article published in The Pakistan Daily.

He further highlighted the jet's digital fly-by-wire system and helmet-mounted display, which enhance pilot agility and reaction time.

This acquisition comes on the heels of Azerbaijan's successful utilization of drones in the 2020 Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, further solidifying their air power capabilities.

Salam believes the JF-17C elevates Azerbaijan's air force to a "higher echelon of combat readiness," effectively outmatching Armenia's reliance on older Soviet-era fighters.

Beyond its military implications, the JF-17C deal strengthens Azerbaijan's strategic partnerships with Pakistan and Turkey, signaling a diversification of defence alliances and a move towards greater military self-sufficiency.

For Pakistan, this sale marks a significant milestone in its ambitions as a global defence exporter, showcasing the JF-17C as a cost-effective alternative to Western and Russian aircraft.

However, it is important to note that the ultimate effectiveness of the JF-17C in any future conflict will depend on various factors beyond technological superiority, including pilot training, maintenance, and the overall strategic context.
Can anyone tell the weed these experts use ? I have been wondering this for years. After using this weed, may be J 17 C is more technologically superior to all the fifth generation fighters.
Pakistanis are over achiever. They can literally do anything . Only thing they find a litle difficulty is in securing a bailout package from IMF .
What he said is actually true!!
JF17 can actually kill a Raptor too if it's unarmed.
Armenian Su30s are not integrated with any weapon and are never seen carrying weapons.
so they are easy targets.
Armenia should ask India for Astra, Rudram 1,2 and Nirbhay integration for their Su30SM to wreck havoc on Azerbaijani AF
The pak guy need to understand one thing . Their JF 17 has a terrible record. Seldom it is fit to fly. Most of the times they idle in their hangars. Else their RADAR and FCS don't work.
Oh Boy!!! The Inter Galactic fighter is about to be exported to Galaxy No. 786 by the end of the month. All Galactic warfare will come to an end. Wake up Pukis, you have a call from the IMF.
Dear panelists, pls don't challenge an EXPERT from the flat earth, where sun moves around the earth..Pls .. thank u
What he said is actually true!!
JF17 can actually kill a Raptor too if it's unarmed.
Armenian Su30s are not integrated with any weapon and are never seen carrying weapons.
so they are easy targets.
Armenia should ask India for Astra, Rudram 1,2 and Nirbhay integration for their Su30SM to wreck havoc on Azerbaijani AF
You are really funny here. So You really mean Armenia purchased those without any weapon integration ? PHUNNY!!
What he said is actually true!!
JF17 can actually kill a Raptor too if it's unarmed.
Armenian Su30s are not integrated with any weapon and are never seen carrying weapons.
so they are easy targets.
Armenia should ask India for Astra, Rudram 1,2 and Nirbhay integration for their Su30SM to wreck havoc on Azerbaijani AF
Azerbaijan will soon find out , they got into muslim brotherhood BS and got third rate fighter when they could have gone with J10 option from china.
You are really funny here. So You really mean Armenia purchased those without any weapon integration ? PHUNNY!!
Pretty much, yes. The Armenians did not purchase missiles with the jets. As such, they only have their internal 30mm cannon to rely on, which means even a MiG-15 could shoot them down without too many issues if both aircraft decided to fight it out.
Pakistanis are over achiever. They can literally do anything . Only thing they find a litle difficulty is in securing a bailout package from IMF .
the money they are begging from IMF: $7bn
their beggar (literally) export industry : $42bn
During weekend, I read a story on MSH that boasts that JF-17 is far superior than SU-30SM fighter.

And also, it said that JF-17 shot down two Indian fighters during Balakot encounter.

Broke into a big laughter.
You know why USA stopped production of F22 ...Cuz Pakistan Launched JF17 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Pilots from turkey n iraq during an exercise shared their experience with jf17 n said these frequently suffer from power delivery failures to avionics n radar n weak engine, rest we all know🤣
With AESA radars and long range BVRM JF17 block 3 does pose a threat to Armenian SU30s..India needs to offer to upgrade SU30 of Armenia with more advanced BVRM and avionics if we can
With AESA radars and long range BVRM JF17 block 3 does pose a threat to Armenian SU30s..India needs to offer to upgrade SU30 of Armenia with more advanced BVRM and avionics if we can
JF17 is more of a threat to PAF than to any other country's Airforce.
It often refuses to lift from the ground.

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