Russia Revives Push to Sell Su-57 Fighter Jets to India As Country Pursues Domestic Program

Russia Revives Push to Sell Su-57 Fighter Jets to India As Country Pursues Domestic Program

Russia is making a renewed push to sell its Su-57 stealth fighter jet to India, even after the Indian Air Force (IAF) recently greenlit its own indigenous fighter program. According to reports, Russia is keen to showcase the Su-57 in India, but the motivations behind the move remain unclear.

This renewed interest from Russia comes years after India withdrew from the Fifth Generation Fighter Aircraft (FGFA) program, a collaborative effort to develop an Su-57 variant specifically designed for the IAF. The program ultimately failed due to disagreements over technology, cost, and developmental direction.

India's recent commitment to the Advanced Medium Combat Aircraft (AMCA), a domestically developed 5th-generation fighter, has emphasized the country's ambition for self-reliance in defense technology. This focus on indigenous production seems to complicate Russia's attempts to revive interest in the Su-57.

Previous endeavors to sell India on the single-engine Su-75 fighter jet were also unsuccessful, with the IAF reportedly showing limited interest. It remains open whether Russia's latest efforts will be sufficient to change India's stance on acquiring 5th-generation fighter jets.

Russia's motivations behind its renewed pursuit of the Su-57 program in India are uncertain. The IAF's apparent preference for domestically developed solutions leaves the future of a potential Su-57 deal in serious question.
Well the war is here AMCA is 15 yrs away,china is already pitching j20 Pak might get the same or KAN from turkey,war and enemies will not wait for our program.2 -3 squadrons might just do the trick for us and we might be able to posture tough against adversaries
or even J20 and FC-31 when we still think about. buying 4th gen $300Mln+ Rafale.
No Russian stealth planes or other fighters - let us do AMCA properly and quickly...In an emergency we could acquire F-35s, provided we agree to a lot of US Conditions (including on S-400s)...The only fighter stuff Russia can help with is potentially upgraded engines for Super Sukhoi Phase 2 (either ALF 41s and 51s).
We would have to loose S-400s and the close relationship with Russia for that, which is not happening. See what happened with Turkey. No fifth gen fighters for us.
Please tell me what is the current production rate of Rafale? Dassault CEO has said that they were making 1 jet per month last year, making 2 right now and will make 3 next year. And they can move to 4 if need be. So present facts instead of being a Francophobe.
I call b$ on that. Read this analysis:

Only 13 were produced in 2023, while the goal was 15. Fifteen!
The CEO said that production could be raised to four aircraft per month if more orders are placed. Bro has 261 orders already placed and wants more. You are insanely stupid to think it would work.
I call b$ on that. Read this analysis:

Only 13 were produced in 2023, while the goal was 15. Fifteen!
The CEO said that production could be raised to four aircraft per month if more orders are placed. Bro has 261 orders already placed and wants more. You are insanely stupid to think it would work.
13 against 15. That’s almost 90% efficiency. And it is a cavalry what I said. 1 per month. So you just proved my numbers are right and then are calling me insane. Bro has enough capability to make it happen and hasn’t missed any promises so far. Unlike our HAL which has 20-30% utilization or F16 which have 7 year waiting period officially.
Bro are you serious? Due to the massive demand for Rafales now, there will be increase in both cost and delevery time, as it can only create 20 jets per year. More demand, less supply, the basic reason for increases in cost.
That’s your assumption not a fact. Talk about facts.
114+24 Rafale-M’s in 3 years, you mean Dassault can make 3.8 Rafales/ month just for us besides making 300+ Rafales for other export customers and for their own use as well, this is realistically only possible if they 3D print the Rafale.
First plane in 3 years. We were talking about first planes. F21 isn’t available for 7 years. First plane.
Even Chinese j20/31/35 better 5th gen aircraft with ws engine then russian one .... ..
Don't underestimate the Russians they r far better than the Chinese . Aesthetics of Chinese weapons esp jets might be comparable to west but they can't copy the inside stuffs which requires experience and developments by themselves. Russians might also lag behind in electronic but if Russians are that bad they the west would have gone directly against Russia than use their proxy Ukrain after all it is the west's money and equipment vs Russia.
In that case no F21 is flying or will even fly unless Undia places an order. So F16 will come for trials. And it has failed.
in that case, only older variant F16 Block C/D failed not the latest Block 70/72.
First plane in 3 years. We were talking about first planes. F21 isn’t available for 7 years. First plane.
LM already has infra at Tata to make F21’s, so it will be available within a year if order is placed, but I don’t think GOI will make any decision regarding MRFA in the next 5 Years.
13 against 15. That’s almost 90% efficiency. And it is a cavalry what I said. 1 per month. So you just proved my numbers are right and then are calling me insane. Bro has enough capability to make it happen and hasn’t missed any promises so far. Unlike our HAL which has 20-30% utilization or F16 which have 7 year waiting period officially.
Bruh are you fr? Maintaining 90% efficiency by building 13 jets would be insanely impossible as the backlog is 261 jets, not 20-30. Bro does not have the capability to do it even in his dreams, unless they increase the production rate massively, for which the CEO wants even more orders, and the increase would be paltry 4 per month. Not sustainable for us.
And you think that they can deliver it in 36 months 💀💀
While Rafale has higher probability of winning if the MRFA is concluded, I think it would be better if we have F-15 EX. Politics aside, thanks to their ability to carry massive amounts of bombs and combining it with AWACS and other early detection systems, we would have one of the best deterrence factor in war. Add to the fact that US is building missiles for F-15 EX (AIM-260 JATM and LREW which boasts about more than 200+ km and atleast 400 km range respectively) which would surpass in range built by the Chinese PL-15 (200 km) and Meteor (200 km) and PL-17/PL-20 (Atleast 400 km). While Meteor is an answer to PL-15, they don't have any answer to PL17/PL-20. So F-15 EX would be a better jet.
LM already has infra at Tata to make F21’s, so it will be available within a year if order is placed, but I don’t think GOI will make any decision regarding MRFA in the next 5 Years.
Yeah, by the time they'll decide, they'll be either balls deep in war or the insanely inefficient DPSUs would be churning out 4-6 jets per year, making it highly unlikely.
Don't underestimate the Russians they r far better than the Chinese . Aesthetics of Chinese weapons esp jets might be comparable to west but they can't copy the inside stuffs which requires experience and developments by themselves. Russians might also lag behind in electronic but if Russians are that bad they the west would have gone directly against Russia than use their proxy Ukrain after all it is the west's money and equipment vs Russia.
Nukes make the difference between proxy and direct wars, not direct capabilities.
While Rafale has higher probability of winning if the MRFA is concluded, I think it would be better if we have F-15 EX. Thanks to their ability to carry massive amounts of bombs and combining it with AWACS and other early detection systems, we would have one of the best deterrence factor in war. Add to the fact that US is building missiles for F-15 EX (AIM-260 JATM and LREW which boasts about more than 200+ km and atleast 400 km range respectively) which would surpass in range built by the Chinese PL-15 (200 km) and Meteor (200 km) and PL-17/PL-20 (Atleast 400 km). While Meteor is an answer to PL-15, they don't have any answer to PL17/PL-20. So F-15 EX would be a better jet.
Problem is Super Sukhoi program, the main goal of this program is to thwart any attempt by IAF to decide on F15’s, though it’s a great fighter and having even two squadron's of them would be very helpful against China.

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