Opinion Radical Islamist Rule in Bangladesh Resurface Expansionist Ambitions, India's Border States at Risk of Demographic Threat


Recent political developments in Bangladesh, including the ousting of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina and the rise of radical Islamist groups, have raised alarms over the country's long-held expansionist ambitions. The newly empowered groups have openly expressed their desire to establish a "Greater Bangladesh", encompassing parts of India's northeastern region.

Although Bangladesh currently lacks the military capacity to directly invade India, its population size – exceeding 171.2 million – significantly surpasses that of the entire northeastern region, creating a potential demographic threat. The proposed "Greater Bangladesh" would incorporate a significant portion of India, including West Bengal, Bihar, Odisha, Jharkhand, Sikkim, and all seven northeastern states.

This ambition is fueled by decades of infiltration from Bangladesh into India. The porous border and economic disparities have facilitated the influx of millions of Bangladeshis, many illegally. Past secular Indian policies inadvertently encouraged this migration.

Data from 1992, provided by then West Bengal Chief Minister Jyoti Basu, revealed that the Border Security Force (BSF) had expelled over 235,000 Bangladeshis between 1977 and 1992, the majority being Muslims seeking economic opportunities.

The issue transcends mere migration; it's about demographic shifts impacting India's border states. Illegal immigrants have found political and economic leverage, often aided by parties seeking to expand their vote base.

The combination of Islamist forces in Bangladesh and historical infiltration presents a serious challenge to India's internal security. While a 'Greater Bangladesh' may seem militarily implausible, it serves as a potent ideological tool for regional radicals. Bangladesh's population density and shared borders create fertile ground for demographic and cultural influence in Indian border states.

The northeastern states, already grappling with insurgencies, ethnic tensions, and underdevelopment, face additional pressures if Bangladesh's rhetoric gains momentum. States like Assam and Tripura have already witnessed significant demographic shifts and resulting tensions due to illegal immigration.

Moreover, Bangladesh's ambitions could have broader regional ramifications. West Bengal, Bihar, and Odisha are critical to India's economic and strategic security, with Kolkata serving as a major port and the northeast as a gateway to Southeast Asia. Any destabilization could have severe consequences.

While Bangladesh may lack the military means for physical expansion, the demographic pressure it can exert on India is real and alarming. The Islamist takeover and the revival of the 'Greater Bangladesh' idea should serve as a wake-up call for India. It's imperative to strengthen border security, curb illegal immigration, and engage diplomatically with Bangladesh to prevent these ambitions from escalating. Simultaneously, regional cooperation must be fortified to ensure radical ideologies do not destabilize South Asia's delicate balance.
Make fencing of the border as the death nail for bangladeshi intruders. Simple solution. Bangladesh is not a threat unless they are illegaly migrating to India. BSF needs to be more vigilant in border areas and immediate fencing of every square feet across the border is necessary.
Bangladesh has been take down by Jaamati, GOI must prepare for information and infiltration welfare with Bangladesh. They are converts, they can destroy themselves but they will never stop jihadi agenda. ISI and china will make Indo Bangladesh border as LOC LAC. It's time india start shia sunni different sect civil war in Bangladesh
It is time to create another mukti Bahini and this time formed by the oppressed Hindu people of Bangladesh. Sooner or later Bangladesh will plunge into complete chaos and a civil war will start. The Muslim fundamentalists will first target the minority Hindu population. Before that happens, the Hindu mukti bahini inside of Bangladesh must be ready with sufficient arm's and ammunition to protect the Hindu population from sure shot massacre. Also Indian Army numbering atleast a million soldiers must be ready to enter into Bangladesh from all sides to save the Hindu population from complete massacre at the hands of the Muslim fundamentalists.
We need to deal with them very strongly by hook or crook cannot show any mercy for anyone trying to enter India illegally now surveillance of border areas with Bangladesh with UAV like Heron 2 Drishti by fitting more high range Cameras & modernisation of BSF should be done on urgent basis
GOI must see Bangladesh as Pakistan and china and prepare to kill the wound before it becomes cancer. It else it will be too late.
How dare they dream of lands and resources of my country. Thats why bangladesh muslim expansion into the Bhaarath shall be stopped forever. Amend CAA. Identify B desh muslims all over Bhaath now and send them back from every part of our country. They are exponentially travelling accross every south , north , east and west part of our country as labours in construction work . Send back all muslim of bangladesh . They shall only be in their country. Intiate drive of govt . all over country through central -state govts to pick up b myslims and send the mback to thier land.
I dream of Bhaarath that conquering 2-3 states of Bangladesh securing NE bharath for People if Bhaarath and B desh Hindus in our neighbourhood. Hope my dream come true.
Their export business is at our mercy. We need to show them what we are capable of. They rely on us for cotton, electricity,refined petroleum. Jack the prices up and watch their export business implode. Make them fall on their knees and beg us. Maldives has learned it the hard way. They need to too.
We have created Bangladesh why should we worry of change in demography ! We should send Bihari, Bengali and Asamee muslims to Bangladesh and bring back all Hindus there as well as merge northern Bangladesh and Chattogram port areas into India !

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