Price Remains Key Sticking Point as India, Qatar Rekindle 2005 Mirage Jet Talks


India and Qatar have re-entered discussions regarding the potential sale of 12 Mirage-2000-5 fighter jets to the Indian Air Force (IAF). This marks a revival of negotiations that first took place nearly two decades ago, in 2005. At that time, the deal fell through due to disagreements over the price, with Qatar reportedly sought $62 million per jet, while India offered only $58 million.

In the current round of talks, Qatar has presented a slightly lower price of $59.82 million per jet, but India is still pushing for further discounts, citing the fact that the aircraft now have only approximately 30% of their operational life remaining. If the deal goes through, these jets would augment the IAF's existing fleet of 48 Mirage-2000-5 Standard aircraft, bringing the total to 60 units.

The acquisition of these used Mirage jets would help alleviate the fighter jet shortage currently faced by the IAF, which has been caused by the phasing out of older MiG planes. Furthermore, the Qatari offer reportedly includes missiles and spare engines, adding to the deal's appeal.

While the talks are ongoing, a final decision is yet to be made. India is reportedly seeking a further reduction in the price per jet before committing to the purchase. The IAF intends to keep the Mirage-2000-5 fleet operational until 2035, when it will be replaced by the indigenously developed Tejas MkII jets.

This potential deal reflects India's ongoing efforts to modernize its air force and address its fighter jet shortage. The outcome of the negotiations will be closely watched by defense analysts and observers, as it could have significant implications for India's air power capabilities.
this is total waste..stop this nonsense must stop. India doesn't deserve this level of foolery. This appears raga kangeez game play.
Qatar is asking for almost same price after 2 decades of use and only 30% useful life is left over.

Put a FULL STOP to the negotiations and pour that money into -

1. Accelerated production of Tejas Mk IA in HAL and in a private company
2. Accelerate the development and flight tests of Tejas Mk2
3. Acquire 13 SU-30MKIs and 21 half finished Mig-29s so almost 2 full squadrons so India can put its own avionics and Indian manufactured AL-31-1F and RD33MK engines in them. Good for Indian economy.

Stop the nonsensical negotiations immediately.
Qatari Miraj's will need higher maintenance and upkeep. At ~60 million USD it is too expensive. Two years ago, Indonesia bought Rafale's for ~190 million USD a piece. Better for India to go for 12 additional Rafael's for ~210 million USD each. You don't have to invest on upgrading them. It will have around 40 years of life.
I believe if India was ready to pay $58M for basically newer Mirages back in 2005,then she should have easily paid $4M more to acquire those jets as they were a valuable asset and would have served admirably for those 20 years,today I don't there is much value as the Qatari Mirages are not only older,but also not as advanced as recently upgraded Mirages.
The main issue is the trade union based HAL unable to deliver anything and so IAF has turned out to be kabada air force , buying any kabada from anywhere at exorbitant prices. The Mirage avionics upgrade was most expensive and useless upgrade with non AESA radar and it cannot fire meteor missiles. Somebody is making huge money here. Let Pakistan buy them they they are gaurenteed to be bankrupt.
If almost 20 years back they were offering at 62 million per jet and now after 20 years, they want to 59.62 Million per jet, the Qataris are retarded !! And if India accepts anything more than 20 million per jet, for a jet having only 30% life we are even more retarded !! Even if for spares, makes absolutely no sense to pay that much per jet.
They are not retarded , they are crooks and they know they can bribe few rascals in MOD and sell this junk at huge profit.
Who will manufacture the additional Tejas MK1As? HAL??? it will be devine if it delivers the already ordered 83 within 10 yrs..
HAL would manufacture by rules of their union placing one rival each day so that they would make 2 planes every year.
Lol the same Mirage 2005's which were jammed by PAF AWACS in operation Swift Retort.
The 4th or 5th largest economy in the world having 2 nuclear powers as enemies in the border who are waiting for an opportunity to cross the border is going for 30 to 40 years old fighters. Not even God can save this country. Yesterday it was jaquar air frames today used Mirages. We are short of minimum 15 squadrons as of now and more to follow. What a shame. LCA2 no were in sight. Only boosting nothing on the ground.
is it not better to buy new Mig 35 fighters at equal or perhaps lesser price?
Mig 35 is an upgrade for the mig25, which was a beast of a plane. Super fast, and good payload capacity.

Mig 35 is also similar, very fast, good payload capacity. Russians are using them to launch the kinzhal aerobalistic missile. But they also require lot of fuel and it has 0 stealth. Any decent air superiority fighter will see it coming from hundreds of km away.

In short, we dont have a need for an aircraft like mig35
That is if you see them as an investment. If you see them as a tool, then they dont really lose much value over time.

A 10-20 year old car can still get you from A to B. It might have lower fuel efficiency, older tech etc. But it still does its job.

The thing is that, cars are not designed to last 30-40 years. Fighter jets are designed to last 40 years at minimum. Also, you can increase their life through proper maintenance.

A 30 year old mirage 2000 can still bomb any area you want, do dogfights etc. That capability is still very valuable. Air forcce wants that capability and it is willing to pay for it.
But has an air to air missile MICA which can be shot down by any Pakistani fighter. Criminal waste of money like the Mirage 2000 avionics upgrade. Some one is making huge money under the table. Do few terminations in HAL and generate an extra squadron of Tejas MK 1 A. The right price of these vintage fighters as they are flyable is total of 100 million for all 12.
But has an air to air missile MICA which can be shot down by any Pakistani fighter. Criminal waste of money like the Mirage 2000 avionics upgrade. Some one is making huge money under the table. Do few terminations in HAL and generate an extra squadron of Tejas MK 1 A. The right price of these vintage fighters as they are flyable is total of 100 million for all 12.
you are talking nonsense and conspiracy theories.

today, with so much demand for fighters, good luck buying 12 4th gen supersonic multirole fighters for 100million.
The 4th or 5th largest economy in the world having 2 nuclear powers as enemies in the border who are waiting for an opportunity to cross the border is going for 30 to 40 years old fighters. Not even God can save this country. Yesterday it was jaquar air frames today used Mirages. We are short of minimum 15 squadrons as of now and more to follow. What a shame. LCA2 no were in sight. Only boosting nothing on the ground.
We have nuclear weapons ourselves which is why they can’t attack India! Indigenous jet program are ongoing but delayed for various reasons.
Tech obsolescence is a major worry.
well, these aircraft are only meant to go and drop bombs. they are not meant to run interception and air superiority missions and take out enemy fighters. We have advanced aircrafts like rafale, Su30MKI and tejas for that. What we are lacking right now are numbers. These 12 fighters are a stopgap solution until tejas mk1a and 2 are available in large numbers
Lol the same Mirage 2005's which were jammed by PAF AWACS in operation Swift Retort.
No they didn’t jam those jets but only the Mig 21 jets which didn’t have any encrypted radios installed as they were going to be retired soon.
This is really sad and embarrassing. As pointed out by writers below. India wants to aquire these long-in-the-thooth aircraft. What idiot in the MoD/defence ministry ok'd this proposal (we need names). And did the defence minister agree to this proposal, if he did then he has taken leave of his senses and is clearly not fit to hold the position of defence minister.
What a load of rubbish! The Qatari people are nothing but blood drinkers!

If the mirage cost around $62 back then they are now asking us to pay around $60 for a jet that’s 20yrs old? The jet would cost less than $5 at most because the technology is older and the air frame lifespan has reduced to a significant amount. Also trying to upgrade the technology and equipment to make it compatible with our air force will cost more as well.

We need to increase/maintain the number of squadrons and this deal might achieve that until we start receiving the Tejas MK2 jets. We could also temporarily use them as an inferior version of our Mirage jets to reduce the purchase and upgrade costs as using them is still better than using a Mig 21.

But these negotiations will take the usual lengthy amount of time as each jet needs to be inspected in detail, test flown, inspect service and repair records etc. We should not hurry up or rush this deal though as we can still buy some from Greece and Taiwan who are retiring their jets and we can get a good deal from them.

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